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28 | 11 | 2016

A "superhero" briefcase to help combat cancer

TextoEsperanza Rodés

ImagenEsperanza Rodés


25 | 11 | 2016

meeting of our Paraguayan students with the Ambassador of Paraguay.

TextoNagore Gil

ImagenManuel Castells


23 | 11 | 2016

The University, issue 1 in Spain and 37th in the world in the 2017 QS Employability Ranking.

ImagenManuel Castells


18 | 11 | 2016

Building bridges between communities

TextoEsperanza Rodés

ImagenEsperanza Rodés


15 | 11 | 2016

"A business with happy workers can increase productivity by up to 31%."

TextoNagore Gil

ImagenManuel Castells


10 | 11 | 2016

Javier Urra warns of the danger of shortening childhood too much: "A child must be made sensitive".

ImagenManuel Castells


04 | 11 | 2016

"Psychologists are "managers" of suffering, we try to shorten the distance between reality and the patient's longing".

TextoNagore Gil

ImagenEsperanza Rodés



Esperanza Rodés

Communications Office

Esperanza Rodés

Ismael Sánchez Bella Building

31009 Pamplona, Spain

+34 948 425 600 x 802574