2013_11_04_ICS_Instituto Cultura y Sociedad: participación en actividades de otros centros y universidades (octubre de 2013)
Institute for Culture and Society: participation in activities of other centers and universities (October 2013)
project 'Emotional culture and identity'
Pilar León gave the discussion paper 'El project Emotional culture and identitypresentation of the latest publications' at the XVIII Symposium of the Spanish Society for the History of Medicine. He also gave the paper 'Creando identidad: Education y recreación en La Conciliación (1902-1984)' at the VII congress de Historia Social, organized by the Sociedad de Historia Social. Both activities took place at the Complutense University of Madrid.
Javier Serrano presented the communication 'The 'I' in social networks: interaction and expression of identity in the digital environment' in the framework of the congress International University on Communication in the Profession and in the University today: Contents, research, Innovation and teaching (CUICIID 2013). It was held at the Complutense University of Madrid.
project 'Natural law and rationality internship'
Alejandro Vigo delivered the lecture 'Heidegger y el enigma de Platón' at the School of Philosophy of the Universidad Popular Autónoma del Estado de Puebla (Mexico).
project 'Education of the affectivity and human sexuality'.
Jokin de Irala offered a lecture as speaker invited at the congress EIFLE in Paris, under the degree scroll 'Prevention and risk compensation. Are some public health responses to AIDS and other STIs failing?'. He also gave the discussion paper 'assessment diagnostic of the lifestyles of young people in school: an instrument for the autonomy of diagnosis and educational intervention' at the IV congress National Nursing and School Health.
ATLANTES Programme
Carlos Centeno participated in the XX congress Nazionale Societá Italiana di Cure Palliative (SICP), held in Bologna under the degree scroll 'II programmi di specialità medica in Cure Palliative in Europa: uno studio di fattibilità per la definizione del modello italiano". He was also present at the VI conference of Palliative Care of Castilla y León, 'Towards integrated palliative care', organized by the Leonese society of palliative care.
project 'Religion and Civil Society'
Montserrat Herrero and Jaume Aurell spoke at the Consortium of Humanities Centers and Institutes (CHCI), held in Arizona, under the degree scroll 'Religion, Secularism and Political Belonging'.