27 | 11 | 2013
"In European Union policies, statistics on Education and health are gaining weight equal to that of Economics"
TextoIsabel Teixeira
ImagenManuel Castells
22 | 11 | 2013
"The academic knowledge should permeate social life and this, in turn, should stimulate the scientific development "
TextoIsabel Solana
ImagenManuel Castells
22 | 11 | 2013
"Geographical features and corruption are the main factors conditioning extreme poverty in the Philippines."
TextoIsabel Solana
ImagenManuel Castells
15 | 11 | 2013
"The research university brings to society a critical and free look that financial aid to understand what is happening in the environment."
TextoIsabel Solana
ImagenCarlota Cortés
15 | 11 | 2013
Civil Society and Normativity. La teoría social de David Hume', new book by Ana Marta González.
TextoIsabel Teixeira da Mota
14 | 11 | 2013
"Training young people to be able to love is not the responsibility of governments, but of parents."
13 | 11 | 2013
"Subsidiarity makes it possible to make decisions closer to citizens about life in society."
TextoIsabel Teixeira
ImagenCarlota Cortés
08 | 11 | 2013
"The scientific method cannot be isolated from its purpose to serve the common good and the good of each individual."
TextoIsabel Teixeira da Mota
ImagenCarlota Cortés
08 | 11 | 2013
"Knowing the brain better financial aid to fight diseases, but it does not give an answer final to what a human being is."
TextoIsabel Solana
04 | 11 | 2013
ICS organizes a seminar on Phenomenology and Law