Specialisation course in Navarre Law
The specialist program in Navarre Law is a place for sharing and transmitting knowledge and experiences on the application of Navarre law, between professionals in the sector and university students.
The goal of this course is not a systematic treatment of Navarrese law, but rather, each year, it will deal with current issues, through the analysis of controversial issues, with the support of real cases, case law and, above all, the experience of the speakers. The sessions will focus on the practical aspect and the exchange of knowledge and opinions. The dynamism of this course will be reflected on the website, where current issues will be presented, and Materials of work and explanatory videos will be available.
visit At the end of the course there will be a guided visit to places or institutions of interest related to the origin, conservation and development of Navarrese law.
The course is aimed at students of the University of Navarra, law professionals and anyone interested in the law of Navarra.
Previous editions
The creation of MICAP. Speakers: Mr. Ángel Ruiz de Erenchun, Ms. Mercedes Galán and Ms. Elisa Viscarret.
Yesterday and today of the Amejoramiento del regional law. Speakers: José Antonio Rázquin Lizarraga.
The Chamber of Accounts of Navarre: the institution of control of the public financial management of the Autonomous Community of Navarre. Speakers: Luis Ordoki Urdazi.
Cuestiones de Actualidad en el Derecho Tributario Navarro. speaker: Eugenio Simón Acosta and Francisco Javier Garde Garde.
Present and future of the law of filiation in Navarre. Speakers: Roncesvalles Barber and Javier Nanclares.
visit guided: The visit guided tour of the Library Services-file of Pamplona Cathedral was led by the librarian-archivist of the Cathedral, Mr. Alfredo López Vallejos. Visits were made to the Cathedral Museum, the Library Services, and the Cathedral's file .
Cortes and Parliament of Navarre: history and current affairs of an institution. Speakers: Luis Javier Fortún and Asunción de la Iglesia.
The skill of Navarre in subject of banks and savings banks. The new law of procedure Common Administrative Law for Public Administrations. Speakers: María Amparo Salvador and José Contreras López.
Fundamentals of the agreement Economic. Fiscal Pressure: reality and comparison. Speakers: Mr. Eugenio Simón Acosta and Mr. Javier Sáenz de Olazagoitia.
Current affairs in certain areas of Navarrese property law. Speakers: Ms. Mª Ángeles Egusquiza and Mr. Xabier Basozábal.
visit guided tour: The Director of file Municipal de Pamplona, Ms. Ana Hueso, gave the participants a guided tour of visit to file Municipal.
The relevance of History for the study and knowledge of Navarre Law. Speakers: Mr. Félix Segura Urra and Ms. Mercedes Galán.
The economic agreement . speaker: D. Eugenio Simón Acosta.
Transparency and open government in Navarre. Speakers: Mr. José Contreras and Mr. Juan Carlos Lázaro López.
Study of some particularities in testate and intestate succession in Navarre. Speakers: Felipe Pou Ampuero and Javier Nanclares Valle.
visit to Estella. Visits were made to the Royal Palace (one of the few remaining buildings of Romanesque civil architecture); the church of San Pedro de la Rúa; the Rúa de los Francos (Camino de Santiago); the Museum of Carlism; the church of San Miguel; and the place de los Fueros.