

Publicador de contenidos

16 | 06 | 2011

The use of the average age of onset of sexual relations can confuse young people, according to a study by the University of Navarra.

ImagenManuel Castells

06 | 04 | 2011

Educarhoy" website celebrates its first anniversary

29 | 03 | 2011

University of Navarra professor Jokin de Irala presents in Paris his book 'L'amour face au sida'.

ImagenManuel Castells

07 | 03 | 2011

thesis Doctoral defended

02 | 12 | 2010

IX International Symposium: "knowledge of Human Fertility".

25 | 11 | 2010

The Jóvenes Hoy Blog

25 | 11 | 2010

Education Sexual in Granada

27 | 10 | 2010

"Sexual experimentation, with or without a condom, is fraught with risk."

21 | 10 | 2010

contact International Travel

24 | 09 | 2010

Dr. Jokin de Irala, director of project "Education of Affectivity and human sexuality" of the ICS participates in the "V congress International of the Family" held in Colombia.

Imagencourtesy of



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31008 Pamplona, Spain

+34 948 425615
