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submission of the Extraordinary Awards at the end of degree program on the occasion of the Day of the patron saint of the School of Law.

The School de Derecho promotes a series of awards with the aim of encouraging excellence among students and graduates. goal . Some are aimed at School students, such as the Extraordinary Awards for doctorate and the End of Degree Awards degree program. The award Sancho Rebullida is open to the legal community in general.

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award Sancho Rebullida

The award was created in 1998 and is one of the most outstanding legal awards to the research . It is named after D. Francisco de Asís Sancho Rebullida, in report of one of the most prestigious national civil lawyers, who was Full Professor of Civil Law at the University of Navarra.

thesis Since its first edition, award has become a point of reference for those defending their doctoral theses at area of Civil Law in Spanish universities. Since then, dozens of people participate every year with their work of doctoral dissertation in the award.

The award has been awarded by important authorities in the legal world at the Fiesta del patron saint of the School de Derecho.

The call for the XXIII edition of the award Sancho Rebullida is open.

Applications will be accepted until July 31, 2024.

XXI edition (2020 call)

  • Clara Gago Simarro (University of Oviedo). "Donations in hereditary succession (calculation, imputation and collation)". Director: Dr. Camino Sanciñena Asurmendi.

XX edition (call 2018)

  • D. Carlos María Díaz Teijeiro (University of A Coruña). "The Legitimacy System in Galicia". DirectorDr. Miguel Ángel Pérez Álvarez.

XIX edition (2017 call)

  • D. Ignacio Fernández Chacón (University of Oviedo). "Buying and selling and transfer of property". Directors: Dr. Camino Sanciñena Asurmendi and Dr. Julio Carbajo González.

XVIII edition (2016 call)

  • María Natalia Mato Pacín (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid). "Abusive clauses and adherent employer". Directors: Dr. Jorge Caffarena Laporta and Dr. Mª José Santos Morón.

XVII edition (call for applications 2014)

  • Juan Pablo Murga Fernández (University of Bologna). "Profili civilistici della vendita giudiziale di beni immobili in Italia e in Spagna". DirectorDr. Luigi Balestra.

XVI edition (2013 call)

  • Ms. Gemma María Minero Alejandre (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid). "La protección jurídica de las instructions de data en el ordenamiento europeo". DirectorDr. Rodrigo Bercovitz Rodríguez-Cano.

15th edition (2012 call for applications)

  • D. Alfredo Ferrante (University of Oviedo). "The determination and reduction of the purchase price". Directors Dr. Ramón Durán Rivacoba and Dr. Mª Isabel Huerta Viesca.

XIV edition (2011 call)

  • Desert

XIII edition (2010 call for applications)

  • D. Carles Vendrell Cervantes (University of Barcelona). "Fundamental rights of the incorporeal personality and the market of image rights". DirectorProf. Dr. Ramón Casas Vallés.

XII edition (call 2009)

  • D. Iñigo de la Maza Gazmuri (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid). "Los límites del deber precontractual de información". DirectorProf. Dr. Antonio Manuel Morales Moreno.

11th edition (2008 call for applications)

  • Desert

X edition (2007 call)

  • Beatriz Sáenz de Jubera Higuero (University of La Rioja). "Relación entre el credit y la hipoteca: alcance del principio de accesoriedad". DirectorProf. Dr. Pedro Valentín de Pablo Contreras.

IX edition (call 2006)

  • D. Albert Ruda González (University of Girona). "Pure ecological damage. Civil liability for the deterioration of the environment". DirectorProf. Dr. Miquel Martín Casals.

VIII edition (2005 call)

  • D. Carlos Gómez Ligüerre (Pompeu Fabra University). "Solidarity and liability. Joint liability in Spanish Tort Law". DirectorProf. Dr. Pablo Salvador Coderch.

VII edition (2004 call)

  • Ms. Mª Carmen Crespo Mora (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid). "La relación obligatoria abogado-cliente. Especial accredited specialization a su responsabilidad civil". Directors: Dr. José Mª Miquel González and Dr. Esther Gómez Calle.

6th edition (2003 call for applications)

  • Juan Pablo Aparicio Vaquero (University of Salamanca). "Non-personalised licences for the use of computer programs". Director: Dr. Mª Jesús Moro Almaraz.

5th edition (2002 call for proposals)

  • Silvia Tamayo Haya (University of Cantabria). "El contrato de transacción: presupuestos y efectos". DirectorDr. Francisco Javier Orduña Moreno.

4th edition (2001 call for proposals)

  • Ms. Nieves Martínez Rodríguez (University of Salamanca). "La obligación legal de alimentos entre parientes". DirectorDr. Eugenio Llamas Pombo.

3rd edition (2000 call for applications)

  • D. Gorka Horacio Galicia Aizpurua (University of the Basque Country). "Legitimacy and truncation: forced succession in the Law of Bizkaia". DirectorDr. Jacinto Gil Rodríguez.

2nd edition (1999 call for applications)

  • D. Manuel Jesús Marín López (University of Castilla-La Mancha). "Contractual link between sale and purchase and loan. Los artículos 14 y 15 de la Ley de credit al Consumo". DirectorDr. Ángel Carrasco Perera.

I edition (1998 call for applications)

  • D. Rafael Sánchez Aristi (Autonomous University of Madrid). "La propiedad intelectual sobre las obras musicales". DirectorDr. Rodrigo Bercovitz Rodríguez-Cano.


Extraordinary Awards

The Extraordinary Prizes recognise excellence in the completion of the programs of study of Degree and in the doctoral dissertation; they are usually awarded on the occasion of the celebration of patron saint of Law, San Raimundo de Peñafort, in an academic event to which an outstanding personality from the world of Law is invited. 

The award Extraordinary End of degree program is awarded to student who finishes the degree program with a better academic transcript .

The award Extraordinary doctorate is awarded to the best doctoral dissertation defended during a academic year at School. The panel that decides the award is made up of 5 PhD Professors appointed by the Dean of the School.


award classroom of Parliamentary Law

The classroom de Derecho Parlamentario, created in 2002 by a agreement between the University of Navarra and the Parliament of Navarra, has set up a award which aims to promote among the students of the University's School Law School at research in the field of Parliamentary Law.