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03 | 10 | 2016

39 University students awarded scholarships for international internships

TextoMarta Doblas

ImagenManuel Castells


30 | 09 | 2016

Laura Venzal and Loreto Garrido, new delegate and subdelegate of the university

ImagenManuel Castells


30 | 09 | 2016

Service-learning: from Pamplona to Kenya

TextoNagore Gil

ImagenElisabet Frauca


27 | 09 | 2016

MIEP: innovation, entrepreneurship and direct relationship with the community

TextoEsperanza Rodés

ImagenEsperanza Rodés


12 | 09 | 2016

60 experts, professionals and technicians from Mexico, Colombia and Argentina, surveyed for the project on Education of character

TextoIsabel Solana


06 | 09 | 2016

Anticipate the start of the school year, be a motivating example and respect the adaptation of each child, among the tips for "back to school".

ImagenManuel Castells


06 | 09 | 2016

Science without limits

TextoLaura Juampérez

ImagenLaura Juampérez



Esperanza Rodés

Communications Office

Esperanza Rodés

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31009 Pamplona, Spain

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