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23 | 12 | 2014

Implica-T already knows its four finalists

TextoAlberto Bonilla

ImagenManuel Castells

23 | 12 | 2014

Education and Psychology submission their Extraordinary Awards.

TextoAlberto Bonilla

ImagenManuel Castells

15 | 12 | 2014

Education and Psychology will present their Extraordinary Awards this Friday

TextoAlberto Bonilla


04 | 12 | 2014

Ángel Sobrino, in the lecture of Deans of Psychology of Spanish Universities (CDPUE)

TextoAlberto Bonilla

ImagenManuel Castells


04 | 12 | 2014

Concepción Naval and Rosario Reparaz participate in a study by committee Escolar del Estado.

TextoAlberto Bonilla

ImagenManuel Castells

21 | 11 | 2014

Paul Nguewa: "Like Ebola, I think there are more pathologies that could be addressed in record time".

TextoAlberto Bonilla


06 | 11 | 2014

"Concepts such as textbook, course or level will disappear before long."

TextoAlberto Bonilla

ImagenManuel Castells



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