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Improve science communication skills and foster collaborations between university and industry groups. CIMA

The IX workshop of research in Experimental and Health Sciences will pursue these goals in a meeting for students of postgraduate program

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10/02/16 14:59 Laura Juampérez

The IX workshop of research in Experimental and Health Sciences at the University of Navarra has opened its deadline of registration to quotation, which will take place on March 17. The goal of this ninth edition consists of offering a space to the students of postgraduate program where they can improve their science communication skills and promote synergies and collaborations between the different groups of the University and the research center Applied Medicine (CIMA).

During the workshop, which will be held in the morning at the auditorium of the Science Library, there will be different communications to position of the staff researcher at training, posters of different works -which will be defended orally- will be exhibited and the best papers presented will be recognized.

The thematic areas in which the papers will be included are research biomedical; drugs and drug technology; biology and environment; food, lifestyles and health; and physics, Chemistry and mathematics



