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16 | 01 | 2014

María Novo bets on a XXI century characterized by the small, the close and the slow.

TextoChus Cantalapiedra

ImagenManuel Castells

08 | 01 | 2014

50 scholarships for international internships

TextoRosario Mancini

18 | 12 | 2013

Appointment of the board Board of Directors of the new School of Education and Psychology

16 | 12 | 2013

Final stretch of the Christmas Campaign

TextoChus Cantalapiedra

ImagenManuel Castells

16 | 12 | 2013

Traditional Christmas Concert

TextoChus Cantalapiedra

ImagenManuel Castells

12 | 12 | 2013

Pope Francis is the second most followed world leader on Twitter after Barack Obama

TextoMaria Salanova

10 | 12 | 2013

The University of Navarra Museum presents itself to society

TextoElisa Montserrat

ImagenManuel Castells



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