Texts, articles and reviews with label: 'Creation'.

The purification of representations in the dialogue between science and faith
summaryThe science-faith dialogue starts from the conceptions of the dialoguers. This requires all to outline the causality present in the world and the divine causality. This purification is proposed in the big bang-creation relationship, human evolution and the creation of the immortal soul.
Author: Javier Sánchez-Cañizares.
Causal finitism: a hypothesis with implications for science, reason and faith.
summaryThe Kalam cosmological argument claims to arrive at the existence of God from the beginning of the universe. A recent argument in its support, causal finitism, is presented: nothing can be preceded by an infinite issue of causes.
Author: Enric F. Gel
Scientific versus revealed data
summaryThe advance of science seems to make the religious cosmogony of Genesis on the origin of man unnecessary, but it produced the greatest leap of knowledge of History and it is still current. Points are raised core topic on what the Church says today about the origin of man.
Author: Pablo Edo
Interview with Javier Sánchez Cañizares on Lemaître and the Big Bang
summaryBasic explanation of the physical model of the Big Bang, origin of the Big Bang model by Lemaître from the physical observations of the time. Projection of the future of the physical universe (big crunch, thermal death). It raises the origin of the universe and the arrow of time.
Author: Javier Sánchez-Cañizares.
A synthesis of the philosophy of physics by Mariano Artigas
summaryThe main theses of Mariano Artigas' philosophy of physics (form, creation, self-organisation, indeterminism and its connection with providence) are presented, showing scientists that the dialogue between St. Thomas, current physics and faith is perfectly possible.
Author: Gabriel Zanotti
Faith and science: no more reasons for conflict
summaryReview of the alleged problems between faith and science (the supposed obscurantism of the Middle Ages, the Galileo case, evolutionism, the big bang and the existence of God, neuroscience and the spiritual, etc.). The conclusion is that these are avoidable misunderstandings.
Author: Gabriel Zanotti.
Georges Lemaître: the priest who discovered the Big Bang
summaryGeorges Lemaître (1894-1966), analysing Einstein's general relativity, concluded that the Universe is expanding and obtained Hubble's law (2 years before Edwin Hubble). In 1931 he proposed his hypothesis of the primordial atom, the first formulation of the Big Bang.
Author: Jorge Mira.
Frontiers between physics, metaphysics and theology
summaryThe advance of science narrows the field of faith explanations. Although the boundaries between scientific and faith explanations yield to science, new questions can be seen behind the latest scientific explanations, which can only be answered from metaphysics or from faith.
Author: Grzegorz P. Karwasz.
The discussion of the argument of the design
summaryOrder in classical philosophy sample the existence of an ordering intelligence. Modern materialism makes order and purpose disappear from the explanation of nature, in evolution with Darwin. The movement of the intelligent design tries to recover these dimensions.
Author: Felipe Aizpún
summary summary : history of the history of ideas on the relationship between God and the world: Thales, Aristotle, Christian contribution and synthesis of St. Thomas, and current approaches with a scientistic and naturalistic background. Solutions to the aporias of current reflection are proposed, following Zizinski.
Author: Enrique Moros.
On two anniversaries: Galileo and Darwin
Author: Héctor Velázquez
How do the theory of evolution and the doctrine of creation fit together?
Author: Santiago Collado
Does the universe need an explanation outside itself if it already has its physical laws that even allow us to think of "self-creation"?
summaryDistinction between the natural causes of phenomena, which are explained by science (with its method that raises hypotheses and validates them little by little), and the ultimate cause of everything, which can only be studied by philosophy and theology. The idea of self-creation is criticised.
Author: Javier Sánchez Cañizares
Why do we have to accept evolution?
summaryWhenever science provides solutions to certain issues, a plethora of questions immediately arise. The biological theory of evolution uncovered a "Pandora's box" that requires other knowledge to be completed.
Author: Antonio Pardo
summaryThe work is described as a work of maturity, in which the themes of the main debates between science and religion are presented. Brief biographical sketch of the author.
Author: Mariano Artigas
How to become a millionaire by talking about God. Paul Davies, award Templeton 1995
summaryA brief commentary on award Templeton, on Paul Davies, and a detailed description of his intellectual trajectory and his difficulties in admitting a creator God.
Author: Mariano Artigas
Current Cosmology, Philosophy and Religion
summary: Article on the expansion of the universe and the history of explanations: the stable universe, the big-bang, the pulsating universe, the self-creation of the universe (with its attempt to expel the creator) and final reflections on method in science, philosophy and religion and its possibilities.
Author: Carlos Alberto Marmelada Sebastián
Creation and Evolution: A Conference with Pope Benedict XVI in Castel Gandolfo
summaryReview of Horn, S. (ed.), Creation and Evolution: A Conference with Pope Benedict XVI in Castel Gandolfo, Ignatius Press, San Francisco, 2008, 200 pp. Includes four papers from the session and an article by one of the co-editors.
Author: Santiago Collado González
Creazione divina e creatività della natura. God and the evolution of the cosmo
summaryA new cosmovision, natural creativity and divine action, evolution and self-organisation, teleological arguments, the contingency of the natural order, contingency and divine plan, nature and the human person.
Author: Mariano Artigas
Darwin and the intelligent design
summary: review of the work by Francisco J. Ayala: Darwin y el design inteligente. Creacionismo, cristianismo y evolucionismo. Alianza publishing house: Madrid, 2007. 231 pp. Includes a summary of the work.
Author: Carlos A. Marmelada
summary: Article commenting on Hawking's self-creation: the scientific explanation of the world is not done at the cost of diminishing the content of faith, but rather they deal with different issues, which do not compete with each other.
Author: Fernando Sols
summary: Overview of contemporary cosmologies in various authors: Caroll, Collins, Craig, Dembski, Hellen, Peters, Polkinghorne, Stoeger, Swinburne, Worthing.
Author: Enrique Moros
summary: Detailed description of the Big Bang finding in the first two thirds of the 20th century, the discussion of Einstein's cosmological constant and Lemaître's later discoveries, and explanation of the lack of incompatibility of this model with the doctrine of creation.
Interview with the academic Mariano Artigas
summaryInterview with Mariano Artigas on evolution following the publication of The Frontiers of Evolutionism.
Ultimately the science-faith tension must be resolved at the level of the person himself
summaryZenit interview with Rafael A. Martínez, where he comments on the main issues of friction between science and faith (especially creation and evolution), and how they are resolved in the person.
Author: Rocío Lancho García
Evolutionism, philosophy and Christianity. Henri Bergson died 50 years ago
summaryBrief biographical sketch: grade , creative evolution, Bergson and Spain, the mystics, vital tensions, truth, scientism, materialism and spiritualism.
Author: Mariano Artigas
summary: summary a very concise account of the Catholic Church's position on biological evolution, and contrast with fundamentalist Protestant positions.
Author: Mariano Artigas
Evolutionism and Christian faith
summaryThe catholic doctrine on creation, the scope of natural sciences, evolution and divine action, the difficulties and their roots, the knowledge of divine action: reason and revelation, the origin of the universe, the origin of life, the evolution of living things, the origin of man, the evolutionist worldview.
Author: Mariano Artigas
Natural purpose and the existence of God
summaryIt examines the seal of God in creation, the finality of creation, the perfection of the created world, the divine government of the world, the teleological argument, the problem of evil, the relationship between science and finality and the question of the meaning of human life.
Author: Mariano Artigas
summaryArticle on the compatibility between evolution and belief in God, with references to the 'Schömborg affair' and the Magisterium of the Church.
Author: Cardinal Avery Dulles
God, Chance and Purpose. Can God Have It Both Ways?
summaryA study on the role of chance in reality, its compatibility with natural laws and with God.
Author: Javier Sánchez Cañizares
Hawking and God: physics gives what it gives
summary: article commenting on Hawking's summary of Hawking's ideas published in The Times at purpose of the book "The Great design". The idea of multiverse is free and does not imply problems to faith or to the existence of God.
Author: Santiago Collado González
Science from the perspective of faith. Scientific knowledge does not question the existence of God.
Author: Alister McGrath
The compatibility of God with contemporary scientific worldviews
summaryArticle on the compatibility of theodicy with current cosmology, in relation to an article by Soler Gil on the same subject topic.
Author: Héctor Velázquez Fernández
Quantum cosmology and the origin of the universe. Physics and creation
summaryCommentary on the article Cosmología cuántica y creación del universo, published by Jonathan J. Halliwell in Investigación y Ciencia (nº 185, February 1992, pp. 12-20), in which he clarifies the concept of self-creation of the subject held by some current physicists.
Author: Mariano Artigas
The spirituality of the human being
summaryExposition of the Christian doctrine on the superiority of man in the world, and his spiritual nature, image of God, as the foundation of this superiority.
Author: Mariano Artigas
The Church and evolutionism: the case of Raffaello Caverni
summaryIn this article unpublished documents are brought to light about a book that was condemned in 1878 by the Congregation of the Index because it argued that evolutionism and Christianity were compatible.
Author: Mariano Artigas and Rafael Martínez
summaryThe central question Davies asks is whether our existence is a mere accident, a chance result of cosmic processes, or whether we should rather think of it as responding to some purpose. His answer is that self-consciousness cannot be a trivial detail, a minor by-product of purposeless forces: our existence responds to some subject plan.
Author: Mariano Artigas
The laws of nature and the immanence of God in the evolving universe
summaryIn this article, after critically studying some new models of God's intervention in nature at the microcosmic level, I attempt to defend the thesis that God's immanence in nature is expressed in cosmic order and evolutionary novelty. Among many physical forms of manifestation of divine immanence we must note in particular: 1. the very existence of the laws of nature in an otherwise lawless disordered world; 2. the emergence of new attributes that constituted the realm of pure possibilities at earlier stages of the evolution of the cosmos; 3. the emergence of new attributes that constituted the realm of pure possibilities at earlier stages of the evolution of the cosmos.
Author: Msgr. Józef Zycinski
The three explanations for the origin and evolution of the universe
summaryArticle on the three possible global explanations of reality: materialism, pantheism and creationism, with reflections on how the only coherent vision is the creationist one and its connection with the Christian faith.
Author: Juan Luis Lorda
Lesson 2011: The Galileo Affair. What theology could learn from scientists
summaryReflections on revelation in the light of scientific knowledge: interpretation of biblical texts, God's action in evolution, ways of looking at our place in the world, accounts of creation, and reflections on chance and providence.
Author: Prof. William Shea
Lesson 2013: Christianity and the ongoing challenge of Evolution
summaryThe modern astronomy forced a serious questioning of the interpretation of the Bible; this has not been the case with evolution and the origin of man in Protestant Christianity. The speaker explains the current American positions and their possible solution.
Author: Prof. Karl Giberson
The divine and the human in Stephen Hawking's universe
summaryCommentary on the work Francisco J. Soler Gil. The divine and the human in Stephen Hawking's universe: clarifies the philosophical questions present in Hawking's theses, their implications for natural theology, and his concept of time.
Author: Carlos A. Marmelada
A lot of science gives back to God
summaryDescription of the elegance of the physical explanation of the universe, at the microscopic and macroscopic level, with its aspects of solidity and indeterminacy at different levels, and explanation of the internal and external limits of science....
Author: Fernando Sols
summary: The Bicep2 telescope discovered the first gravitational waves. Their presence would echo the inflationary process that occurred moments after the big bang, a theory it supports. The inflationary model and its compatibility with creation is briefly explained.
Author: Javier Sánchez Cañizares
On Attempts to Salvage Paley's Argument from Design
summaryMy intention in this paper is to investigate some of the arguments for and against Paley, paying special attention to arguments proffered by those who claim to be basically in agreement with him, but whom I think are unsuccessful in their efforts to resuscitate him. I do not intend to do a thorough textual analysis of Paley, but a more general analysis of his key arguments. Also, I have no pretensions to be offering here more than an investigatory treatment of a difficult subject.
Author: Marie I. George (St. John's University, Jamaica, New York).
Overview of discussion creationism-evolutionism in the last hundred years in the USA
summary: Historical context of the discussion creationism-evolutionism in the last hundred years in the USA; explanation of the causes of its polemic character; presentation of the design Intelligent, comparing it with the classic discussion .
Author: Santiago Collado González
Thinking about evolution and astronomy
Author: Héctor Velázquez Fernández
Relationship between the theological doctrine of creation and biological theories of evolution
summaryThe fundamental elements of the Darwinian explanation of evolution, the Christian doctrine of creation, its philosophical explanation and its compatibility are examined.
Author: Santiago Collado González
Author: Enrique Moros
Assumptions and implications of scientific progress
summaryThe methods and results of experimental science play a very important role in shaping contemporary culture. They are sometimes used to support naturalistic doctrines that dispense with divine action because they consider it impossible or useless in the light of scientific progress. In the reflections that follow I suggest that the analysis goal of that progress rather leads to the opposite conclusion. More specifically, I argue that the analysis of the assumptions and implications of scientific progress leads to a perspective that is fully consistent with the affirmation of a personal creator God, with the recognition of the spiritual dimensions of the human person, and with the existence of ethical values related to the objective search for truth and service to humanity.
Author: Mariano Artigas
Teleology as a bridge between nature and transcendence
summaryEven when the relevance of natural teleology as a bridge between nature and theology is accepted, it is sometimes argued that the teleological argument is not a real rational proof and that we can only know divine design by revelation. This is obviously true if we think about particulars of the divine plan. But, if we only refer to its very existence, it seems possible to know it by rational argument. Scientific progress does not solve the basic problems, but if we reflect about it together with its presuppositions and implications, we can find a very well paved route for the rational knowledge of God the Creator.
Author: Mariano Artigas
The Mind of the Universe
Understanding Science and Religion
summaryThe paper examines the work of "disenchantment" of the world by modern science and the need to "re-enchant" the world, within a context of rationality. The bridges to achieve this result lie in the self-organisation of the subject as a reflection of the divine action that imprints a teleology on reality, the singularity of man that produces science and the recognition of the intelligibility of reality.
Author: Mariano Artigas