


Ignacio Arellano Ayuso


+ 34 948 42 56 00 x

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Carlos Mata Induráin

Academic Secretary

+34 948 425 600 x

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Mariela Insúa Cereceda

administrative assistant management assistant

+34 948 425 600 x

View CV "View Mariela Insúa Cereceda's CV".


Ignacio Arellano Ayuso

Ignacio Arellano, Full Professor of the University of Navarra, has been a tenured professor at the University of León and Full Professor at the University of Extremadura, as well as Visiting Professor in numerous universities around the world (Buenos Aires, Duke University, North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Dartmouth College, University of Delhi, Pisa, Münster, Toulouse, Católica de Chile...). Member of the committee of essay of magazines such as Ínsula, Edad de Oro, Criticón..., and Director of group of research Siglo de Oro (GRISO) of the University of Navarra, where he directs an extensive program of research on the Golden Age, including the project critical edition of the complete autos sacramentales and the complete comedies of Calderón, the critical edition of the complete works of Tirso de Molina, the publication of La Perinola. Revista de research Quevediana, the direction of the Centro de programs of study Indianos (with its "Library Services Indiana") for all topics related to viceregal literature, or the direction of the collection "Library Services Áurea Hispánica", with the publishing house Vervuert-Iberoamericana. He is the author, publisher or compiler of some one hundred and fifty books on Spanish literature, especially of the Golden Age, and nearly four hundred articles in scientific journals.

J. Enrique Duarte

J. Enrique Duarte is graduateand holds a PhD in PhilologyHispánica from the University of Navarra. He was hired by the GRISO in 1998 and since then he has been working on researchon various authors: Pedro Calderón de la Barca, Francisco de Quevedo, Tirso de Molina and Francisco Antonio Bances Candamo. He has mainly focused his interest on the theatre of the Golden Age, publishing several articles and editions of comedies and autos sacramentales.

Currently, he combines his work at researchwith the coordination of the journal La Perinola (ISSN: 1138-6363) as secretary. He is also in charge, also as secretary, of the Anejos La Perinola.

Celsa Carmen García Valdés

Celsa Carmen García Valdés, PhD in Philology, has published numerous works on Spanish and Latin American theatre, and has edited plays by Cervantes, Lope, Tirso, Calderón, Quevedo, Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz and Ruiz de Alarcón, as well as several anthologies of short plays.

His most recent publications include the following critical editions (with their corresponding programs of studyand notes): Ramillete de sainetes de los mejores ingenios de España (Zaragoza, 1672), Madrid, Fundamentos, 2012; Juan Ruiz de Alarcón, La cueva de Salamanca. La testde las promesas, Madrid, Chair, 2013; Eulogio Florentino Sanz, Don Francisco de Quevedo, Pamplona, Eunsa, 2014; Francisco Bernardo de Quirós, Teatro breve completo, Madrid, Fundamentos, 2016; Antología de la literatura burlesca del Siglo de Oro. Entremeses de burlas, New York, IDEA, 2020; and Francisco Bernardo de Quirós, Comedias. La luna de la Sagra: vida y muerte de la santa Juana de la Cruz. Olvidar amando. El hermano de su hermana. El cerco de Tagarete, Madrid, Fundamentos, 2021.

+ 34 948 42 56 00, ext. 802160

Fax: 0034 948 42 56 36

Luis Galván is Senior Associate Professor of area of Theory of Literature at the University of Navarra. He has been Visiting Professor at the University of Münster and scholarship recipient Humboldt at the University of Freiburg. He participates in the projects of critical edition of Calderón's autos sacramentales and Tirso de Molina's comedies. He is publisher attachment of Rilce: Revista de Philology Hispánica. He is the author of several monographs on research and critical editions, and publisher of a collective Issue on Northrop Frye's literary theory. He has published articles and book chapters on medieval and Renaissance works(Cantar de mio Cid, Milagros de Nuestra Señora, El conde Lucanor, Libro del Caballero Zifar, Celestina, libros de caballerías, poesía de fray Luis de León), on 17th century theater, and on questions of literary theory. He is currently working on post-structural narratology and the relationship between literature and society, with a hermeneutic, archetypal and systems theory perspective, focusing especially on the experience and representation of death.

+ 34 948 42 56 00, ext. 802009

Fax: 0034 948 42 56 36

Mariela Insúa Cereceda

Mariela Insúa Cereceda holds a BA in languageand Hispanic Literature (1993) and a MA in Spanish Literature (1997) from the University of Chile; PhD in Hispanic Literature from the University of Navarra (2009). scholarshipde Estímulo al mejor studentde su promoción (1997), scholarshipIntercampus-AECI (1999), scholarshipde researchen España para hispanistas extranjeros-AECI (2001), scholarshipde la associationde Amigos de la Universidad de Navarra (2003-2007). Professor of Spanish Literature (Universidad de Chile 1997-2001), Acting Professor of Spanish-American Literature (Universidad Católica de Valparaíso), XII awardInternational researchFundación Foro Jovellanos (2009). She currently works as administrative assistantmanagement assistant and researcher at groupde researchSiglo de Oro (GRISO) at the University of Navarra.

He has more than twenty publications in journals and collective books on the Spanish Golden Age, the contemporary Spanish novel and Hispano-American literature. His main themes of researchin recent years have been the models of life in New Spain, especially in the Enlightenment period, and the work of the Mexican José Joaquín Fernández de Lizardi.

He has also participated in several international conferences in Spain, Chile, Brazil and Argentina.

Carlos Mata Induráin

Carlos Mata Induráin, Senior Associate Professor accredited, is researcher and Secretary of group of research Siglo de Oro (GRISO) of the University of Navarra, and also Secretary of high school of programs of study Auriseculares (IDEA, Madrid / New York). He is also a correspondent in Spain of the Bolivian Academy of the language.

He has been visiting professorat the University of Piura (Peru), the Université Jean Jaurès-Toulouse II and, on several occasions, at the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (Chile). He is a member of the associationde Cervantistas (AC), of which he is currently board member ; the associationSiglo de Oro International (AISO), of which he was Treasurer in the 2011-2014 triennium; the associationInternational Hispanists (AIH); and the associationInternational of Spanish and Novo-Hispanic Theatre of the Golden Age (AITENSO).

His main lines of researchcurrently focus on Spanish literature of the Golden Age: burlesque comedy, Calderón's autos sacramentales, Cervantes and the recreations of Quixotes and Cervantes, plays about the Arauco War, etc. He has also been interested in colonial literature (especially Chilean literature), modern and contemporary Spanish literature (historical drama and historical novels of Spanish Romanticism, novels of the Civil War, Spanish short stories of the 20th century...) and the literary history of Navarre. As researcher, he has participated in some twenty funded researchprojects. He has four sexenios of researchapproved by the CNEAI (1992-1999; 2000-2005; 2006-2011; 2012-2017).

In all the areas mentioned above, he has published several monographs and articles in prestigious scientific journals of the specialization program, and has also been publisherof numerous literary works. His works on Cervantes include guide de lectura del "Quijote" (2006), written in partnershipwith Mariela Insúa, his edition of La gitanilla and Rinconete y Cortadillo ( 2010) or the volumes he coordinated Recreaciones teatrales y alegorías cervantinas ( 2012), Recreaciones quijotescas y cervantinas en la narrativa (2013), Recreaciones quijotescas y cervantinas en la poesía y el essay (2015) and Recreaciones quijotescas y cervantinas en las artes. Cervantes and his work (2016). With Ignacio Arellano he has published Vida y obra de Lope de Vega ( 2011). He has prepared several critical editions of Calderón's autos sacramentales and burlesque comedies of the Golden Age, as well as La conversión de la Madalena de Malón de Echaide, with Ignacio Arellano and Jordi Aladro (2014).

Carlos Mata Induráin is a researcher and the Academic Secretary of GRISO (groupde researchSiglo de Oro / Golden Age Research Group) at the University of Navarra (Pamplona, Spain). His research projects are focused on Spanish literature of the Golden Age (burlesque comedy, sacramental plays by Calderón, Cervantes, Lope de Vega, etc.). He is also interested in Modern and Contemporary Spanish Literature and Colonial Literature, especially that of the Chilean ambit. He has published, together with Ignacio Arellano, a biography of Lope de Vega (2011).

Blanca Oteiza

Blanca Oteiza has been a researcher at the GRISO (groupde researchSiglo de Oro) of the University of Navarra since its foundation in 1997 and administrative assistantGeneral of its high schoolde programs of studyTirsianos. She has also been a corresponding member of the CECE (Centro para la Edición de Clásicos Españoles) since 2001.

This research activity is completed with the participation in 13 national and regional European projects, of which she has been the Principal Investigator (PI) on five occasions, focusing on the critical edition of the complete theatre of Tirso de Molina (corresponding Ministries of the Spanish Government: 2003-2005, reference letterBFF2002-01305; 2006-2009, reference letterHUM2006-04363; 2011-2013, reference letterFFI2010-18619; 2014-2017, reference letterFFI2013-48549-P), and the theatre of Bances Candamo (Government of Navarre, 2001-2002). Some of these projects in which he has participated have had international projection such as the projectof researchEuropean "Les idées du Théâtre").

Accredited as a Senior Lecturer by the National Agency for Assessment of Quality and Accreditationshe has taught teachingin degree courses at the Universidad Nacional de Educationa Distancia (Pamplona) and the Universidad Pública de Navarra, as well as in postgraduate programcourses at the University of Navarra, the University of Toulouse (France) and the University of Pau (France), and in other courses at the high schoolNavarro de public administration(INAP) of the Government of Navarra or at the Fundación Festival Internacional de Teatro Clásico de Almagro (Almagro International Classical Theatre Festival Foundation).

He has published books, book chapters and articles in indexed journals and Spanish and foreign publishers such as Vervuert-Iberoamericana, Reichenberger, Peter Lang, Real Academia Española and attended numerous international conferences on various aspects of the literature and culture of the Golden Age.

+ 34 948 42 56 00, ext. 802902

Fax: 0034 948 42 56 56 36 | 

Cristina Tabernero conference roomDr. Cristina Tabernero conference room is Associate Professor at the Schoolde Philosophyy Letras (University of Navarra), where she teaches subjects on various linguistic aspects (History of Spanish language, Phonetics and Phonology, Spanish language) at programs of studyde licentiate degree, doctorate, Degree, and Master's Degree. He was awardExtraordinary of licentiate degreeand awardExtraordinary of doctorateby the work The configuration of vocabulary in Navarrese Romance. A study of royal documents from the 13th and 14th centuries, subsequently published by Eunsa. Since then, his programs of studyhas mainly dealt with dialectology, historical and current, and the history of the language, with special attention to lexicological and lexicographical issues. To these disciplines belong several contributions in specialised journals and contributions to national and international congresses. From the lexicographical speechhe has extended his researchto the study of discursive traditions with addresses to thesis of licentiate degreeand publications. In addition, he has dealt with issues related to the teachingof Spanish as a foreign language languageand the didactics of the mother tongue language.

Her participation in several projects at research, as director and researcher, has allowed her to continue to delve into the panchronic characterisation of Romance in Navarre, which culminated in the book, in partnershipwith Dr. C. Saralegui, Navarrismos en el Diccionario de la Real Academia Española (2nd ed.), and with the inclusion of Navarre in the projectPanhispánico de Léxico available, directed by Prof. López Morales. In the latter field, under his direction, works of thesis doctoral and licentiate degree have been published.

+ 34 948 42 56 00, ext. 802874

Fax: 0034 948 42 56 36 

Jesús M. Usunáriz

Jesús M. Usunáriz is Professorof Modern History at the University of Navarre. He is the author of Una visión de la América del XVIII: correspondencia de emigrantes guipuzcoanos y navarros (Madrid, 1992), coordinatorof the book Las Cortes de Navarra desde su incorporación a la Corona de Castilla (1513-1829), (Pamplona, 1993), coordinatorof the book Navarra 1500-1850: trayectoria de una sociedad olvidada (Pamplona, 1994). His thesis sobre el régimen señorial en la Edad Moderna (1995), for which he received the awardExtraordinario de doctoratefrom the University of Navarre, has been partially published in his books Nobleza y señoríos en la Navarra Moderna. Entre la solvencia y la crisis económica (Pamplona, 1997) and El ocaso del régimen señorial en Navarra (1808-1860) ( Pamplona, 2004). He has recently published España y sus tratados internacionales (1516-1700) (Pamplona, 2006) and Historia breve de Navarra ( Madrid, 2006). He has collaborated as publisherin the works Aportaciones a la historia económica y social: España y Europa, siglos XVI-XVIII (Pamplona, 2000) and Historia y humanismo: programs of studyen honor del profesor Dr. D. Valentín Vázquez de Prada (Pamplona, 2000). He has participated in the critical edition of the books Sitio de Fuenterrabía by José Moret (Pamplona, 2003), Sitio y socorro de Fuenterrabía by Juan de Palafox (Pamplona, 2003) and La conquista de Navarra by Luis Correa ( Pamplona, 2003). Together with Agustín González Enciso, he has edited Imagen del rey, imagen de los reinos. Las ceremonias públicas en la España Moderna (1500-1814), (Pamplona, 1998), together with Ignacio Arellano, El mundo social y cultural en la época de La Celestina, (Pamplona, 2002) and El matrimonio en Europa y en el mundo hispánico ( Madrid, 2005) and together with Rocío García Bourrellier, Aportaciones a la Historia Social del Lenguaje. España siglos XIV-XVIII (Madrid, 2005) and the book Padres e hijos en el Mundo Hispánico (siglos XVI-XVIII) (Madrid, 2008). Currently his researchfocuses on the study of social history and cultural changes in Golden Age Spain.

+ 34 948 42 56 00, ext. 802387

Fax: 0034 948 42 56 36

Miren Usunáriz Iribertegui

Miren Usunáriz Iribertegui has a degree in Hispanic Philology from the University of Navarra; Master's Degree in Spanish and Hispano-American Literature from the University of Salamanca. She is currently working on her thesis in the GRISO framework under the supervision of Professor Ignacio Arellano, with a predoctoral financial aid for the training of University faculty (FPU18/02792) from the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities of the Government of Spain. Her research focuses on the use of mockery as a rhetorical, social and political weapon in Golden Age polemics. He has had the opportunity to present, in recent years, some results of this work in several national and international conferences and seminars. He has also published articles and reviews in indexed journals (Hipogrifo, Atalanta) on issues such as the influence of golden literature in contemporary authors or on controversial figures of the seventeenth century as José Pellicer. He has made two international stays: in El high school in Mexico, thanks to the program "Becas Iberoamérica. Santander research" of Banco Santander and at the University of Coimbra, thanks to a mobility financial aid for beneficiaries of the University faculty training program (FPU).


Fax: 0034 948 42 56 36 

Rafael Zafra Molina

Dr. Rafael Zafra Molina carries out his research work in various areas of the Golden Age. His main areas of interest are the autos sacramentales by Calderón de la Barca (with attention to the music that accompanied them), emblematics, the figure of Sebastián de Covarrubias and his Tesoro de la languagecastellana o española or the golden catechisms, such as the Doctrina cristiana by Pedro Canisio.

+ 34 948 42 56 00, ext. 802768

Fax: 0034 948 42 56 36