School of Law
The Study program includes 18 credits from the subjects of Anthropology, Ethics and Cultural Keys, which make up the University of Navarra's Core Curriculum .
link to the May and June 2025 exam schedule
Core Curriculum Subjects
Fundamentals of Anthropology | Law | Annual | Valdés Más, Manuel | Tuesday 12 to 14 h | AMI-P0-Classroom12 |
Anthropology | Philology Hispanic Studies Philology Hispanic + Journalism History History + Journalism History + Archaeology Humanities Literature and Creative Writing language and Literature-22 I and II IFPY --------------------------------- International Relations IR + Law IR + History Gr.Int.Rel.+Geo-22 Gr.Rel.Int.+Glo-22 |
Annual | Borobia Laca, Juan Jesús | Tuesday 12 to 14 h | AMI-P0-Classroom11 |
Anthropology (area Humanities ) | Philology Hispanic Studies Philology Hispanic + Journalism History History + Journalism History + Archaeology Humanities Literature and Creative Writing language and Literature-22 IFPY ----------------------- International Relations IR + Law IR + History Gr.Int.Rel.+Geo-22 Gr.Rel.Int.+Glo-22 ------------------------ Audiovisual Communication Audiovisual Communication + screen 22 Journalism Journalism+Global Marketing ------------------------------- Pedagogy Teacher Training EI Teacher Training EP Pedagogy + Teaching EI Pedagogy + Teacher Training EP -------------------------------- management Applied-21 -------------------------------- Architecture |
Annual | Milburn, Joseph C. | Tuesday 12 to 14 h | CEN-P2-AULA35 |
Interfaculty Anthropology (area Humanities ), groups A, B and C | Philology Hispanic Studies Philology Hispanic + Journalism History History + Journalism History + Archaeology Humanities Literature and Creative Writing language and Literature-22 IFPY -------------------- Law International Relations IR + Law IR + History Gr.Int.Rel.+Geo-22 Int.Rel.Gr.Int.+Glo-22 ------------------------------ Pedagogy Magisterio EI Magisterio EP Pedagogy + Teacher Training EI Pedagogy + Teacher Training EP -------------------------------- management Applied-21 -------------------------------- Architecture |
Sem. 1 | Cruz Ortiz de Landázuri, Manuel | Tuesday 12 to 14 h | AMI-P1-ClassroomM2 |
Interfaculty Anthropology (area Humanities ), group C | Philology Hispanic Studies Philology Hispanic + Journalism History History + Journalism History + Archaeology Humanities Literature and Creative Writing language and Literature-22 IFPY -------------------- Law International Relations IR + Law IR + History Gr.Int.Rel.+Geo-22 Int.Rel.Gr.Int.+Glo-22 ------------------------------ Pedagogy Magisterio EI Magisterio EP Pedagogy + Teacher Training EI Pedagogy + Teacher Training EP -------------------------------- management Applied-21 -------------------------------- Architecture |
Sem. 2 | Cruz Ortiz de Landázuri, Manuel | Tuesday 12 to 14 h | AMI-P1-Seminar24 |
Interfaculty Anthropology (area Humanities ), group D | Philology Hispanic Studies Philology Hispanic + Journalism History History + Journalism History + Archaeology Humanities Literature and Creative Writing language and Literature-22 IFPY -------------------- Law International Relations IR + Law IR + History Gr.Int.Rel.+Geo-22 Int.Rel.Gr.Int.+Glo-22 ------------------------------ Pedagogy Magisterio EI Magisterio EP Pedagogy + Teacher Training EI Pedagogy + Teacher Training EP -------------------------------- management Applied-21 -------------------------------- Architecture |
Sem. 2 | Cascales Tornel, Raquel | Tuesday 12 to 14 h | AMI-P0-Seminar07 |
Interfaculty Anthropology (area Humanities ), group E |
History History + Journalism History + Archeol language and Literature-22 IFPY -------------------- Law International Relations Office IR + Law IR + History Int.Rel.Gr.Int.+Geo-22 Int.Rel.Gr.Int.+Glo-22 ------------------------------ Psychology Pedagogy Magisterio EI Magisterio EP Pedagogy + EI Teaching Pedagogy + EP Teaching -------------------------------- management Applied-21 -------------------------------- Architecture |
Sem. 2 | Solans Blasco, Miquel | Tuesday 12 to 14 h | AMI-P0- Sem 14 |
Ethics | Law | Annual Sem. 1 |
Doyle Sánchez, Daniel | Wednesday 15.30 to 17.30 h | AMI-P0-Classroom01 |
Ethics | Law | Annual Sem. 2 |
Gallostra Acín, Blanca (PIF) | Wednesday 15.30 to 17.30 h | AMI-P0-Classroom01 |
Ethics | International Office RRII + Law RRII + History Int.Rel.Gr.Int.+Geo-22 Int.Rel.Gr.Int.+Glo-22 |
Annual | Bernal Pascual, José | Wednesday 15.30 to 17.30 h | AMI-P1-Classroom15 |
Ethics (area Humanities ) | Philology Hispanic Studies Philology Hispanic + Journalism History History + Journalism History + Archaeology Humanities Literature and Creative Writing language and Literature-22 I and II IFPY ------------------------ International Relations IR + Law IR + History Gr.Int.Rel.+Geo-22 Gr.Rel.Int.+Glo-22 ------------------------- Audiovisual Communication Audiovisual Communication bil Journalism Journalism b Journalism+Global Com Au+Screen 22 Marketing (I and II) |
Annual Sem. 1 |
Milburn, Joseph C. | Wednesday 15.30 to 17.30 h | FCOM-P0-Classroom05 |
Ethics (area Humanities ) | Philology Hispanic Studies Philology Hispanic + Journalism History History + Journalism History + Archaeology Humanities Literature and Creative Writing language and Literature-22 I and II IFPY ------------------------ International Relations IR + Law IR + History Gr.Int.Rel.+Geo-22 Gr.Rel.Int.+Glo-22 ------------------------- Audiovisual Communication Audiovisual Communication bil Journalism Journalism b Journalism+Global Com Au+Screen 22 Marketing (I and II) |
Annual Sem. 2 |
Slobodian, Salomea |
Wednesday 15.30 to 17.30 h | CEN-P2-AULA34 |
Interfaculty Ethics (area Humanities ), groups A, B and C | Philology Hispanic Studies Philology Hispanic + Journalism History History + Journalism History + Archaeology Humanities (bilingual) Literature and Creative Writing language and Literature-22 I and I IFPY ------------------------ Law International Relations IR + Law IR + History Gr.Int.Rel.+Geo-22 Int.Rel.Gr.Int.+Glo-22 ------------------------- Audiovisual Communication Audiovisual Communication bil Journalism Journalism b Journalism+Global Marketing (I) |
Sem. 1 | Cruz Ortiz de Landázuri, Manuel | Wednesday 15.30 to 17.30 h | AMI-P0-Classroom04 |
Interfaculty Ethics (area Humanities ), group A | Philology Hispanic Studies Philology Hispanic + Journalism History History + Journalism History + Archaeology Humanities (bilingual) Literature and Creative Writing language and Literature-22 I and I IFPY ------------------------ Law International Relations IR + Law IR + History Gr.Int.Rel.+Geo-22 Int.Rel.Gr.Int.+Glo-22 ------------------------- Audiovisual Communication Audiovisual Communication bil Journalism Journalism b Journalism+Global Marketing (II) |
Sem. 2 | Zambrano, María Pilar | Wednesday 15.30 to 17.30 h | AMI-P0-Seminar14 |
Interfaculty Ethics (area Humanities ), group B | Philology Hispanic Studies Philology Hispanic + Journalism History History + Journalism History + Archaeology Humanities (bilingual) Literature and Creative Writing language and Literature-22 I and I IFPY ------------------------ Law International Relations IR + Law IR + History Gr.Int.Rel.+Geo-22 Int.Rel.Gr.Int.+Glo-22 ------------------------- Audiovisual Communication Audiovisual Communication bil Journalism Journalism b Journalism+Global Marketing (II) |
Sem. 2 | Buch, Lucas Gallucci Natale, María José (15 h tutorial and 8 h sem. rhetoric) |
Wednesday 15.30 to 17.30 h | AMI-P0-Seminar15 |
Anthropology of human love | Philosophy, Policy and Economics - PPE Philosophy Philology Hispanic Studies Philology Hispanic + Journalism History 3rd History + Journalism History + Archaeology Humanities (bilingual) language and Literature 22 -------------------------- Law International Relations IR + Law IR + History Gr.Int.Rel.+Geo-22 Int.Rel.Gr.Int.+Glo-22 -------------------------- Audiovisual Communication Audiovisual Communication bil Gr. Com Aud + screen 22 Journalism Journalism b Marketing Journalism+Global |
Sem 1 | Borobia Laca, Juan Jesús | Tuesday 15.30 to 17.30 h | AMI-P0-Classroom01 |
Nature, technology and society | Philosophy, Policy and Economics - PPE Philosophy Philology Hispanic Studies Philology Hispanic + Journalism History 3rd History + Journalism History + Archaeology Humanities (bilingual) language and Literature 22 -------------------------- Law International Relations IR + Law IR + History Gr.Int.Rel.+Geo-22 Int.Rel.Gr.Int.+Glo-22 -------------------------- Audiovisual Communication Audiovisual Communication bil Gr. Com Aud + screen 22 Journalism Journalism b Marketing Journalism+Global |
Sem 1 | Villarroya, Ana | Tuesday 15.30 to 17.30 h | AMI-P0-Classroom08 |
Preserving the report: roots, family and personal identity | PhilosophyPolitics and Economics - PPE 3rd Philosophy 4º Philology Hispanic Studies 3rd Philology Hispanic + Journalism 5th History 3rd History + Journalism 3rd History + Archaeology 3rd Humanities (bilingual) 3º and 4º History and Literature 22 language and Literature 22 -------------------------- Law International Relations IR + Law IR + History Gr.Int.Rel.+Geo-22 Int.Rel.Gr.Int.+Glo-22 -------------------------- Audiovisual Communication Audiovisual Communication bil Gr. Com Aud + screen 22 Journalism Journalism b Marketing Journalism+Global |
Sem. 1 | Ardanaz Iñarga, Naiara | Tuesday 15.30 to 17.30 h | AMI-P0-Classroom09 |
Readings on art and the artist (INTERFAC) | PhilosophyPolitics and Economics - PPE 3rd Philosophy 4º Philology Hispanic Studies 3rd Philology Hispanic + Journalism 5th History 3rd History + Journalism 3rd History + Archaeology 3rd Humanities (bilingual) 3º and 4º History and Literature 22 language and Literature 22 -------------------------- Law International Relations IR + Law IR + History Gr.Int.Rel.+Geo-22 Int.Rel.Gr.Int.+Glo-22 -------------------------- Audiovisual Communication Audiovisual Communication bil Gr. Com Aud + screen 22 Journalism Journalism b Marketing Journalism+Global |
Sem. 1 | Insausti Herrero-Velarde, Gabriel | Tuesday 15.30 to 17.30 h | FCOM-P0-AULA12 |
Literature, violence and freedoms (INTERFAC) | PhilosophyPolitics and Economics - PPE 3rd Philosophy 4º Philology Hispanic Studies 3rd Philology Hispanic + Journalism 5th History 3rd History + Journalism 3rd History + Archaeology 3rd Humanities (bilingual) 3º and 4º History and Literature 22 language and Literature 22 -------------------------- Law International Relations IR + Law IR + History Gr.Int.Rel.+Geo-22 Int.Rel.Gr.Int.+Glo-22 -------------------------- Audiovisual Communication Audiovisual Communication bil Gr. Com Aud + screen 22 Journalism Journalism b Marketing Journalism+Global |
Sem. 1 | García Pérez, Rafael Daniel | Tuesday 15.30 to 17.30 h | AMI-P0-Seminar06 |
Heroes, sages, saints: figures core topic of Antiquity (INTERFAC) | PhilosophyPolitics and Economics - PPE 3rd Philosophy 4º Philology Hispanic Studies 3rd Philology Hispanic + Journalism 5th History 3rd History + Journalism 3rd History + Archaeology 3rd Humanities (bilingual) 3º and 4º History and Literature 22 language and Literature 22 -------------------------- Law International Relations IR + Law 3rd IR + History Gr.Int.Rel.+Geo-22 Gr.Rel.Int.+Glo-22 -------------------------- Audiovisual Communication Audiovisual Communication bil Gr. Com Aud + screen 22 Journalism Journalism b Marketing Journalism+Global |
Sem. 1 | Torres Guerra, José Bernardino | Thursday 12 to 14 |
AMI-P0-Seminar14 |
Love and human sexuality | Philosophy, Politics and Economics - PPE 2º Philosophy 3º Philosophy + Journalism 4th Philology Hispanic + Journalism 4th History 4th History + Archaeology 3rd -------------------------- Law International Relations IR + Law IR + History Gr.Int.Rel.+Geo-22 Int.Rel.Gr.Int.+Glo-22 -------------------------- Audiovisual Communication Audiovisual Communication bil Gr. Com Aud + screen 22 Journalism Journalism b Marketing Journalism+Global |
Sem. 2 | de Irala Estévez, Jokin | Tuesday 15.30 to 17.30 h | AMI-S1-ClassroomB2 |
Intellectual history and ideologies | Law Law + Philosophy International Relations IR + Law IR + History Int.Rel.Gr.Int.+Geo-22 Int.Rel.Gr.Int.+Glo-22 ------------------- Audiovisual Communication Audiovisual Communication bil Gr. Com Aud + screen 22 Journalism Journalism b Marketing Journalism+Global |
Sem. 2 | Montero Díaz, Mercedes | Tuesday 15.30 to 17.30 h | AMI-P1-ClassroomM2 |
Affectivity and knowledge in personal relationships | Philosophy, Politics and Economics - PPE 2º Philosophy 3º Philosophy + Journalism 4th Philology Hispanic + Journalism 4th History 4th History + Archaeology 3rd --------------------- Law Law + Philosophy International Relations IR + Law IR + History Int.Rel.Gr.Int.+Geo-22 Int.Rel.Gr.Int.+Glo-22 |
2 | Terrasa Messuti, Eduardo | Tuesday 15.30 to 17.30 h | AMI-P0-Classroom04 |
Latin America: identity and culture | Philosophy, Politics and Economics - PPE 2º Philosophy 3º Philosophy + Journalism 4th Philology Hispanic + Journalism 4th History 4th History + Archaeology 3rd --------------------- Law Law + Philosophy International Relations IR + Law IR + History Int.Rel.Gr.Int.+Geo-22 Int.Rel.Gr.Int.+Glo-22 --------------------- Audiovisual Communication Audiovisual Communication bil Gr. Com Aud + screen 22 Journalism Journalism b Marketing Journalism+Global |
Sem. 2 | by Navascués Martín, Javier | Tuesday 15.30 to 17.30 h | AMI-P0-Classroom05 |
Challenges for science in the 21st century | Philosophy, Politics and Economics - PPE 2º Philosophy 3º Philosophy + Journalism 4th Philology Hispanic + Journalism 4th History 4th History + Archaeology 3rd --------------------- Law Law + Philosophy International Relations IR + Law IR + History Int.Rel.Gr.Int.+Geo-22 Int.Rel.Gr.Int.+Glo-22 --------------------- Audiovisual Communication Audiovisual Communication bil Gr. Com Aud + screen 22 Journalism Journalism b Marketing Journalism+Global |
Sem. 2 | López Goñi, Ignacio | Tuesday 15.30 to 17.30 h | AMI-P1-ClassroomM8 |
Discovering the Holy Mass | Philosophy, Politics and Economics - PPE 2º Philosophy 3º Philosophy + Journalism 4th Philology Hispanic + Journalism 4th History 4th History + Archaeology 4th Literature and Creative Writing 3rd --------------------- Law 3rd Law + Philosophy 4th and 6th International Relations 3rd IR + Law 3rd IR + History 3rd Int.Rel.Gr.Int.+Geo-22 Int.Rel.Gr.Int.+Glo-22 --------------------- Audiovisual Communication 3rd Audiovisual Communication bil 3rd Gr. Com Aud + screen 22 Journalism 3rd Journalism b 3rd Marketing 2nd Journalism+Global 3rd |
Sem. 2 | Silvestre Valor, Juan José | Tuesday 15.30 to 17.30 h | AMI-P0-Classroom08 |
Marriage and family - group B | Philosophy, Politics and Economics - PPE 2º Philosophy 3º Philosophy + Journalism 4th Philology Hispanic + Journalism 4th History 4th History + Archaeology 4th Literature and Creative Writing 3rd --------------------- Law Law + Philosophy International Relations IR + Law IR + History Int.Rel.Gr.Int.+Geo-22 Int.Rel.Gr.Int.+Glo-22 --------------------- Audiovisual Communication Audiovisual Communication bil Gr. Com Aud + screen 22 Journalism Journalism b Marketing 2nd Journalism+Global |
Sem. 2 | Rivas Borrell, Sonia | Thursday 12 to 14 h schedule SCIENCES SOCIAL |
Roots of Western culture | Philosophy, Politics and Economics - PPE 2º Philosophy 3º Philosophy + Journalism 4th Philology Hispanic + Journalism 4th History 4th History + Archaeology 4th Literature and Creative Writing 3rd --------------------- Law Law + Philosophy International Relations IR + Law IR + History 4th Int.Rel.Gr.Int.+Geo-22 Int.Rel.Gr.Int.+Glo-22 --------------------- Audiovisual Communication Audiovisual Communication bil Gr. Com Aud + screen 22 Journalism Journalism b Marketing 2nd Journalism+Global |
Sem. 2 | Zabalza Seguín, Ana | Tuesday 15.30 to 17.30 h | AMI-P0-Classroom07 |
The reality of fiction | Philosophy, Politics and Economics - PPE 2º Philosophy 3º Philosophy + Journalism 4th Philology Hispanic + Journalism 4th History 4th History + Archaeology 4th --------------------- Law Law + Philosophy International Relations IR + Law IR + History Int.Rel.Gr.Int.+Geo-22 Int.Rel.Gr.Int.+Glo-22 --------------------- Audiovisual Communication Audiovisual Communication bil Gr. Com Aud + screen 22 Journalism Journalism b Marketing 2nd Journalism+Global |
Sem. 2 | Fernández Urtasun, Rosa | Tuesday 15.30 to 17.30 h | FCOM-P0-AULA8 |
Protagonists of the Bible (INTERFAC) | Philosophy, Politics and Economics - PPE 2º Philosophy Philosophy + Journalism Philology Hispanic Studies Philology Hispanic + Journalism History History + Archaeology Humanities (bilingual) Literature and Creative Writing --------------------- Law Law + Philosophy International Relations IR + Law IR + History Int.Rel.Gr.Int.+Geo-22 Int.Rel.Gr.Int.+Glo-22 --------------------- Audiovisual Communication Audiovisual Communication bil Gr. Com Aud + screen 22 Journalism Journalism b Marketing 2nd Journalism+Global |
Sem. 2 | Varo Pineda, Francisco | Tuesday 15.30 to 17.30 h | AMI-P0-Seminar15 |
Literature, Power and Leadership (INTERFAC) | Philosophy, Politics and Economics - PPE 2º Philosophy Philosophy + Journalism Philology Hispanic Studies Philology Hispanic + Journalism History History + Archaeology Humanities (bilingual) Literature and Creative Writing --------------------- Law Law + Philosophy International Relations IR + Law IR + History Int.Rel.Gr.Int.+Geo-22 Int.Rel.Gr.Int.+Glo-22 --------------------- Audiovisual Communication Audiovisual Communication bil Gr. Com Aud + screen 22 Journalism Journalism b Marketing 2nd Journalism+Global |
Sem. 2 | Sánchez-Ostiz Gutiérrez, Álvaro / Simón Yarza, Fernando |
Tuesday 15.30 to 17.30 h | AMI-P0-Seminar14 |