
rules and regulations of the School

rules and regulations of the School



rules and regulations of the School:

The enrollment is made only once a year, and once formalized it is irrevocable. However, within 10 days of its formalization, students who allege a just and proportionate cause may make a change in their registration. After this period, any modification of the enrollment must be made through written request, providing the reasons for the change. In the 2nd semester a period of modifications in the enrollment will be opened, by means of written request to the School of Sciences, during the first week of January. After this period, it will be irrevocable.

In the enrollment of each academic year students must, first of all, include the subjects they have failed in previous years.

The enrollment must be formalized in a minimum of 40 credits and a maximum of 78 (with a tolerance of 2 credits, both in the minimum and maximum).

Exception from enrollment:

→ Students who have not passed more than 21 subjects in the first year ECTS credit, may only enroll in first year subjects, although they will have the possibility of extending their enrollment in January, depending on their academic performance.

→ In the case of 2nd year students who have 3 subjects pending from 1st year, the enrollment may not exceed 60 ECTS credit. This exception of enrollment is also extended to students in higher courses with three or more subjects in grace periods.

The granting of grace convocations (5th onwards) will be at the discretion of the School of Sciences and will be processed by means of written request, being an essential requirement to have attended the last convocations. The application of grace convocations shall be submitted signed by the academic advisor .

First-year students who have not obtained a minimum of 21 ECTS credit of the compulsory credits specific to Degree in the total number of sessions of a academic year may not continue their programs of study in the Degree in which they have enrolled: exceptionally, these students may be admitted only once, to take a Degree that has a Study program different from the one previously taken and in which there are vacancies, in another School. The ECTS credit obtained by validations are not counted in the 21 ECTS credit required for permanence.

All students after the second year at School of Science must have passed a minimum of 42 ECTS credit of first year subjects (specific compulsory credits from Degree ) in order to continue their programs of study.

The granting of grace convocations (5th onwards) will be at the discretion of the School of Sciences and will be processed by means of written request, being an essential requirement to have attended the last convocations. The application of grace convocations shall be submitted signed by the academic advisor .

The permanence in the School is a maximum of 2 years more than the required to study the corresponding Degree .

1. Students may attend a maximum of four sessions of assessment (two sessions per academic year) at each subject.

2. Those who do not manage to approve a subject after the third call must apply for the extension to two more calls. The application must be formalized between June 25 and July 5 by means of a reasoned written request addressed to Dean.

For the possible granting of 5th and 6th convocation, the following will be taken into account: the academic performance of student, having taken the 3rd and 4th convocation exams and the follow-up of a plan of work with advisor.

3. Students may not waive at their discretion the assessment.

Exceptionally, a waiver may be obtained for duly justified cause by means of written request addressed to Dean or Director of the Center one month before the start of the official examination period of the ordinary exams. In the case of the re-sit examination period, the written request must be submitted one week before the beginning of the exam period.

No waivers are granted for first-year courses.

Those who obtain Withdrawal of convocation in a subject will not be able to access the corresponding exam.

The waivers obtained only produce academic effects and, therefore, do not entail the total or partial cancellation of the enrollment, they only have effect on the call and the corresponding subject and consequently do not have economic effects.

4. The students of Degree who request it may be evaluated in the re-sit examination period even if they have passed the subject in ordinary convocation.

● To do so, they should apply for through written request be included in the certificate at least five days before the beginning of the examination period for that call.

● The final grade of the subject will be that of the re-sit examination period, even if it is Fail or lower than the one obtained in the ordinary exam.

● If the transcript is already complete and the student has requested the degree scroll, it will no longer be able to submit to the re-sit examination period. At the same time, a student will not be able to apply for the degree scroll if it is pending submission to the re-sit examination period to upload grade.

If a student finally decides not to sit the exam, he/she will have to apply for the exam via a new written request up to five days before the start of the exam period of re-sit examination period. If he/she does not apply at deadline and does not sit the exam, he/she will be listed as NP.

1. In order to change the date of exams, the approval of the board Board of Directors is required at least one month before the two dates. The committee of the course will collect the written agreement of all the students summoned to that exam, and will send the request for a change of date to the board Board of Directors.

2. In the event that a student student has two final exams of two subjects on the same day, the professor of the subject of the lower course will give student the option of changing the date if requested. This criterion does not apply when one of the subjects is compulsory or basic and the other is elective subject for the student affected. In such cases, it will always be the responsibility of the professor of the subject elective subject to take another exam. 

3. The board Board of a Centre should consider whether it is appropriate to hold mid-term examinations and whether they should be concentrated on particular dates.

4. The student who represents the University in an institutional activity (e.g. official sports competitions or university congresses), shall be entitled to take the exam on a date other than the scheduled date when it coincides with such an activity.

1. It is important that students receive the results of the different tests from assessment that they take during the school period outside of exams as soon as possible, and in any case within a period of no more than twenty school days.

2. In the case of final exams the teacher must close the certificate and make it available to the administrative office of the Center within nine working days after the last exam of the official exam period.

3. Once the grades have been published, the professor will remain at the disposal of the students to review the exams for at least three days during the time necessary to attend to these reviews. The object of the review will be about material or arithmetical errors in the grade. In no case will it be about the teacher's judgment and technical discretion to determine the assessment.

Any student may appeal to the academic authority to apply for a new correction of his examination, alleging the causes he deems appropriate, even if the grade obtained is recorded in certificate. The application will be presented by the student before the board Directive of the Center within three working days following the notification of the grades.

a) The board Board shall take a decision and communicate the decision to the student or students concerned. An appeal against the decision of the board Board may be lodged with resource at Office of the Executive Council.

b) If the resource is resolved favorably for the student, a panel of three professors of the same academic rank, or higher, as the professor manager of the subject will be formed. The board Board of Directors of the Center may decide at its discretion the participation in this tribunal of the Senior Associate Professor of the subject.

It is necessary to inform students adequately and in advance about what is considered a plagiarism and train them to carry out academic work with rigor and honesty. In case of plagiarism or other irregularities such as cheating on exams, the sanction should be academic: a Fail, a penalty in the grade, etc.

The consequences of this subject of actions should be reported at guide professor .

1) Activities with academic recognition:

1.1. University cultural activities approved by Office of the Executive Council:

1.2. Recognized sports activities

Student representation

1.4. Solidarity and cooperation activities, which are approved by the Office of the Executive Council or by the School.

1.5. Participation in the group Women for Science and Technology (.pdf)

2) The required application is submitted to the corresponding Center through written request at portal miUNAV. The credits obtained must be made effective in the Office of the Registrar. The amount of these credits is the same as that of the credits of the enrolled subjects.

3) rules and regulations UNAV recognition

Students who are no more than 30 ECTS credit short of completing degree program can take an early special exam (in September or December) in which they must take all the subjects. These students must proceed in one of the following two ways:

a) register at deadline agreement according to the calendar of enrollment; subsequently, register for the special end-of-year degree program

b) enrol at deadline established specifically for these students.

To be eligible to participate in the graduation ceremony, the student must have passed a minimum of 150 ECTS credit at the time of starting the corresponding academic year . Science and Business Program students must have passed a minimum of 165 ECTS credit.