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07 | 12 | 2015

The University launches Master's Degree at research in Social Sciences

TextoIsabel Solana

ImagenManuel Castells

04 | 12 | 2015

Service-Learning: Ilundain Foundation visit the University

TextoSofía Repáraz, Marta Blanco and Nagore Gil

27 | 11 | 2015

Pedro Uruñuela: "Learning to live together is the fundamental and the great learning challenge of the system educational"

TextoNagore Gil

ImagenAdolfo Suarez

23 | 11 | 2015

Aitziber Mugarra: "The potential of Service-Learning lies in its transformative capacity".

TextoBlanca Rodriguez and Nagore Gil


17 | 11 | 2015

Take contact with your future

TextoNagore Gil

09 | 11 | 2015

meeting of international students at School of Education and Psychology

TextoNagore Gil

ImagenPaula Bayo

05 | 11 | 2015

I congress International Hospital Pedagogy in Peru

TextoNagore Gil




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