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award Cardinal John H. Newman

To the best humanistic essay made by a student of the University of Navarra


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The Institute Core Curriculum launches the award Cardinal John H. Newman, aimed at students of Degree enrolled in the courses of the Institute Core Curriculum of the University of Navarra. It is a award that aims to promote critical reasoning, argumentation, reflection and written expression in students.

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The call will open in February and will close in May of the corresponding academic year . The teacher will propose to the students their participation. A jury formed by ICC professors will decide the winner of the first award and a second prize. The organization will contact contact with the winners to facilitate their attendance to the submission of awards, which will usually take place in October or November of the following year.

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First award

certificate and a gift voucher for 250 euros at Troa or the University Museum.




certificate and a gift voucher for 100 euros at Troa or the University Museum.



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Participants will present a essay on one of the topics proposed at class and carried out at classroom during the time provided by the teacher.


The tests must have been carried out during the same academic year of the publication of the call. Essays from previous courses may not be used.

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Only essays that have been part of any of the ICC subjects will be accepted. The essay will have to be validated by the professor, to ensure that it is the same as the one submitted at class.


The precise essay and the ability to argue about the proposed topic will be valued. Creativity, written expression and presentation will also be valued.

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No submissions that include ideas or excerpts from artificial intelligence will be accepted.


The organization reservation has the right to declare the award void for lack of applications.

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To receive the award it is necessary to visit attend at submission and accept the knowledge dissemination of the works and the publication of the name of the winners.

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About Saint John Henry Cardinal Newman, patron saint of the Institute Core Curriculum

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"When the intellect has been properly trained and formed to achieve a coherent vision of things, it will deploy its energies with greater or less efficacy, according to its capacity in the individual. In the case of most men, it is usually manifested in the good sense, sobriety of thought, reasonable tone, simplicity, self-mastery, firmness of conceptions that characterize it [...] In all it will be a gift for entering with relative ease into any topic of thought and successfully approaching any science or profession."

(Newman,J.H. 2011 [1852] Discursos sobre el fin y la naturaleza de la Education universitaria. Pamplona, EUNSA, pp.34-35)


John Henry Newman (1801-1890) was a British priest, writer and theologian. Anglican by birth, his research about the Church Fathers led him to convert to Catholicism in 1845. Two years later, he completed his theological programs of study and was ordained a priest.

In 1879 he was named cardinal. Author of more than 40 books, he wrote programs of study about the training of university students, the Philosophy, humanistic study and the interdisciplinary nature of knowledge. Today, Newman is remembered for encouraging the training of communities among students.