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21 | 03 | 2023

"Christianity has offered Western legal culture a framework that has allowed it to flourish."


15 | 03 | 2023

Life satisfaction, health, purpose, virtue and close relationships are key to fulfillment staff, according to a Harvard speaker .

ImagenManuel Castells


13 | 03 | 2023

"Psychotherapy improves when it includes spirituality, because spirituality offers a holistic view of people."

ImagenNatalia Rouzaut


10 | 03 | 2023

The ICS collaborates in a lecture series on challenges of the present, promoted by the laboratory Permanent Center for Social Innovation



07 | 03 | 2023

18 students from the ICS ThinkTech community visit the Mobile World Congress 2023



06 | 03 | 2023

Institute for Culture and SocietyParticipation in activities in other centers and universities (February 2023)


03 | 03 | 2023

A European project offers online resources to build the critical capacity of academic staff in the face of fake news about minorities and migrants.

ImagenManuel Castells


01 | 03 | 2023

University researchers visit Benin with WHO representatives to assess development palliative care in the country



24 | 02 | 2023

The winner of the Latin Grammy 2022 for best producer visit the University with a musical show to inspire values in young people.


17 | 02 | 2023

An expert bets for the training in virtues to be able to live well in a world worth living in

ImagenManuel Castells



Campus University s/n

31008 Pamplona, Spain

+34 948 425615
