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Manuel Martín: "We are all in the same boat, there is no other option than dialogue and consensus".

The president of the committee Escolar de Navarra has urged the unity of the educational community in the summer course "Learning Scenarios: dialogue between architecture and Education".

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The president of the committee Escolar de Navarra, Manuel Martín, together with Professor Sonia Lara at the Museum of the University of Navarra. PHOTO: Manuel Castells
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Gregorio Casado, coordinator of innovation and training at the Padre Piquer center. PHOTO: Courtesy
03/09/20 19:46 Esperanza Rodés

The president of the Schoolcommittee of Navarra, Manuel Martin has assured that the status caused by the pandemic is a "crucial moment" and has urged the unity of the educational community: "I think we are all in the same boat, there is no other way than dialogue and consensus, courage and forward".

Manuel Martín has participated in the conclusions of a roundtable in the summer course "Escenarios de Aprendizaje: diálogo entre la arquitectura y la Education" organized by the University of Navarra.

In the colloquium have participated the director of the high school Irabia-Izaga, Mikel Elia; the former director of the Ikastola San Fermín, Pilar Vicente and the director of the center of Education special Isterria, Gemma Botín.

Martín pointed out that all the schools that have taken part have a common root: the commitment to "leadership", and to a "consolidated project that involves the entire educational community". Because "if there is involvement, goals can be achieved".

"The crisis has highlighted the need to rethink the role of the teacher."

"Due to the crisis, we teachers have had to accelerate everything related to learning digital tools to be able to teach class and this has highlighted the need to rethink what is essential in our work: transmitting curricular content, attending to students in a more personalized way, what to prioritize?". So says Gregorio Casado, coordinator of innovation and training of the Center of training Concertado Padre Piquer (Madrid), a center of reference letter as far as educational inclusion is concerned.

Casado, who participated as speaker in this summer course, affirms that teachers have seen the importance of working on student autonomy from the first courses, "it is a fundamental and essential content that we should incorporate as learning".

In addition, he states that each educational stage faces different challenges, but that, in Secondary Education, "the deficiencies of the system have become more evident", and he hopes that the crisis will serve to "rethink the model educational and rethink the role of teachers, as a great opportunity to move forward and turn the system around".

The teacher, who teaches teaching at the secondary school level, explains that one of the biggest problems during the crisis has been to attend to those students who are in vulnerable situations and in very disadvantaged contexts, making "visible the imbalance in accessing the same Education with equal opportunities".

Likewise, Casado points out that thanks to digital resources, such as collaborative tools, they have been able to adapt those methodologies that promote skills such as work in teams and communication "It is never the same and this social part is essential but it has to be like this".

Summer course organized by the University of Navarra

The summer course "Espacios de Aprendizaje: diálogo entre la arquitectura y la Education", from modality online, was held on September 1,2 and 3, and was coordinated by Professor Sonia Rivas, from School of Education and Psychology, and Professor Héctor García-Diego, from the University of Navarra. School of Architecture of the University of Navarra.

The course, in which nearly 30 experts from both disciplines participated, was financed by the Government of Navarra and the Francisco Giner Foundation. It has also counted with the partnership of the association EUNATE, of families with hearing impairment of Navarra. 



