




The School of Philosophy and Letters has as a priority the development of the international component in its formative task. To this end, it promotes the mobility of its students and professors and develops programs to welcome foreign students and researchers through agreements and conventions.

Through exchange with foreign universities, students have the opportunity to perfect a language, get to know the international dimension of the subjects they study, gain academic experience and staff in other European countries, develop research techniques and more opportunities that can be effectively obtained through a overseas study period.

On the other hand, visiting students are fully integrated in the School, being able to take subjects in both English and Spanish, as well as the subjects offered in the high school of language and Spanish Culture.


Indicative list of School of Philosophy and Letters exchange destinations


National exchange options (SICUE)

My exchange step by step

guide of exchanges

Exchange request

Course Recognition Template

What exchange options are available?

  1. exchange programs of study for a stay in a foreign country (except Europe). semester
  2. Erasmus. It is a stay of programs of study of one semester of duration and that is carried out in European universities. All students who apply for an Erasmus will be beneficiaries of the scholarship Erasmus (as long as they submit the required documentation on time). Only one exchange Erasmus can be taken.
  3. SICUE: mobility program national that allows a student to study part of programs of study in a Spanish university other than his or her own.

What are the selection criteria?

When assigning a destination to student a ranking is carried out based on the following criteria:

  • grade average minimum of 7
  • Do not have more than 1 failed subject on the semester prior to exchange. Exit with a "clean" transcript - you cannot exit with any Fail.
  • Comply with the requirements language requirements of each destination and have valid certificates (for English only the certificate TOEFL is valid).
  • Rigour in monitoring procedure.

Subject selection and validation

To elaborate the Study program that includes the enrollment at the University of Navarra and at destination, the student will have the advice of its academic advisor (Mentor) and the approval of the academic coordinator ; its approval allows to guarantee the subsequent validation of programs of study at destination and origin, once the enrollment is correctly done and the subjects of the exchange are approved. (Consult the guide to see the procedure and the validation template).

What are the costs?

The cost of a study stay abroad varies depending on many factors, which should be taken into account when choosing the destination. The student exchange student should only pay the enrollment fee at the University of Navarra. There are no fees at host university (except for certain fees at certain universities, not equivalent to enrollment). Travel and accommodation expenses and, if applicable, depending on the destination country, visa and insurance, are the responsibility of the student exchange student.

How apply for an exchange?

To apply for the exchange follow the steps outlined in the document My exchange step by step.


International Relations Office

Regina Sheerin

Coordinator of International Office of the School

Regina Sheerin

Campus University s/n

31009 Pamplona, Spain

+34 948 425 600
Extension: 802982