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"The diversity of learning disabilities is a challenge for schools."

The partnership between doctors, educators and families to help students with ADHD, intellectual disabilities, language disorders, etc., the subject of a summer course.

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16/06/16 11:34 Nagore Gil

The University of Navarra holds the summer course "When all financial aid is little", in which different experts address how to improve the transition to secondary school and pre-employment training for students with learning disorders. Specifically, those students with attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder, intellectual disability, autism spectrum disorders, specific language disorders, dyslexia or epileptic seizures, which condition their process of teaching.

According to the director of the course, Olga Lizasoain, professor of the School of Education and Psychology, "the diversity of learning disorders is a challenge for schools"; that is why "today's teachers need a solid training on attention to diversity to educate their students". The difficulty in coordinating medical and educational services and the expectations of the subject and his family, together with the variety of offers between autonomous communities, "raise the need to establish strategies to facilitate this transition," says the expert.

The course is proposed with the goal to advance in the interdisciplinary partnership between medical professionals and Education and in the coordination between health environment, family and school. "We want to discuss the positive aspects and the main difficulties of the options offered by our system educational for students with development disorders and learning difficulties", emphasizes the professor of Hospital Pedagogy.

Counselors from different educational centers, health professionals and experts in subject will discuss topics ranging from the phases that families go through after diagnosis, their main fears and concerns, the relationship between medical context, school and family, the guidelines to be taken into account by the academic staff for a successful schooling or the options of the educational system for students with specific needs. 



