Ruta de navegación

Relaciones internacionales

International Office

International Office

network The GRISO, which develops the Priority Line of research "Siglo de Oro" of the University of Navarra, has maintained since 1997 a very wide range of relations with universities, academies, foundations, museums, government bodies at different levels, etc. The team has organised and managed activities at partnership with institutions from all over the world in the professional, cultural, social, religious and political spheres.

Below is a list of the main institutions that have collaborated in our activities and with which we currently maintain close academic links.

Aplicaciones anidadas


El GRISO en el mundo boton


University of Poitiers


GRISO has received from the University of Poitiers the status of Équipe de Recherche Internationale Associée (ERIA), on the framework of the project "Le Parnasse oublié: La littérature hispanique entre Baroque et Néoclassicisme (1651-1750)"coordinated by Alain Bègue.