08 | 03 | 2022
"Not recognizing online violence against women has a huge impact on equality."
TextoBerta Viteri
ImagenNatalia Rouzaut
07 | 03 | 2022
"Green bonds are effective for financing environmentally friendly energy infrastructures in countries at development ."
TextoCarlos Jimenez
ImagenJavier Larequi
03 | 03 | 2022
An international research on couple therapy is looking for volunteers in Mexico and Costa Rica who wish to improve their relationship.
TextoIsabel Solana
ImagenManuel Castells
01 | 03 | 2022
Institute for Culture and SocietyParticipation in activities at other centers and universities (February 2022)
TextoCarlos Jimenez
24 | 02 | 2022
University workshop reflects on energy poverty and its environmental impact
TextoJavier Larequi / Berta Viteri
ImagenManuel Castells
22 | 02 | 2022
The University will carry out research into mobile phone use, social interaction and digital well-being in young people with the support of the "la Caixa" Foundation
TextoIsabel Solana
ImagenManuel Castells
18 | 02 | 2022
International students will carry out internships in Navarre towns affected by depopulation in the framework of an Erasmus + project in which the ICS participates.
ImagenGovernment of Navarre
18 | 02 | 2022
A stay in Switzerland to understand the dying experience of patients with advanced disease
TextoCarlos Jimenez
ImagenManuel Castells
11 | 02 | 2022
Planning, decision-making and commitment to learning prevent substance use among adolescents
TextoGabriela Gaibor
ImagenManuel Castells
08 | 02 | 2022
The researcher of the ICS Álex Corona joins an international project on cities of Late Antiquity in the south of the Iberian Peninsula and North Africa.
ImagenManuel Castells