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03 | 02 | 2014

First award for entrepreneurs of the Roque Bergareche Foundation

TextoLaura Latorre

ImagenProvided by ABC

03 | 02 | 2014

Asunción de la Iglesia: "Positive discrimination measures are necessary to make equality a reality".

ImagenManuel Castells

29 | 01 | 2014

University organizes a course on understanding disability

TextoLoreto Marquez

29 | 01 | 2014

87 professionals receive the Silver Medal of the University

TextoAlberto Bonilla

ImagenManuel Castells

21 | 01 | 2014

Body obsession taken to the extreme

TextoJuan Andrés Rubert

ImagenJuan Andrés Rubert

16 | 01 | 2014

María Novo bets on a XXI century characterized by the small, the close and the slow.

TextoChus Cantalapiedra

ImagenManuel Castells

15 | 01 | 2014

Food Microbiology at the University of Navarra renews its accreditation ENAC

TextoLaura Latorre

ImagenManuel Castells

14 | 01 | 2014

Twelve professionals participate in the II Expert Course on Geographic Information Systems

TextoLaura Latorre

ImagenUniversity of Navarra

09 | 01 | 2014

FORUN 2014: Slow down to go further

TextoChus Cantalapiedra

ImagenManuel Castells

08 | 01 | 2014

50 scholarships for international internships

TextoRosario Mancini

17 | 12 | 2013

A book gathers 3,770 popular uses of medicinal plants of Navarra

TextoLaura Latorre

ImagenManuel Castells

16 | 12 | 2013

Final stretch of the Christmas Campaign

TextoChus Cantalapiedra

ImagenManuel Castells



Enrique Cobos
C/ Irunlarrea, 1
31008 Pamplona - Spain
+34 948 425600 (806579)