
Texts, articles and reviews with label: 'random'.

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Towards a description of complexity (physics)Video and presentation

summaryThe concept of physical complexity is elusive. Some formalizations have been achieved, which are only valid for some specific cases of complexity. Several phenomena and the common notes that allow them to be classified as physically complex are presented.
Author: Diego Maza

TextLesson 2021: How does God act in casual events? Video

summaryThere are fortuitous events apparently irreconcilable with a creative plan. In order to clarify the problem, the notion of chance is presented, the ideas of Thomas Aquinas and some current authors are presented and it is concluded how divine intentionality and providence are compatible with chance natural laws .
Author: Juan José Sanguineti

VideoThe discussion of the argument of the design 

summaryOrder in classical philosophy sample the existence of an ordering intelligence. Modern materialism makes order and purpose disappear from the explanation of nature, in evolution with Darwin. The movement of the intelligent design tries to recover these dimensions.
Author: Felipe Aizpún

VideoOrigins of man 

summarySummarises the book Origins of Man. It starts from the biological understanding of the human being, to look for the origin of culture and other peculiarities: affectivity, conscience and freedom. The naturalistic vision of man is not able to explain the origin of these facets.
Author: Francisco Rodríguez Valls

Lesson 2011: The Galileo Affair. What theology could learn from scientists

summaryReflections on revelation in the light of scientific knowledge: interpretation of biblical texts, God's action in evolution, ways of looking at our place in the world, accounts of creation, and reflections on chance and providence.
Author: Prof. William Shea

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Is statistical demonstration scientific?

summary research scientific, among many other things, is deductive and inductive. Deduction is used in all disciplines. Its demonstrations, irrefutable, often end with a q.e.d. On the other hand, in the so-called experimental sciences, induction is increasingly essential. Modern statistics has come to give mathematical consistency...
Author: Jesús López Fidalgo

PresentationCan science offer an ultimate explanation of reality? 

summaryNonlinear dynamics and the uncertainty principle show an indeterminate world. Gödel and Chaitin show that mathematical chance is not provable. It is concluded that finality, randomness and design in nature are outside the scientific method.
Author: Fernando Sols

Video and presentationChance and levels of observation in evolution 

summaryThe theory of evolution currently posits the origin of new forms of life as result of chance and natural selection. In science, each phenomenon requires an appropriate method of study, and there may be different levels of observation involving different methods of study. In evolution, admitting chance at one level of explanation does not imply that other levels of...
Author: Antonio Pardo

Chaos, complexity and self-organisation

summaryIn this seminar Professor Mancini has made an introduction to the scientific meaning and scope of concepts such as: "chance", "order" and "chaos", used by contemporary science to describe certain behaviors that appear in the so-called "complex systems". From these concepts derive others such as: self-organization,...
Author: Héctor L. Mancini

Science and faith: new perspectives

summaryArticle that exposes the bridges that can be established between science and faith; basically, the rationality of nature, the appearance of a global scientific cosmovision, the unfolding of the natural dynamism of beings, the self-organisation of subject and the natural teleology that underlies it, and the singularity of man who elaborates science within nature.
Author: Mariano Artigas

Evolutionary contingency and the purpose of the cosmos

summaryThis essay examines the standard understanding of biological evolution - causation plus selection - with its denial of the teleology of the evolutionary process, together with the problems of reconciling it with the divine governance of the world, and the alternative of admitting teleological processes that show the divine provident plan embedded in nature.
Author: Ernan McMullin

Creazione divina e creatività della natura. God and the evolution of the cosmo

summaryA new cosmovision, natural creativity and divine action, evolution and self-organisation, teleological arguments, the contingency of the natural order, contingency and divine plan, nature and the human person.
Author: Mariano Artigas

From conventional hypothesis testing in science to the evolutionary hypothesis 

summaryTheoretically, chance could explain everything, but with statistics, chance as a cause is rejected when the probability is very high. In theory, chance could explain everything, but with statistics, chance is rejected as a cause when the probability is very high leave. In evolutionary biology this criterion is hardly applied.
Author: Miguel Ángel Martínez

God and science. Jean Guitton in dialogue with scientists

summaryIn a recent book that has already been published on Spanish, Jean Guitton, of the French Academy, argues that the achievements of current science lead towards God. Professor Mariano Artigas analyses Guitton's suggestions, which are based on ideas widely discussed by scientists and philosophers today.
Author: Mariano Artigas

God and modern cosmologies

summary: Overview of contemporary cosmologies in various authors: Caroll, Collins, Craig, Dembski, Hellen, Peters, Polkinghorne, Stoeger, Swinburne, Worthing.
Author: Enrique Moros

TextEvolutionism. State of play 

summary summary of Darwinism from Darwin's theses to the present day. Criticism of Darwinist approaches, on questions of method and from the scientific point of view. Proposal of an alternative way.
Author: Antonio Pardo

The Origin of Life and the Evolution of Species: Science and Interpretations 

summaryThe scientific study of the beginnings of the world has in recent historical times raised the biological questions of the origin of life and the evolution of species (understood as the passage from one species to another by generation). In addition to the purely scientific problems they raise (such as the difficulty of establishing solid hypotheses), they also raise the question of...
Author: Antonio Pardo


summaryThe concept of finality, finalistic dimensions of nature, existence and scope of natural finality, natural finality in the current worldview, teleology and transcendence, nature and providence, the intelligibility of nature, bibliography.
Author: Mariano Artigas

Finding Design in Nature

summaryCardinal Schönborn's attack on Darwinism by opposing God's providence to the concept of chance in evolution.
Author: Christoph Schönborn

God and Evolution

summaryArticle on the compatibility between evolution and belief in God, with references to the 'Schömborg affair' and the Magisterium of the Church.
Author: Cardinal Avery Dulles

God, Chance and Purpose. Can God Have It Both Ways?

summaryA study on the role of chance in reality, its compatibility with natural laws and with God.
Author: Javier Sánchez Cañizares

Table of contents of the book 'Science, Reason and Faith'.

summaryComplete index of Mariano Artigas' book 'Ciencia, Razón y Fe'. Pamplona: Eunsa, 2004.
Author: Mariano Artigas

Cologne Cathedral and the evolution of species

summaryChance and the origin of novelties in Darwin in comparison with the bombing of the Cologne Cathedral.
Author: Juan Luis Lorda

Download PDFEvolution, between science, reason and faith 

Author: Juan Luis Lorda

The faith of the wise: scientific activity and religious belief

summaryA study of scientists' views on God and religion, with an analysis of the view that radically separates the two spheres, and which concludes the mutual influence between the two, as well as the inescapability of a 'belief in science' also among the most disbelieving scientists, which ends up giving historically regrettable results.
Author: Juan Arana

The laws of nature and the immanence of God in the evolving universe

summaryIn this article, after critically studying some new models of God's intervention in nature at the microcosmic level, I attempt to defend the thesis that God's immanence in nature is expressed in cosmic order and evolutionary novelty. Among many physical forms of manifestation of divine immanence, we should note in particular...
Author: Msgr. Józef Zycinski

The mind of God

summaryThe central question Davies asks is whether our existence is a mere accident, a chance result of cosmic processes, or whether we should rather think of it as responding to some purpose. His answer is that self-consciousness cannot be a trivial detail, a minor by-product of purposeless forces: our existence responds to some subject plan.
Author: Mariano Artigas

The third leg of evolution and the example of the car 

Author: Juan Luis Lorda

A lot of science gives back to God

summaryDescription of the elegance of the physical explanation of the universe, at the microscopic and macroscopic level, with its aspects of solidity and indeterminacy at different levels, and explanation of the internal and external limits of science....
Author: Fernando Sols

New advances in molecular biology: smart genes

summaryReflection, with regard to the intelligent genes in charge of development, of the need for a programmer of their behaviour.
Author: Mariano Artigas

On Attempts to Salvage Paley's Argument from Design

summaryMy intention in this paper is to investigate some of the arguments for and against Paley, paying special attention to arguments proffered by those who claim to be basically in agreement with him, but whom I think are unsuccessful in their efforts to resuscitate him. I do not intend to do a thorough textual analysis of Paley, but a more general analysis of his key arguments...
Author: Marie I. George (St. John's University, Jamaica, New York). 

Origin of man

summaryA work in which, after three technical chapters by Daniel Turbón, Mariano Artigas explains the issues in relation to faith and religion.
Author: Mariano Artigas and Daniel Turbón 

The Design of Evolution

summaryArticle on the diverse meaning of the term random, the intervention of cardinal Schönborn in The New York Times, catholic faith and evolution, in the context of the intelligent design movement.
Author: Stephen M. Barr 

The Designs of Science

summary: Article of Cardinal Schönborn in response to comentary of Barr about the article of New York Times, about The Design of Evolution.
Author: Christoph Cardinal Schönborn

Video and presentationIs statistical demonstration scientific? 

summary research scientific, among many other things, is deductive and inductive. Deduction is used in all disciplines. Its demonstrations, irrefutable, often end with a q.e.d. On the other hand, in the so-called experimental sciences, induction is increasingly essential. Modern statistics has come to give mathematical consistency...
Author: Jesús López Fidalgo