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Carmen Loureiro: "Let's take off our professional dressing gowns and understand that this is a human relationship".

Dialogue, understanding and human relations were the most highlighted themes in the Therapeutic Skills conference , organized by the School of Education and Psychology.

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PHOTO: Carmen Alba
12/06/17 17:38 Carmen Alba

Last June 9, 10 and 11 took place the conference of Therapeutic Skills, organized by the School of Education and Psychology of the University of Navarra. Over three days, psychologists Carmen Loureiro and Ignacio Serván and psychiatrist Francisco González spoke about dialogue, understanding and human relationships.

The proposal, which was attended by some twenty people, was held at the Simulation Center of Amigos Building and was aimed at 3rd year students of Degree in PsychologyPIRs and psychology professionals who wanted to reinforce their knowledge and skills or introduce themselves in the therapeutic internship .

"In this profession, you never stop discovering that there are cases where you don't know how to act. That's why we have to use community resources to be able to continue helping our patients," Loureiro explained. "Let's take off the professional robe and understand that this is a human relationship," he added. Along the same lines, Serván highlighted the importance of work with the therapeutic team since "this maintains the reflective function of the professional himself."

The conference was structured in three parts, covering topics related to basic therapist skills, communication, dialogue and empathy with patients suffering from personality disorders. "It is very important to establish therapeutic alliances to facilitate dialogue and mutual trust. In addition, it is necessary to show respect, collaborate and help patients from a scientific and ethical point of view," the psychologist pointed out.



