Texts, articles and reviews with the label: 'finality'.

St. Thomas, a synthetic understanding of reality
summarySt. Thomas Aquinas found in Aristotelian thought the confirmation of his own synthetic vision of reality, founded on a dynamic understanding of beings, with a natural finality that embraces all its facets. It is the basis of the philosophia perennis.
Author: José Manuel Giménez Amaya and José Ángel Lombo.
Argument of design and fifth way of St. Thomas: similarities and differences.
summaryThe review of the modern argument of design to demonstrate the existence of God sample great differences with the fifth way of St. Thomas. They start from the order of nature, but their idea of finality and causality is different and they arrive at different results.
Author: Alberto Barbés
The contemporary desire for a technified salvation
summaryAging must be seen in the context of the whole of human life. The current reductive vision does not see the natural purpose of corporeal life, and thinks that the physical aspect of man must be technically optimized, leading to a human void.
Authors: Jorge Martín Montoya, José Manuel Giménez Amaya
Lesson 2021: How does God act in casual events?
summaryThere are fortuitous events apparently irreconcilable with a creative plan. In order to clarify the problem, the notion of chance is presented, the ideas of Thomas Aquinas and some current authors are presented and it is concluded how divine intentionality and providence are compatible with chance natural laws .
Author: Juan José Sanguineti
Argument of design and fifth way of St. Thomas
summaryThe so-called argument of design is often identified with the fifth way of St. Thomas. However, they are different: both start from the natural order, but they focus on a different order subject , different subject of finality, different causality, and reach different conclusions: they are not comparable.
Author: Santiago Collado
A synthesis of the philosophy of physics by Mariano Artigas
summaryThe main theses of Mariano Artigas' philosophy of physics (form, creation, self-organisation, indeterminism and its connection with providence) are presented, showing scientists that the dialogue between St. Thomas, current physics and faith is perfectly possible.
Author: Gabriel Zanotti
The discussion of the argument of the design
summaryOrder in classical philosophy sample the existence of an ordering intelligence. Modern materialism makes order and purpose disappear from the explanation of nature, in evolution with Darwin. The movement of the intelligent design tries to recover these dimensions.
Author: Felipe Aizpún
Can science offer an ultimate explanation of reality?
summaryNonlinear dynamics and the uncertainty principle show an indeterminate world. Gödel and Chaitin show that mathematical chance is not provable. It is concluded that finality, randomness and design in nature are outside the scientific method.
Author: Fernando Sols
Is the scientific revolution over?
summaryThe meaning of the scientific revolution, three images of nature, organicism and mechanicism, the systemic perspective, scientific truth, the scope of the scientific perspective.
Author: Mariano Artigas
Science and faith: new perspectives
summaryArticle that exposes the bridges that can be established between science and faith; basically, the rationality of nature, the appearance of a global scientific cosmovision, the unfolding of the natural dynamism of beings, the self-organisation of subject and the natural teleology that underlies it, and the singularity of man who elaborates science within nature.
Author: Mariano Artigas
Evolutionary contingency and the purpose of the cosmos
summaryThis essay examines the standard understanding of biological evolution - causation plus selection - with its denial of the teleology of the evolutionary process, together with the problems of reconciling it with the divine governance of the world, and the alternative of admitting teleological processes that show the divine provident plan embedded in nature.
Author: Ernan McMullin
Creazione divina e creatività della natura. God and the evolution of the cosmo
summaryA new cosmovision, natural creativity and divine action, evolution and self-organisation, teleological arguments, the contingency of the natural order, contingency and divine plan, nature and the human person.
Author: Mariano Artigas
summaryBehe successfully dispels the myth that neo-Darwinism has everything under control in explaining the origin of life and of the various biochemical systems needed for various life forms. He attempts to find theoretical grounds for why such an explanation could never be forthcoming from that quarter. In the end, however, he admits he cannot provide such. He is to be commended for stimulating re-examination of the design argument, as well as for doing a marvelous job of putting before our eyes the design of biochemical system, systems which Darwin and Paley did not even know existed. In the final analysis, however, it seems at very least premature to rest one's case for God's existence on tiny gaps.
Author: Marie I. George (St. John's University, New York)
Darwin and the intelligent design
summary: review of the work by Francisco J. Ayala: Darwin y el design inteligente. Creacionismo, cristianismo y evolucionismo. Alianza publishing house: Madrid, 2007. 231 pp. Includes a summary of the work.
Author: Carlos A. Marmelada
The Origin of Life and the Evolution of Species: Science and Interpretations
summaryThe scientific study of the beginnings of the world has in recent historical times raised the biological questions of the origin of life and the evolution of species (understood as the passage from one species to another by generation). In addition to the purely scientific problems they raise (such as the difficulty of establishing solid hypotheses), these studies are often interpreted beyond their possibilities; this article examines some of these interpretations, such as the solidity of our knowledge, chance in evolutionary processes, the struggle in nature, or the global vision of nature.
Author: Antonio Pardo
summaryThe concept of finality, finalistic dimensions of nature, existence and scope of natural finality, natural finality in the current worldview, teleology and transcendence, nature and providence, the intelligibility of nature, bibliography.
Author: Mariano Artigas
Natural purpose and the existence of God
summaryIt examines the seal of God in creation, the finality of creation, the perfection of the created world, the divine government of the world, the teleological argument, the problem of evil, the relationship between science and finality and the question of the meaning of human life.
Author: Mariano Artigas
summaryCardinal Schönborn's attack on Darwinism by opposing God's providence to the concept of chance in evolution.
Author: Christoph Schönborn
summaryArticle on the compatibility between evolution and belief in God, with references to the 'Schömborg affair' and the Magisterium of the Church.
Author: Cardinal Avery Dulles
God, Chance and Purpose. Can God Have It Both Ways?
summaryA study on the role of chance in reality, its compatibility with natural laws and with God.
Author: Javier Sánchez Cañizares
The scientific search for order: miracles without an author?
summaryArticle that examines the recent discoveries in self-organisation processes of the subject, and discovers its philosophical and teleological aspect, very different from the merely materialistic one that is usually given to it. (Unpublished article from 1991).
Author: Mariano Artigas
The compatibility of God with contemporary scientific worldviews
summaryArticle on the compatibility of theodicy with current cosmology, in relation to an article by Soler Gil on the same subject topic.
Author: Héctor Velázquez Fernández
Evolution today. Evolutionism: the fact and its implications.
summaryA popular commentary on the content of Ayala's book. It has the virtuality of exposing current theories although it is somewhat blunt in its scientific optimism, and leaves some important philosophical questions barely sketched out.
Author: Mariano Artigas
The intelligibility of the natural world
summaryThree images of nature, intelligibility and causality, scientific truth, science and realism, the systemic perspective, the processual perspective, the dynamism of nature, physics and philosophy, cosmological categories, nature and transcendence.
Author: Mariano Artigas
summaryThe problem of scientific truth lies at the heart of our culture. The enormous progress of the sciences and the reliability of the knowledge they provide has led to serious perplexities. For some, experimental science would be the only valid access to reality or, at least, the paradigm to be imitated by any pretension of knowledge rigorous. For others, experimental science would be a second-rate knowledge limited to discovering rather superficial aspects of reality.
Author: Mariano Artigas
summary essay on Steven Pinker, the first part of which was published in the October 2008 issue of
issue 119 of Nueva Revista for the month of October 2008.
Author: Marciano Escutia
Mechanics, science and principles. An interpretation from Polo
summaryArticle on the Newtonian interpretation of the world and its insufficiency for a complete cosmovision, following philosophical approaches by Leonardo Polo.
Author: Santiago Collado González
A lot of science gives back to God
summaryDescription of the elegance of the physical explanation of the universe, at the microscopic and macroscopic level, with its aspects of solidity and indeterminacy at different levels, and explanation of the internal and external limits of science....
Author: Fernando Sols
summaryNature's Destiny, to my mind, is the best of the books that rely upon scientific evidence to argue in favour of the universe's being designed in order to produce life, including intelligent life. The evidence Denton amasses is impressive, and he is aware of the philosophical niceties of the argument, only some of which I have touched on here. I recommend the book highly to all who are interested in anthropic argumentation.
Author: Marie I. George (St. John's University, New York)
New advances in molecular biology: smart genes
summaryReflection, with regard to the intelligent genes in charge of development, of the need for a programmer of their behaviour.
Author: Mariano Artigas
On Attempts to Salvage Paley's Argument from Design
summaryMy intention in this paper is to investigate some of the arguments for and against Paley, paying special attention to arguments proffered by those who claim to be basically in agreement with him, but whom I think are unsuccessful in their efforts to resuscitate him. I do not intend to do a thorough textual analysis of Paley, but a more general analysis of his key arguments. Also, I have no pretensions to be offering here more than an investigatory treatment of a difficult subject.
Author: Marie I. George (St. John's University, Jamaica, New York).
summaryA work in which, after three technical chapters by Daniel Turbón, Mariano Artigas explains the issues in relation to faith and religion.
Author: Mariano Artigas and Daniel Turbón
Science, Reason and Faith in the Third Millenium
summaryScientific realism, science, reason and faith, reflective capacity, science and truth, modalities of truth, truth and belief, the unity of knowledge, science and wisdom, scientism, the assumptions of science and the impact of its progress, three conclusive reflections.
Author: Mariano Artigas
Central issues in the current science-faith dialogue
summaryThe paper aims to present the current challenges in the dialogue between faith and science. The challenges are not to be found in the discovery of common themes for dialogue, but in the attitude of the scientist and the theologian to the questions posed to them by the other side. The theologian who listens to the conclusions of the scientist knowledge is in a better position to give a reason for his faith today. The Christian scientist who is familiar with the articulation of faith has much clearer horizons for knowledge . The question applies to several current aspects in this dialogue: the body and the soul, the relationship of God with the world, the knowledge of God from the created, etc.
Author: Juan Arana
summaryThe beginning of the theory of evolution, the Darwin/Wallace theory of evolution, discussion around Darwin's theory, the principles of genetics, synthetic theory, molecular biology and genetics, some scientific questions debated around the theory of evolution, selectionism versus neutralism, punctuationism versus gradualism, notion of species, importance of natural selection in evolution, more we know, more debates, philosophical reflection and theory of evolution, theory of evolution and evolutionism, evolution and finality, bibliography.
Author: Santiago Collado González
The anthropic principle: science, philosophy or guesswork?
summary: Historic origin of the Anthropic principle and modern development of the basic idea.
Author: Mariano Artigas
summaryArticle on the diverse meaning of the term random, the intervention of cardinal Schönborn in The New York Times, catholic faith and evolution, in the context of the intelligent design movement.
Author: Stephen M. Barr
summary: Article of Cardinal Schönborn in response to comentary of Barr about the article of New York Times, about The Design of Evolution.
Author: Christoph Cardinal Schönborn
The Mind of the Universe
The Presuppositions and Implications of Science as a Bridge between Science and Religion
summaryThe impact of secular humanism on our understanding of human affairs, and the desacralization of contemporary culture can be considered as two sides of the same coin. Apparently they are closely related to the progress of empirical science. I am going to consider these topics under the perspective of the impact of scientific progress on them. In its beginnings, the new science was seen as a road from nature to its Maker, promoting natural theology. Later on, however, it was interpreted as favouring a "disenchantment" of the world. I will comment on some proposals of "reenchanting" the world, and will refer to my own proposal, which has recently been published in my last book, The Mind of the Universe, published last April 2000 by the Templeton Foundation Press.
Author: Mariano Artigas
The Mind of the Universe
Understanding Science and Religion
summaryThe paper examines the work of "disenchantment" of the world by modern science and the need to "re-enchant" the world, within a context of rationality. The bridges to achieve this result lie in the self-organisation of the subject as a reflection of the divine action that imprints a teleology on reality, the singularity of man that produces science and the recognition of the intelligibility of reality.
Author: Mariano Artigas