
Texts, articles and reviews with label: 'origin of man'.

Tit_Incorporaciones recientes


Txt_Incorporaciones recientes-materia origen del hombre

video and presentationScientific versus revealed data

summaryThe advance of science seems to make the religious cosmogony of Genesis on the origin of man unnecessary, but it produced the greatest leap of knowledge of History and it is still current. Points are raised core topic on what the Church says today about the origin of man.
Author: Pablo Edo

Frontiers between physics, metaphysics and theology

summary: The advance of science narrows the field of faith explanations. Although the boundaries between scientific and faith explanations yield to science, new questions can be seen behind the latest scientific explanations, which can only be answered from metaphysics or from faith.
Author: Grzegorz P. Karwasz.

VideoOrigins of man 

summary: Summarises the book Origins of Man. It starts from the biological understanding of the human being, to look for the origin of culture and other peculiarities: affectivity, conscience and freedom. The naturalistic vision of man is not able to explain the origin of these facets.
Author: Francisco Rodríguez Valls

Video and presentation

The man before the man 

summary: Describes the scientific discoveries that show that early humans (Homo habilis) emerged from bipedal ancestors 4 million years ago and are identifiable in the fossil record as early as 2 million years ago.
Author: Daniel Turbón

Human genetic diversity 100,000 years ago Video and presentation

summary: Human palaeogenetic studies based on mitochondrial DNA are described, as well as studies of Neanderthals, with special emphasis on the study of Denisovans and their relationships with other branches of the human lineage.
Author: Daniel Turbón

Tit_Otros documentos


Txt_Otros documentos-materia-origen del hombre

Recent developments in evolution and their implications for faith and theology

summaryCurrent state of evolutionary theories: The origin of the universe, the origin of life, the origin of species, the origin of man, the evolutionary worldview. Philosophical-theological reflections: Divine action in the world, human uniqueness. The first part briefly comments on the current state of evolutionary theories, and the second part examines the relationship between these theories and Christianity.
Author: Mariano Artigas

The discussion on the status of homo floresiensis

summary: Account of the finding of the Man of Flores, the vicissitudes of his remains and the various scientific opinions on his summary of the various scientific opinions on its significance.
Author: Carlos A. Marmelada

Presentation and video

The man before the man 

summaryThe scientific findings are described which show that early humans (Homo habilis) emerged from bipedal ancestors 4 million years ago and are identifiable in the fossil record as early as 2 million years ago.
Author: Daniel Turbón

The origin of man. Current state of paleoanthropological research.   

summaryI.INTRODUCTION. II.PRELIMINARY QUESTIONS. 1. The fossil record. 2. The dating of fossils. 3. The biological notion of species. 4. The status of man within the animal kingdom. III.FOSSILS OF UPPER PRIMATE NON-HOMANIDS. 1. Family Hylobatidae. 2. Family Pongidae. 3. Ramapithecus. IV. FOSSILIES OF HOMINIDS. 1. Most important findings. 2. Australopithecus. 3. The genus Horno. a) Horno habilis. b) Horno erectus. c) Horno sapiens. 4. The problem of identification and ascription of hominid fossils. 5. Main hypotheses about the phylogeny of hominids. V. MAN. 1. The oldest cultural traces: more than two million years old. 2. 2. Human colonisation. 3. Polyphyletism and monophyletism: monogenism. 4. Hominisation and humanisation: a hypothesis.
Author: Rafael Jordana

Emergence and reduction in morphogenetic theories

summaryThe origin of the universe and of man are the limit cases of the evolutionary worldview, whose main task consists in the formulation of morphogenetic theories explaining how new levels emerge from more basic ones. In this context, the problems of emergence and reduction occupy a central place. The following reflections first allude to the difficulties of classical analyses of reductionism and suggest that the problem of reduction finds its proper place within the analysis of relations between levels. These considerations are applied, secondly, to the examination of certain morphogenetic theories. And they are also applied, finally, to the problem of ontological emergence, including the evaluation of some proposals about the origin of the universe and of man.
Author: Mariano Artigas

Evolutionism and Christian faith

summaryThe catholic doctrine on creation, the scope of natural sciences, evolution and divine action, the difficulties and their roots, the knowledge of divine action: reason and revelation, the origin of the universe, the origin of life, the evolution of living things, the origin of man, the evolutionist worldview.
Author: Mariano Artigas

God and Evolution

summaryArticle on the compatibility between evolution and belief in God, with references to the 'Schömborg affair' and the Magisterium of the Church.
Author: Cardinal Avery Dulles

Human genetic diversity 100,000 years ago Presentation and video

summaryHuman palaeogenetic studies based on mitochondrial DNA are described, as well as studies of Neanderthals, with special emphasis on the study of Denisovans and their relationships with other branches of the human lineage.
Author: Daniel Turbón

The reasons for "scientific" atheism

summaryBased on the discussion between Richard Dawkins and Rowan Williams, the arguments commonly used by atheists are discussed: the God of the holes and the theory of multiverses.
Author: Javier Sánchez Cañizares 

Lesson 2013: Christianity and the ongoing challenge of Evolution

summaryThe modern astronomy forced a serious questioning of the interpretation of the Bible; this has not been the case with evolution and the origin of man in Protestant Christianity. The speaker explains the current American positions and their possible solution.
Author: Prof. Karl Giberson

Monogenism and polygenism 

summaryThe present article is an update of the status quaestionissof the origin of the human being in the light of the most recent anthropological and genetic research data. It reviews the latest contributions of science and the current state of research, as well as a philosophical reading of the data in the light of the catholic doctrine on the origin of man.
Author: Rubén Herce

Working session on the origin of man

summarySpeeches by Daniel Turbón on paleoanthropology, José Ignacio Murillo on gnoseology, Antonio Pardo on synthetic theory and Luis Echarte on mental phenomena and evolution.

STOQ III Project Workshop

summary: Review of the STOQ III Project Workshop and the presentations of summary of the presentations by Santiago Collado and Enrique Moros.