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25 | 05 | 2018

Students from IES Benjamín de Tudela and Valle del Aragón (Carcastillo) win the Navarra phase of a statistics contest.

TextoIsabel Solana

ImagenElena Beltrán


23 | 05 | 2018

Half a hundred PhD students from Humanities, Social Sciences and ICS present their research at an interdisciplinary workshop

TextoIsabel Solana

ImagenElena Beltrán


23 | 05 | 2018

The music teacher as a driving force for the empowerment of communities in development

TextoNatalia Rouzaut



18 | 05 | 2018

"In a museum, the core topic is to let the pieces speak," says the former director of the National Archaeological Museum.

TextoElena Beltrán

ImagenElena Beltrán


16 | 05 | 2018

Evaluating skill parental Education of adolescent children

TextoNatalia Rouzaut



10 | 05 | 2018

"Cultural heritage doesn't exist if someone doesn't give it value."

TextoIsabel Solana

ImagenElena Beltrán


10 | 05 | 2018

Are we prisoners of our habits?

TextoElena Beltrán

ImagenElena Beltrán


08 | 05 | 2018

The "perfect place" to build a video game that improves reading skills of children with dyslexia

TextoNatalia Rouzaut



08 | 05 | 2018

The reconciliation of family and professional life of female academics, topic of a TFM of the Master's Degree in research in Social Sciences.

TextoNatalia Rouzaut



02 | 05 | 2018

"Language is the heart of culture and orality is an indication that a language is alive."

TextoNatalia Rouzaut

ImagenNatalia Rouzaut



Campus University s/n

31008 Pamplona, Spain

+34 948 425615
