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13 | 05 | 2019

A sample of engravings by Ramón y Cajal, a new clip of women in science and guided tours on the occasion of Museum Day.

TextoLaura Juampérez


09 | 05 | 2019

The University of Navarra launches summer camps on Chemistry and nature.

TextoLaura Juampérez

ImagenManuel Castells


26 | 04 | 2019

Identifying micromammals and censusing fish in the Sadar River, 2 of the 5 workshops of the Science Museum of the University of Navarra in the 2019 Biomarathon.

TextoLaura Juampérez

ImagenManuel Castells


25 | 04 | 2019

Beñat Berasategui Migueliz, from Ikastola San Fermín, issue 1 in the Navarrese Olympiad of Chemistry

TextoLaura Juampérez


15 | 04 | 2019

Pedro Soler, Imanol Miqueleiz and David González, winners of the first edition of the #100ciaen10 monologue contest.

TextoLaura Juampérez


04 | 04 | 2019

The University rewards its most entrepreneurial students at Innovation Day 2019.

TextoDavid Domenech

ImagenDavid Domenech


02 | 04 | 2019

Biomarkers Identified that Predict Atrial Fibrillation Risk

TextoMiriam Salcedo

ImagenManuel Castells


01 | 04 | 2019

"Is a healthy per diem expenses possible without dairy?" and nine other food myths, in talks "Science Museum Explains."

TextoLaura Juampérez


29 | 03 | 2019

25th anniversary of the death of the scientist who discovered the cause of Down's Syndrome

TextoLaura Juampérez

ImagenManuel Castells


29 | 03 | 2019

Complex networks and mathematics applied to the real world in the VI Albareda Lecture of the Chair TimacAgro-University of Navarre

TextoLaura Juampérez


25 | 03 | 2019

Lluís Montoliu and Rosa Menéndez to speak in Pamplona on rare diseases and the role of women in science

TextoLaura Juampérez


05 | 03 | 2019

"Dr Ana Patiño made it very clear to us: the first thing is the team and then the support when it comes to entrepreneurship in the biosanitary sector".

TextoLaura Juampérez

ImagenDavid Domenech



Enrique Cobos
C/ Irunlarrea, 1
31008 Pamplona - Spain
+34 948 425600 (806579)