Institute for Culture and SocietyParticipation in activities in other centers and universities (February 2023)
ICS researchers and internal collaborators participated online and in person in activities organized by institutions in Benin, Canada, the Czech Republic, France, Germany, Italy, Norway, Poland, Spain, the Vatican City, the United States, France, Italy and Norway.

06 | 03 | 2023
ATLANTES Global Observatory of Palliative Care
Carlos Centeno Cortés attended the general assembly of members of the Pontifical Academy for Life (Vatican City, 20-22/02/2023).
In addition, together with Vilma Tripodoro y Eduardo Garralda traveled to Benin where he participated in a workshop with the national office of the World Health well as with professional associations in the country. The goal was the implementation of a process of assessment and monitoring of the development palliative care. (Cotonou, Benin, 12-12/02/2023).
Vilma Tripodoro participated virtually in the first C20 India scientific meeting entitled 'Integrated Holistic Health: Mind, Body, and Environment' (India, 19/02/2023).
José Pereira attended the "Annual Palliative Care Conference" organized by the Northern Ontario School of Medicine (NOSM) at the University and Thunder Bay Palliative Care Association (Ontario, Canada, 02/03/2023). (Phoenix, United States, 02/18-22/2023).
Public discourse
Ruth Breeze gave the talk "Social innovation in shrinking villages. The KiNESIS experiencie" at the forum "Learning and Teaching Forum-Connecting people, spaces & realities" organized by the European University Association (EUA) and the University of Deusto (Bilbao, Spain 02-03/02/2023).
Eleonora Esposito attended the Mobile World Conference Barcelona as a member of the roundtable "Digital Future Society" to talk about cyber-violence in the metaverse (Barcelona, Spain, 02/27/2023).
Sarali Gintsburg participated in a multinational meeting on the Erasmus+ project Committed organized by the University of Hamburg (Hamburg, Germany, 09-10/02/2023).
He also gave the session "Les trois urzujas par Ahmad Ibn Mâdjid, le lion des mers (manuscrit B-992, St. Pétersbourg, dated between 1514 and 1534)" at the workshop 'Savoirs versifiés dans le monde arabe', organized by the University Aix-Marseille (Marseille, France, 21/02/2023).
Education of Affectivity and Human Sexuality
Martiño Rodríguez González attended the national conference of the Vidal i Barraquer Foundation for the research and the development of family therapy. She spoke on "Emotion-focused couple therapy". (Barcelona, Spain, 10-11/02/2023).
He also taught a module on family therapy techniques at the Francisco de Vitoria University (Madrid, Spain, 23/02/2023).
Carlos Beltramo Álvarez has completed a four-month research stay at Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University (Warsaw, Poland, 16/11/2022-16/02/2023).
Youth in transition
Javier García Manglano y Charo Sádaba were invited to the presentation of the Talent Tour of the Princess of Girona Foundation. There they participated in the session 'How to navigate(us) through the technological era' where they gave the talks "How technology is transforming our minds" and "Protect yourself from the noise of social networks" respectively (Zaragoza, Spain, 22/02/2023).
They also attended the World Mobile Congress together with group of Think TECH students (Barcelona, Spain, 27-30/02/2023).
Fran Güell Pelayo participated in the roundtable "Giving voice to citizens towards improving: Assisted Reproduction Technology for society" organized by Universidad Carlos III (Madrid, Spain, 16/02/2023).
Ursula Paiva offered the discussion paper 'La amistad en la infancia desde una perspectiva psicológica' at the launch of the new Lego collection (Madrid, Spain 02/18/2023)
Navarra Center for International Development (NCID)
Ignacio Campomanes presented his project 'Paths to Prosperity: Interactions between Rule of Law, Economic and Political Freedom'. during the Freedom and Prosperity Research Conference organized by the Atlantic Council (Washington, USA, 02/02/2023).
Markus Kinateder gave a talk on "Prices and mergers in a general model of multi-sided markets" at the 2023 Eastern Economic Association Annual Meetings (New York, USA, 02/15/2023).
He also gave this talk at the University of Economics Prague (Prague, Czech Republic, 16/02/2023).
Links, creativity and culture
Julia Pavón conducted a fieldwork work in the Vatican archives to document for his research (Vatican City, 26/02-04/03/2023).
Ana Marta González attended the workshop "The Fraternal Economy of Integral and Sustainable Development" organized by The Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences where he delivered the session "Work as a human vector of sustainable development" (Vatican City, 02-03/02/2023).
Anna Dulska carried out an Erasmus+ stay at The Artic University of Norway (Tromso, Norway, 05-11/02/2023).
Albert Recasens participated in the meeting Cultural Heritage from the Perspective of Innovation Systems organized by the committee Superior Institute for Scientific Research (CSIC) and the Menéndez Pelayo International University. There, he was a member of the roundtable "Interactions to innovate among Cultural Heritage actors: elements that favor and hinder them" and presented an example of JTI in Cultural Heritage: "The research and dissemination of the work of Carlos Patiño in the collection Música Poética del CSIC". (Cuenca, Spain, 27-28/02/2023).
Carlos Veci has carried out a month-long research stay in various archives located in the Holy See and in the city of Rome, studying the documentation of the pontificate of Pius XII and the political participation of Italian Catholics in the post-war period (Rome, Italy, 1-28/02/2023).