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16 | 04 | 2013

seminar on the secularity of the State and the presence of religion in public life

ImagenManuel Castells

15 | 04 | 2013

Biological research is not incompatible with freedom, say two experts from the ICS of the University of Navarra

TextoIsabel Solana

15 | 04 | 2013

An international university art exhibition exhibition brings together 40 works of art from Spain, Mexico and Portugal

TextoAlberto Bonilla

27 | 03 | 2013

An ICS doctoral student will present her thesis at the lecture inter-university OECD in Paris.

TextoIsabel Teixeira da Mota


26 | 03 | 2013

The heritage of the military orders in Barcelona in an ICS seminar

TextoIsabel Teixeira de Mota

ImagenIsabel Teixeira de Mota

20 | 03 | 2013

"When the state unjustly usurps the educational authority of parents, it harms the common good."

TextoIsabel Teixeira de Mota

28 | 02 | 2013

Modernity, emotions and risk, in an international seminar of the Institute for Culture and Society

25 | 02 | 2013

Álvaro de la Rica awarded the Prix de la Fondation des Treilles in France

11 | 01 | 2013

Jokin de Irala, appointed Corresponding Member of the Pontifical Academy for Life

TextoLaura Latorre

ImagenManuel Castells

10 | 01 | 2013

Informed parental consent at research with adolescents is not always the best option.

ImagenManuel Castells



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31008 Pamplona, Spain

+34 948 425615
