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Students from IES Benjamín de Tudela and Valle del Aragón (Carcastillo) win the Navarra phase of a statistics contest.

The competition is promoted by the University of Navarra, the Public University of Navarra, the Navarra Society of Mathematics Teachers, the high school of Statistics of Navarra, the Government of Navarra and the INE delegation in Navarra.

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Students participating in the contest with their tutors.
PHOTO: Elena Beltrán
25/05/18 14:25 Isabel Solana

Students from IES Benjamín de Tudela and Valle del Aragón (Carcastillo) are the winners of the Navarra phase of the 'Incubadora de Sondeos y Experimentos' Contest. They will represent the Autonomous Community in the national phase of competition, to be held in Cantabria from June 27 to 29, 2018. The presentation of the finalist works and the submission of awards has been held at the Institute for Culture and Society (ICS), the research center at Humanities and social sciences of the University of Navarra.

The team formed by Houda Boukabous, Noufel Brahmi and Khadija Boukabous, from high school IESO Valle del Aragón (Carcastillo), won the 1st and 2nd ESO category. Under the supervision of their tutor, María Sancosmed, the young people carried out the work 'Diagnosis of the intercultural coexistence of our center'.

In it, they analyzed the relationship between the cultures that coexist in their classrooms and tried to verify whether the majority of students relate only with people from their ethnic group group or also interact with others. They concluded that 86.3% would have a best friend from another religion/culture and that 93.9% feel integrated in class.

In the category 3º and 4º of ESO won the group of IES Benjamín de Tudela formed by Javier Salcedo Carrascosa and Ana González Calvo and tutored by Carlos Ballabriga. Their research was entitled 'Hook's Law. Statistics in the scientific method' and consisted of studying several springs to later relate them by means of statistics and thus compare various parameters.

Unemployment and crime rate

In the category high school diploma Ana Ruiz Apastegui and Lilian Benítez Ruiz, two students from the Tudela center tutored by the same teacher as the previous team, won. In the work 'Is there a relationship between unemployment and the crime rate?' they questioned whether the greater the economic difficulty and, consequently, the higher the unemployment, the higher the level of crime, especially as regards robbery and theft.

The students calculated the national crime rate that would exist if it were related to the actual unemployment rate. They also calculated the national unemployment rate from the actual crime rate. They concluded that, although the social perception is that there is a relationship between unemployment and crime, data indicates that this is not the case in any of the communities in Spain.

The initiative is organized by the Unit of Science of data of Institute for Culture and Society of the University of Navarra (ICS) and the department of Statistics and research of the Public University of Navarra (UPNA), with the partnership of the Navarra Society of Mathematics Teachers "TORNAMIRA" - Matematika Irakasleen Nafar Elkartea, the Institute of Statistics of Navarra, the delegation of the National Institute of Statistics in Navarra and the department of Education of the Government of Navarra.

The jury was composed of César Benjamín Berrade, delegate of the high school National Statistics Office in Navarra; Laura Arnedo, head of the Statistical Infrastructure Section of the high school Statistics Office of Navarra; Stella Maris Salvatierra, professor at School of Economics at the University of Navarra; José Antonio Moler, professor of Statistics at the Public University of Navarra; and Manuel Sada, representative of the Navarra Society of Mathematics Teachers "TORNAMIRA" and of the department of Education of the Government of Navarra.

At the table of the submission awards were Jaime García del Barrio, director of the ICS; María José Asiáin; director of department of Mathematics of the Public University of Navarra; Pablo Cebrián Jiménez, director of high school of Statistics of Navarra; Manuel Sada and César Benjamín Berrade.



