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Aplicaciones anidadas



volunteer activities and cooperation

School of Nursing



Aplicaciones anidadas

Aplicaciones anidadas


What is #EnfSolidaria?

With the initiative of volunteer activities and cooperation #EnfSolidaria the School of Nursing of the University of Navarra offers its students an experience to discover how they can contribute their bit to help improve the world through their profession.


From the area of cooperation and volunteer activities, we select each year projects that not only contribute to the human development of the beneficiaries to whom they are intended, but also promote growth staff of our students, while reinforcing the professional skills they acquire throughout the degree program. In summary, from the School of Nursing we offer our students the opportunity to collaborate in a volunteer activities specialized in their professional field.

The projects we offer come to us from three different sources:

Aplicaciones anidadas



From the wide range of projects coordinated by this entity, we have made a selection of the initiatives that best fit the specialized volunteer activities that we promote from the School de Enfermería.




who need the profile of volunteer / nursing cooperant who is studying in our School contact us to send us your request proposal through this mail




are promoters of solidarity projects and from School we help them to develop their initiative once we test its viability with them.


Aplicaciones anidadas

Aplicaciones anidadas


Recognition of Credits

If you participate as a volunteer in the projects that we offer you from #EnfSolidaria, as well as helping to improve the world we live in and contributing to your personal and professional development you can validate qualification up to three credits from discipline.

There are two ways to achieve validation:

 If you have participated in a national volunteer activities :

Validation of 1 credit

→ requirements to accomplish:
25 hours of accredited volunteer activities + attendance to one of these two courses from training:

(a) to be empowered to understand disability
b) volunteer activities social

The maximum number of credits to validate qualification will be three if you have participated in three experiences of volunteer activities.

If you have participated in an International volunteer activities

Recognition of 3 credits

→ requirements to accomplish:
1 month experience in an international cooperation project + attendance to training course cooperation to development + report in which you reflect on your volunteer experience.

Tantaka is the entity in charge of issuing the report so that you can then validate qualification your credits at Office of the Registrar. Therefore you must send to Tantaka or hand deliver to them all the required information.

In this link Tantaka explains the steps to follow.



Hildegart González

Lecturer at School Nursing

C/ Irunlarrea, 1

31008 Pamplona, Spain

+34 948 425600


Aplicaciones anidadas