
Outgoing students

We promote exchange agreements with universities abroad to facilitate the mobility of students.

The International Office of the School of Law promotes the agreements of exchange with universities abroad to facilitate the mobility of the students during their stay at the University. The exchange programs are semester programs with a duration of 4 to 6 months.

Students at School have the opportunity to go to exchange for a semester:





1º semester

2º semester

1º semester

2º semester






International Relations Office





Law+International Office










International Office+History






*Exchanges with other Schools are managed by the International Office of this School.


What do I have to do to go on exchange?

Each Degree has its own specific requirements , but the general conditions of the School de Derecho are as follows:

  1. Accredit the language level and grade average required. Language certificates must be those accepted by School, the only one for English is TOEFL.

  2. Pass all the subjects of the course in force during the exchange application.

  3. attend to the exchange briefing.

  4. submit applications within the established period, with all the necessary documentation.

It is recommended to check the specific exchange manuals for each Degree, which mention the specific requirements required, such as the grade average minimum.

There is a destination for everyone student, not every destination is for everyone. It is therefore advisable to look carefully for the best destination that meets your interests. Keep in mind when choosing your preferred destinations:

  1. The academic calendar of the host university. There may be an incompatibility of schedule, especially for the examination period. The student assumes responsibility for the...

  2. The grade average required by the host university, if you don't have the grade enough, look for another option.

  3. The language you need to study abroad. Each university requires a minimum score in a second language. It's important that you have a good enough command of it to be able to study at language.

  4. There are specific destinations for each Degree and they are core topic when choosing a destination, otherwise you may not take subjects in your area and therefore they will not be validated on your return from the exchange.

The cost of a study stay abroad varies on many factors, which should be kept in mind when choosing a destination:

  1. Location: the cost of living in the country, whether it is a big or small city, the cost of flights, public transport...

  2. accommodation: some accommodation options are cheaper than others.

  3. Activities: participating in extracurricular activities or activities offered in the city is more affordable than travelling during free time. In addition, it enhances the knowledge of the local culture and makes more contacts in the university and city.

Regarding the financing of the exchange, there is financial aid that depends on the destination and duration. Stays in European universities within the Erasmus+ programme have a financial aid known as scholarship Erasmus. The University informs and manages only the scholarship Erasmus.

There are other aid options in banks, autonomous communities... that each student will have to find out about and apply for. All those students who carry out stays outside Europe, will only be able to access this subject of complementary aids.

A study stay abroad does not imply any additional expense from enrollment. The enrollment is done at the University of Navarra, not at host university.

End of October will take place the exchange informative session (*)

End of November the table of destinations will be published.

January 9 to 16 Application process for exchange students (Outgoing) is open through the Blackboard (ADI). The deadline for submitting the application and documents is Monday 16 January at 14h. Students must apply for the exchange and attach the required documents, including the TOEFL.

January 23 to 27 places will be awarded in person.

(*)Date to be confirmed, to be announced by blackboard (ADI) in the announcements section. Students should confirm their attendance to the session for capacity and management reasons.


Which Degree do you study?

Staying at a foreign law school , studying or researching a legal system different from the Spanish one, has many advantages. Among others, you will have a better understanding of Spanish law by being able to compare it with others, you will be better prepared to provide services as a lawyer to foreign clients or to Spanish clients with interests abroad. In addition, you will have more information about the possibilities of working for international law firms, both in Spain and abroad.

The contact with law students of other nationalities will help you to better understand your future colleagues in international teams.

requirements specific for students of Law and Double Degree in Law and Philosophy:

  1. Be registered.

  2. Have a grade average equal to or higher than 8.

  3. Not to have more than two subjects pending from previous years.

  4. Have a minimum of 80 TOEFL iBT grade , less than two years old.

  5. Comply with the academic requirements required by host university. Check the table of destinations for the exchange course.

Where can I go?

School Law offers different ways to travel to the European continent during the degree. Students can study at universities in other countries thanks to the University's agreements or through the Erasmus scholarship programme.

In terms of stays abroad during a semester, the School of Law has relations with: Europe, America, Asia and Oceania.

General information on agreements and conventions can be found in the University's International Office University's website.

Exchange Guide

The University of Navarra's model educational encourages students, professors and researchers to get to know other cultures and to enrich their international experience.

In order for students to get to know the different regions under analysis during the degree program, the Study programof Degreeat International Officeforesees three on-site visits, spread over the first three years.

In addition, Degreeat International Officeoffers the possibility of taking the first semesterof your final year of exchangeabroad. The Study programallows studentto design a pathwaytailored to your interests.

In this way, students can specialise their training in different disciplines such as human rights, communication, politics or the environment, or study in depth the specific challenges of a particular region.

requirements specific for students of International Office and Double Degree of International Office and Law:

  1. Be registered.

  2. Have a grade average equal to or higher than 6.

  3. Not to have more than two subjects pending from previous years.

  4. Have a minimum of 80 TOEFL iBT grade , less than two years old.

  5. Comply with the academic requirements required by host university. Check the table of destinations for the exchange course.

Where can I go?

School Law offers different ways to travel to the European continent during the degree. Students can study at universities in other countries thanks to the University's agreements or through the Erasmus scholarship programme.

In terms of stays abroad during a semester, the School of Law has relations with: Europe, America, Asia and Oceania.

General information about agreements and agreements can be found in the Partners section. In addition, the International Office office at School will provide the table of destinations for students to choose from for their exchange during the month of November.

Exchange Guide



Jimmy Moreno

Responsible for International Office and Exchanges

Jimmy Moreno

School of Law

31009 Pamplona, Spain

