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ICS organizes a seminar on Phenomenology and Law

Promoted by the projects 'Natural Law' and 'Frontiers and Culture', it has revolved around the book 'What is Law? The legal ontology of Adolf Reinach'.

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The seminar has revolved around the book 'What is Law? The legal ontology of Adolf Reinach', by Marta Albert.
PHOTO: Courtesy
04/11/13 18:50 ICS

The ' projectsNatural Law and Rationality internship' and 'Frontiers and Culture' projects of the Institute for Culture and Society (ICS) have organized the interdisciplinary seminar 'Phenomenology and Law'.

The activity was held around the book What is Law? The legal ontology of Adolf Reinachby Marta Albert, from the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos. The prologue of Issue is at position by Mariano Crespo, researcher of 'Natural Law'.

Professor Albert spoke on 'Reinach and the Contemporary Law Philosophy '. Next, Caridad Velarde, principal investigator of 'Frontiers and Culture', focused on 'The iusphilosophical context of Adolf Reinach'. Subsequently, researcher Pilar Zambrano spoke about 'Reinach and the intelligibility of Law'. Finally, Mariano Crespo offered a discussion paper entitled 'Fundamentación a priori del Derecho y Ley natural. instructions for a dialogue between two traditions'. 



