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The discussion public in Spain: confrontation and meeting

March 22, 2022


Aplicaciones anidadas


Pablo de lora


Full Professor of Philosophy of Law at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. His research has focused on the Philosophy of Constitutional Law, human rights, bioethics, and, in recent years, on the limits of public power when disciplining sexual relations and gender identity. He is the author of more than 70 scholarly publications and has recently published The Sexual is Political (and Legal), Alliance (2019) and The Labyrinth of Gender. Sex, identity and feminism, Alianza (2021). She has been Visiting Professor at Harvard and Oxford University, among other universities. She is a regular contributor to The Objective, Letras Libres and Revista de Libros.


Daniel Capó


graduate with a degree in Law from the University of Navarra, Daniel Capó is a syndicated columnist in the Opinion pages of the newspapers of group Prensa Ibérica and in the newspaper The Objective. He collaborates, or has collaborated, regularly in media such as ABC Cultural, Nueva Revista, Ahora Semanal and Letras Libres, among others. Since its foundation in 2005, he has been a member of committee advisor of publishing house Libros del Asteroide. His latest published book is "José Carlos Llop: una conversación" (Ed. Elba), of which he is co-author.


Armando Zerolo


Armando Zerolo has studied Law and Political Science, and holds a PhD from the Universidad San Pablo CEU. He completed programs of study of postgraduate program at the Université Sorbonne-Paris I, and programs of study of doctorate at the University of Würzburg, Germany. He has been Visiting Scholar at the University of Notre Dame, USA.

Aplicaciones anidadas


Gregorio Luri

Gregorio Luri


Gregorio Luri Medrano (Azagra, 1955). Author, among other books of ¿Matar a Sócrates? (2015), El cielo prometido (2016), Elogio de las familias sensatamente imperfectas (2017), El deber moral de ser inteligentes (2018), La imaginación conservadora (2019), La escuela no es un parque de atracciones (2020), La mermelada sentimental (2021), El recogimiento. The adventure of the self (2021). Medal of Carlos III el Noble from the Government of Navarra.


Juan Claudio de Ramón

Juan Claudio de Ramón


Madrid, 1982. He graduated in law and in Philosophy. He writes for El Mundo after having written for El País. He also collaborates in The Objective, Letras Libres, Jot Down, Claves de Razón internship, Revista de Libros, Nueva Revista or El Ciervo. In 2018 he published "Canadiana: Viaje al país de las segundas oportunidades" (discussion), a travel book about Canada. From the same year is his "Dictionary of Common Places about Catalonia" (Deusto), an important vademecum ignored by the ruling class . Together with Aurora Nacarino-Brabo, he coordinated the accursed book La España de Abel: 40 young Spaniards against cainism on the 40th anniversary of the Spanish Constitution (Deusto). His highest aspiration is to reach the ideal of the tertullian proposed by Cato the Elder: vir bonus dicendi peritus. He goes out to sell fish in @JuanCladeRamon.


Elena Herrero-Beaumont

Elena Herrero-Beaumont


Elena is Founder and Director of Ethosfera and Associate Professor at IE Law School. She holds a PhD in Constitutional Law from UCM with accredited specialization international with a thesis on public opinion, veracity of information and media governance. Elena completed a Master's Degree in Journalism at Columbia University in New York with a scholarship Fulbright. She was a Carnegie/Knight Fellow. She has completed internships at research at Columbia University in New York and Northwestern University in Chicago, where she was a Visiting Research Fellow for two years. Elena combines her work at research and training with board activities in different organizations.

Aplicaciones anidadas


Enrique García- Máiquez    

Enrique García- Máiquez


Enrique García-Máiquez (Murcia, 1969). He studied Law at the University of Navarra and teaches it at a high school high school in Puerto Real. He has published five books of poetry, the latest being Mal que bien (2019), three diaries (the most recent, Un largo etcétera, 2017), three collections of his newspaper columns (the latest, El burro flautista, 2021), two books of aphorisms, Palomas y serpientes (2016) and El vaso medio lleno (2020), and a very short booklet of haikus, Alguien distinto (2005). He has translated Mario Quintana, G. K. Chesterton, in prose and verse, and William Shakespeare's Thomas More, no less, and others. He co-directed the literary magazine "Nadie parecía", publishes almost daily an opinion column in the newspapers of group Joly and weekly in La Gaceta de la Iberosfera, and writes poetry reviews in several specialized magazines. He maintains the blog "Lo leído y lo liado" in the literary magazine Leer por leer.


Aurora Nacarino-Brabo


Aurora Nacarino-Brabo (Madrid, 1987) is an editor at Deusto (group Planeta) and political analyst. Previously, she was a member of the Spanish Parliament at congress in the XIII legislature and editor-in-chief of the Center for Economic Policy at ESADE. She studied Journalism and Political Science, writes a column in Letras Libres and has participated in several books of political analysis or essay. She is a promoter of the citizens' initiative España, Juntos Sumamos.


Juan Meseguer


Juan Meseguer (Madrid, 1981). graduate in Law from the Complutense University of Madrid. D. from the UNED with a thesis on the Hungarian sociologist Karl Mannheim. He is editor-in-chief of Aceprensa.

He has published three poetry books: Áspera nada ( runner-up of the award Adonáis 2013), Un secreto temblor (award Arcipreste de Hita 2010) and Bancos de arena (runner-up of the award Adonáis 2005). He has also written several books of knowledge dissemination, including Pensamiento crítico: una actitud ( 2016).