30 | 09 | 2010
Three students from Biochemistry and Biology are doing summer internships in Oxford.
ImagenManuel Castells
27 | 09 | 2010
The I Promotion of Master's Degree in Biodiversity, Landscapes and Sustainable management graduates
27 | 09 | 2010
Professors of the School of Sciences of the University of Navarra participate in the congress Biospain
ImagenBiospain website.
24 | 09 | 2010
The University of Navarra, together with 34 public and private entities, forms the Sustainability Forum of Navarra.
24 | 09 | 2010
Vive la biodiversidad!, a new software created by biologists from the University of Navarra to promote environmental Education
ImagenManuel Castells.
23 | 09 | 2010
A Biology student from the University of Navarra participates in the Atapuerca excavations this summer
Imagencourtesy of
20 | 09 | 2010
The University of Navarra, sixth in Spain according to a world ranking of universities
ImagenManuel Castells
17 | 09 | 2010
Biology students and Biochemistry from the University of Navarra visit research centers in Sweden.
14 | 09 | 2010
University of Navarra researchers collaborate in the control of brucellosis in Mozambique
14 | 09 | 2010
The group of Environmental Volunteers of the University of Navarra carries out a new environmental awareness campaign.
ImagenManuel Castells.
07 | 09 | 2010
A biology student is doing an internship at Columbia University this summer.
07 | 09 | 2010
A professor from the University of Navarra collaborates with British scientists in a research on ecology and biodiversity.
ImagenManuel Castells
Enrique Cobos
C/ Irunlarrea, 1
31008 Pamplona - Spain
+34 948 425600 (806579)