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26 | 04 | 2018

12 keys to management Human Resources in the bio-health sector

TextoLaura Juampérez


24 | 04 | 2018

II workshop #Bioemprendedores at the University of Navarra

TextoLaura Juampérez


20 | 04 | 2018

Science against crime, "mundane" microorganisms, the Chemistry at home and how plants conquered the Earth, at the Science JPAs.

TextoLaura Juampérez


20 | 04 | 2018

"It will take 450 years to know how many species inhabit the Earth."

TextoLaura Juampérez

ImagenManuel Castells


16 | 04 | 2018

A biologist at CENER's Biomass department

TextoLaura Juampérez



13 | 04 | 2018

"The services that biodiversity provides us for free would be unaffordable with money."

TextoLaura Juampérez



27 | 03 | 2018

Two researchers from the University, awarded 120,000 € grant by the association Española Contra el Cáncer

TextoLaura Juampérez



26 | 03 | 2018

Science "encapsulated" in 120 seconds

TextoLaura Juampérez


22 | 03 | 2018

Alejandro Galván, Isabel Domínguez and Paola Díaz: students with medals in the Navarre Biology Olympiad

TextoLaura Juampérez

ImagenManuel Castells


22 | 03 | 2018

Kimikarin Science Camp: fun science in summer for children from 8 to 14 years old.

TextoLaura Juampérez

ImagenMariaje Ruiz


15 | 03 | 2018

15 new species discovered in a little explored biotope of the Sierra de Guadarrama

TextoLaura Juampérez


13 | 03 | 2018

53 students from the University's Alumni Scholarships programme celebrate graduation

TextoGabriela Gaibor

ImagenManuel Castells



Enrique Cobos
C/ Irunlarrea, 1
31008 Pamplona - Spain
+34 948 425600 (806579)