In order to channel the concerns of students and solve the usual problems of daily life at the University, there is a democratically elected student representation that participates in the governing bodies of each Centre and of the University.
In addition, the students of School have a course committee that represents them and channels the proposals they wish to make. Each course committee is headed by the student representative. In turn, the different councils elect their School representatives. They will represent the law students on the university's student council committee .
Elections for school councils take place every academic year during the first month of school.
Student representation of the School for the 2024-2025 academic year:
Delegate of the School: Nicolás Estévez Barco
Subdelegate of the School: Fernando Álvarez Pérez-Padilla
Course tips by Degrees
Year 1
Delegate: Álvaro Prieto
Deputy Delegate: Germán Serrano Martínez-Brocal
Year 2
Delegate: Julia San Segundo Santafé
Subdelegate: Joaquín Anaya López
Year 3
Delegate: Fernando Alvarez Pérez-Padilla
Subdelegate: Regina Garmendia Grajales
Year 4
Delegate: Eduardo Fálquez Orellana
Subdelegate: Leticia Morales Sancho
Year 1
Delegate: Laura Gismano Abad
Subdelegate: Nicolas Francisco de Lange
Year 2
Delegate: Eduardo Sebastián de la Cruz González
Deputy Delegate: Emili Rose Hartman
Year 3
Delegate: Nicolas Estévez Barco
Sub-delegate: Camilla Fernanda Gutiérrez Molina
Year 4
Delegate: Ramón Inchaurrandieta Maza
Subdelegate: Mario Panadero Meseguer
Year 1
Delegate: Pablo de la Lastra Conradi
Sub-delegate: Joaquín Delaveau Ecclefield
Year 2
Delegate: Alvaro Arístegui Martínez
Deputy Delegate: Angela Labiano Escudero
Year 3
Delegate: Eugenia Ciordia Moratinos
Subdelegate: Pablo Fidalgo Suárez
Year 4
Delegate: Susana Doña Jiménez
Subdelegate: Manuel Solano de Solá Morales
Year 5
Delegate: Carlos Javier Ruiz Lipúzcoa
Subdelegate: Victoria Gozalbo Sierra
Sixth grade
Delegate: Katsumi Jorge Watanabe Morales
Subdelegate: María Victoria Andarcía Jiménez