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19 | 05 | 2015

Full Professor Luis Herrera, appointed president of the Panel of Experts of the Madri+d Foundation.

TextoPatricia Sáinz de Robredo

ImagenManuel Castells

03 | 05 | 2015

Prof. Rafael Miranda, coordinator of the Spanish Fish Farming Charter

TextoPatricia Sáinz de Robredo

ImagenManuel Castells

30 | 04 | 2015

More than 140 high school students participate in the first edition of sciRESEARCH

TextoPatricia Sáinz de Robredo

ImagenManuel Castells

29 | 04 | 2015

The University stands out in the 2015 QS ranking in 8 subjects, 4 placed in the top 100.

TextoMiguel M. Ariztegui

ImagenManuel Castells

28 | 04 | 2015

"Understanding the mystery of subject and dark energy is one of the great challenges of today's world."

TextoPatricia Sáinz de Robredo

ImagenManuel Castells

20 | 04 | 2015

A former student of Master's Degree in research Biomedical, awarded by the Spanish Society of Biomedical Engineering.

TextoPatricia Sáinz de Robredo

ImagenManuel Castells

15 | 04 | 2015

"The work hard and the desire to excel take you where you want to go."

TextoPatricia Sainz de Robredo


09 | 04 | 2015

68 professors from School of Sciences will conduct research at IDISNA

TextoPatricia Sáinz de Robredo

09 | 04 | 2015

"The University of Navarra taught me the importance of seriousness and appreciation for the work well done."

TextoPatricia Sáinz de Robredo

31 | 03 | 2015

More than 100 participants at the VIII workshop of research in Experimental and Health Sciences

TextoPatricia Sáinz de Robredo

31 | 03 | 2015

Full Professor Luis Herrera named favorite son of La Gomera

TextoPatricia Sáinz de Robredo

ImagenManuel Castells

30 | 03 | 2015

Álvaro Iribarren, first classified of the Navarre Olympiad of Chemistry

TextoPatricia Sáinz de Robredo



Enrique Cobos
C/ Irunlarrea, 1
31008 Pamplona - Spain
+34 948 425600 (806579)