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Modelos de vida y cultura en la Navarra de la Modernidad temprana tit

Models of life and culture in early modern Navarre

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Modelos de vida y cultura en la Navarra de la Modernidad temprana

Models of life and culture in early modern Navarre

The main models of life and culture in the evolution of society and the cultural imaginary in early modern Navarre (16th-18th centuries) will be studied. It will analyse the fundamental characteristics of groups, estates and figures core topic of Navarrese history and culture, both in the sphere of the community itself and in its international projection.

In the last two decades, the research in the field of Humanities has made an important leap towards multidisciplinarity and partnership. Moreover, this work, carried out from a cultural perspective, has opened up numerous avenues and perspectives for work when it comes to understanding the defining features of a society in the past and their effects on the present. This can be seen not only in the material realities that have been preserved through literature or art, but also in the behaviour that still survives or is remembered today.

For this reason, Navarre is a magnificent platform for its knowledge and for the understanding of a whole set of facts, attitudes and evolution not only from a local perspective, but also in the context of the European society of Modernity. To this end, it has the necessary elements (artistic, literary, philological, historical) thanks to the preservation of an important artistic, book and archive heritage, a fundamental basis for the humanistic research and for the project proposed here.

On the other hand, a research of such dimensions needs to be disseminated as widely as possible, not only among specialists, but also among a broad public interested in cultural aspects. To this end, we have important tools at our disposal, in what is known as "Humanities Digitales", an area in which the group de research Siglo de Oro (GRISO) of the University of Navarra has been a pioneer in Spain, as demonstrated by the organisation of an international congress on the topic, as well as the very structure for the dissemination of the results of the research team.

The present project proposes as results a series of publications on the general topic of project "Models of life and culture in early modern Navarre" through different means of dissemination: books, digital publications, articles in scientific publications, blog entries and video. knowledge dissemination The results will also be presented at academic congresses and at conferences in Navarre.

Modelos de vida y cultura en la Navarra de la Modernidad temprana desplegable


To examine the most significant models of life and culture in the evolution of Navarrese society and cultural imaginary between the 16th and 18th centuries.

The research will focus on the models selected as basic, which offer both social and individual dimensions and which constitute nuclear models, capable of illuminating the historical process with which modernity began and which leads up to the present day. The following models and figures will be analysed.

  • goal Models of power and authority, courtly and political : viceroys, civil servants, local nobility and models of courtly culture in modern Navarre. The saint's model : Francis Xavier and missionary globalisation. The moral and religious writer and the work of Malón de Echaide. An enlightened bishop: Martínez Compañón.

  • goal Intellectual and scientific models. The master Azpilcueta and Jerónimo de Ayanz. Artistic and literary models. The figure of the conquistador: Pedro de Ursúa. Models and anti-models in everyday and popular behaviour: attitudes towards violence, feelings, beliefs or uses of language.

  • goal Disseminate the results of research at different levels: printed publications, electronic publications, Internet networks, videos, conferences and presentations at various congresses.



The project will attempt to examine the presence and projection of Navarrese personalities in universal culture, in an organised manner and from a mixed perspective of "recovery of a cultural heritage" and specific analysis of documents and texts that have so far received little attention. It will also attempt to outline a necessarily partial but systematic panorama, highlighting a series of stories and cultural models capable of teaching useful lessons for the present day. The application of digital technologies (publishing and dissemination) represents an important advance in innovation in relation to traditional media, which will also be taken into account.

In short, the innovative aspects refer to the recovery of models and images - to date little studied - and to the mechanisms of projection for the public, which will be organised in digital form using the means available to the team and those developed by the same project.


researcher principal: Ignacio Arellano Ayuso 


  • Álvaro Baraibar

  • Carlos Mata Induráin

  • Mariela Insúa

  • Cristina Tabernero

  • Jesús María Usunáriz


  • seminar "Modelos de vida en la Navarra del Renacimiento y el Barroco", organized by the group de research Siglo de Oro (GRISO) of the University of Navarra and the M. I. Ayuntamiento de Corella, in the framework of the project "Modelos de vida y cultura en la Navarra de la modernidad temprana" (no. 70233) of the Fundación Caja Navarra, Corella (Navarra), Centro Cultural de Corella, December 14, 2015.[Program]

  • seminar "Ascetic literature and humanism. De Santa Teresa de Jesús a fray Pedro Malón de Echaide", organized by the group de research Siglo de Oro (GRISO) of the University of Navarra and the association Cultural Amigos de Cascante VICUS, with the partnership of the M. I. Ayuntamiento de Cascante, in the framework of the project "Modelos de vida y cultura en la Navarra de la modernidad temprana" (no. 70233) of the Fundación Caja Navarra, Cascante (Navarra), Museo de Santa Vicenta María (Religiosas de María Inmaculada), December 9, 2015.[Program]

  • lecture "Fray Diego de Estella (1524-1578) y otros modelos literarios en la Navarra de los Siglos de Oro Frai Diego Lizarrakoa (1524-1578) eta beste literatura eredu batzuk Urrezko Mendeetako Nafarroan", by Carlos Mata Induráin. Estella/Lizarra, Casa de la Cultura de Estella, 25 November 2015.

  • lecture "Francisco Navarro Villoslada, un personaje, tres modelos de vida: literato, periodista y político", by Carlos Mata Induráin. Viana, Library Services Pública/Centro Cultural "Francisco Navarro Villoslada", 8 October 2015.

  • Workshop "Modelos de acción y de pensamiento: Ursúa y Malón de Echaide", organized by the project "Modelos de vida y cultura en la Navarra de la modernidad temprana" (project no. 70233, Fundación Caja Navarra, "Convocatoria de ayudas para la promoción de la research y el development 2015", area de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales), Pamplona, University of Navarra, September 10, 2015.


Modelos de vida y cultura en la Navarra de la modernidad temprana, ed. Ignacio Arellano, New York, IDEA, 2016.

Models of life and culture in Navarre (16th and 17th centuries). Antología de textos, ed. Mariela Insúa, Pamplona, Publishing Services of the University of Navarra, 2016. BIADIG Collection (Library Services Áurea Digital), 35 / GRISO Digital Publications.

Fray Pedro Malón de Echaide, La conversión de la Madalena, ed. by Ignacio Arellano, Jordi Aladro and Carlos Mata Induráin New York, IDEA, 2014.

gradeWe are grateful to high school of programs of study Aurisecular (IDEA) for making this publication available in open access.

Models of life and culture in early modern Navarre

Models of life and culture in Navarre (16th and 17th centuries). Anthology of texts


Fray Pedro Malón de Echaide, La conversión de la Madalena, ed. by Ignacio Arellano, Jordi Aladro and Carlos Mata Induráin New York, IDEA, 2014.


M. Gabriela Torres Olleta, Redes iconográficas. San Francisco Javier en la cultura visual del Barroco (Saint Francis Xavier in Baroque visual culture).
Madrid/Frankfurt am Main, Iberoamericana/Vervuert, 2009.

gradeWe are grateful to publishing house Iberoamericana-Vervuert for making this publication available in open access.

bibliography about Saint Francis Xavier (PDF)

bibliography about Fray Pedro Malón de Echaide (PDF)

M. Gabriela Torres Olleta, Redes iconográficas. Saint Francis Xavier in the visual culture of the Baroque period


bibliography about St. Francis Xavier


bibliography about Fray Pedro Malón de Echaide



Blog entries
