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16 | 07 | 2019

Reyes Ruiz, awarded by ISTUN as the best TFG in Sciences

TextoEnrique Cobos



09 | 07 | 2019

The University, third in Europe at teaching, according to Times Higher Education

TextoMaria Salanova

ImagenManuel Castells


01 | 07 | 2019

130 scientists from 26 countries participate in congress on "collective behavior" on the eve of San Fermín

TextoEnrique Cobos


28 | 06 | 2019

Nearly 2,000 productions from more than one hundred countries participate in the first edition of #LabMeCrazy!Science Film Festival, organized by the Science Museum.

TextoEnrique Cobos


24 | 06 | 2019

"Microbes in the Museum", a project of knowledge dissemination scientific that combines microbiology with the Science Museum of the University of Navarra.

TextoEnrique Cobos

ImagenScience Museum


24 | 06 | 2019

Three graduates of the University of Navarra awarded in the Energy Globe Award

TextoEnrique Cobos

ImagenProvided by TEC


20 | 06 | 2019

"The tomb of Christ is a monument that speaks to all Humanity and innovation only amplifies its voice."

TextoEnrique Cobos

ImagenManuel Castells


19 | 06 | 2019

The University, among the 250 best in the world

TextoIñigo Ruiz

ImagenManuel Castells


17 | 06 | 2019

180 scientists from all over the world take part in congress of historical mortars at the University of Navarra.

TextoEnrique Cobos


14 | 06 | 2019

"Landscape is rational, experiential, sensory, spiritual and aesthetic".

TextoEnrique Cobos


13 | 06 | 2019

145 students from Navarre participate in project MicroMundo

TextoEnrique Cobos

ImagenManuel Castells


11 | 06 | 2019

Two former students of the School Researchers identify a mechanism by which some liver tumors are resistant to immunotherapy

TextoEnrique Cobos




Enrique Cobos
C/ Irunlarrea, 1
31008 Pamplona - Spain
+34 948 425600 (806579)