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Memorias de los encuentros internacionales sobre el Barroco (Bolivia) tit


Memorias de los encuentros internacionales sobre el Barroco (Bolivia) pestañas


Andean Baroque

Barroco andino. report del I meeting internacional, Pamplona, Fundación Visión Cultural/Publishing Services de la Universidad de Navarra, 2011 (digital edition from La Paz, Viceministerio de Cultura de Bolivia/Union Latina, 2003).
ISBN: 84-8081-077-7.

With the aim of reflecting on the diversity of themes covered by the Baroque period, the Vice-Ministry of Culture and the Unión Latina, in the framework of their objectives, organised the I International meeting on the Andean Baroque, which took place from 9 to 13 December 2002 in the city of Santa Cruz de la Sierra, with the participation of leading specialists from Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, Venezuela, Argentina, Chile, Spain and Mexico, who for five days focused on themes of Baroque theory, architecture, the arts, music, festivals and literature, and managed to reflect and discuss the theory of the Baroque, architecture, the arts, music, festivals and literature, Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, Venezuela, Argentina, Chile, Spain and Mexico, who for five days focused on Baroque theory, architecture, the arts, music, festivals and literature, reflecting on and discussing this important subject, which forms part of the history of art in the Andean region and is a contribution to the history of universal art.

Our intention is that this publication, which brings together all the works of research presented at meeting, will be a further contribution to the dissemination of the Baroque in the Andean countries.




presentation by María Isabel Álvarez, Deputy Minister of Culture


presentation by François Zumbiehl, Unión Latina


presentation by Joris Jurriëns, Royal Netherlands Embassy


presentation of rule Campos, coordinator of the meeting


Teresa Gisbert and José de Mesa
The Virgin Mary in Bolivia. The Baroque Dialectic in the Representation of Mary


Javier Portús Pérez
Coexistence with the Image in the Hispanic Baroque


Juana Gutiérrez Haces
Novo-Hispanic Baroque painting as a levelling process. Advances of a budding research


Janeth Rodríguez Nóbrega
The Most Holy Mother of Light in the province of Caracas (1757-1770). The decline of the Baroque


Fernando Cajías de la Vega
The baroque festival in Potosí


Isabel Cruz Amenábar
Sweet feasts: notes on culinary creation and its significance in the festive art of the Baroque in Chile


Antonio San Cristóbal
terminology and concept of planiform architecture


Roberto Samanez Argumedo
Origins and diffusion of the Cusquenian Baroque


Juan Zilbeti Gonzales
Urban evolution and features of the Baroque in Sucre


Alfonso Ortiz Crespo and Jesús Paniagua Pérez
The project of an enlightened city for America. The design of Riobamba


José Correa and José de Mesa
Baroque and polychromy. The Trujillo houses of Peru


Víctor Hugo Limpias Ortiz
Missionary Baroque architecture in Moxos


Virgilio Suárez Salas
Rethinking the missionary Baroque of Chiquitos


Olaya San Fuentes
The legend of Saint Thomas in America


Marta Penhos
On what is seen and what is known. Aspects of the construction of the landscape in the written sources of an 18th century Salta painting


Elizabeth Kuon Arce
The Queros in the Andean Baroque framework


Mireya Muñoz
From Mestizo Baroque to contemporary popular art. The potatile altarpieces


Mariano Felipe Paz Soldán Boza
Panorama of Peruvian Viceroyalty Painting: The Lima School


Rafael Ramos Sosa
Reflections and news on indigenous sculptors and assemblers in Bolivia and Peru, 16th and 17th centuries.


Luisa Elena Alcalá
Accommodation, control and splendour of the image in Jesuit foundations


Alcides Parejas Moreno
The Chiquitano Baroque


Marta Fajardo de Rueda
The painter Jerónimo López, author of the series on the life of Saint Teresa in the Convent of the Discalced Carmelites of Santa Fe de Bogotá.


Pedro Querejazu Leyton
The ways of looking and the use of the illusion of reality in the baroque painting of the Audiencia de Charcas


Guillermo Mariaca Iturri
Woven angels


Andrés Eichmann Oehrli
Is sharpness the pasture of the soul; an approach to the literary codes at work in some of the works of Charcas


Carlos Seoane Urioste
De las cacerías al vuelo de los Ángeles, avatares de un contrafatum en una obra del file musical de Chiquitos (From the hunts to the flight of the Angels, avatars of a contrafatum in a work of the Chiquitos musical ).


Miguel Arteaga Aranibar
History of the Destruction of the Tangible and Intangible Heritage of the Andes



Baroque and sources of cultural diversity

report from II meeting International on Baroque. Baroque and sources of cultural diversity, Pamplona, Fundación Visión Cultural/Publishing Services of the University of Navarra, 2011 (digital edition from La Paz, Viceministerio de Cultura de Bolivia/Union Latina, 2004).
ISBN: 84-8081-078-5.

This second version of the International meeting on the Baroque, which took place in the city of Sucre from 29 October to 1 November 2003, under the organisation of the Vice-Ministry of Culture, the Latin Union, UNESCO and the file and Library Services Nacionales de Bolivia, has allowed us to bring together in dialogue and reflection on the Baroque and the sources of cultural diversity, distinguished personalities from the fields of history, architecture, art, music and literature from different countries.

Both the academic aspect as well as the integration between lecturers and
The academic aspect, as well as the integration between lecturers and attendees, have given rise to the importance of this activity, which can be continued with a next version. We hope that this report containing the dissertations presented will be a further contribution to the history of art, especially in American countries.






Margarita Vila da Vila
Reflections on the "Baroque" and its origins


Teresa Gisbert
Heaven and hell in the viceregal world of the southern Andean region


Alexandra Kennedy Troya
Quito's Baroque revisited by nineteenth-century artists


Rafael Ramos Sosa
The sculptor Luis de Espíndola and his trajectory between Bolivia and Peru


Marcela Corvera Poiré
Viceregal society under divine protection


Mireya Muñoz Vargas
Evil and cultural diversity. A brief iconographic study


Pedro Ángeles Jiménez
Apelles and Tlacuilos: Marcos Griego and 16th-century indigenous Christian painting in New Spain


Isabel Cruz de Amenábar
Images of civilisation and barbarism in southern Chile: abduction of white women by indigenous caciques from Ercilla to Rugendas


Gabriela Siracusano
Vermilion and azurites in the Andean colonial workshop. Practices and representations


Elizabeth Kuon Arce
Utilitarian Arts and the Baroque. Notes on glazed ceramics in the Surandino.


Mariano Felipe Paz Soldán
The Baroque in Peruvian Andean Mural Painting


Fernando Cajías de la Vega
Baroque and Inca nationalism


Miguel Arteaga Aranibar
Baroque and anti-baroque. Conceptions of mail and cultural diversity


Alcides Parejas Moreno
Living the world intensely. Father José de Arce, founder of the Chiquitos missions.


Milena Cáceres
The concept of the Baroque in Alejo Carpentier's Baroque Concert


Roberto Samanez Argumedo
The churches of Apurimac and Chumbivilcas in the Peruvian South: a new perspective of the Andean Baroque


Víctor Hugo Limpias Ortiz
The Moxeño Baroque and its original contribution


José de Mesa and José Correa Orbegoso
The Mestizo Baroque on the coast of Peru: the church of Santiago de Huamán in Trujillo


Andrés Eichmann Oehrli
La colección musical platense: entre los cancioneros musicales y la literatura de cordel (The Music Collection of La Plata: Between Musical Songbooks and String Literature)


Piotr Nawrot
The liturgical-musical life in the Jesuit high school in Cuzco (16th-18th centuries)



Mannerism and transition to the Baroque

report from the III meeting Internacional sobre Barroco. Mannerism and transition to the Baroque, Pamplona, Fundación Visión Cultural/Publishing Services of the University of Navarra, 2011 (digital edition from La Paz, Viceministerio de Cultura de Bolivia/Union Latina, 2005).
ISBN: 84-8081-079-3.

The third version of the Internationalmeeting on the Baroque, with the title topic Mannerism and transition to the Baroque, was held from 30 March to 2 April 2005 in the city of La Paz. It was organised by the Unión Latina, which was joined by the Centro de programs of study Indianos of the University of Navarra. A positive response has been the interest of specialists from different countries in America and Europe who came to quotation on this occasion, and even more, the expectation among professionals and students also from different countries, who attended, converting the meeting into a space for reflection and cultural integration.

It is necessary to make this consideration, as it is an unmistakable sign that activities such as the meeting International on the Baroque contribute to the dissemination of the programs of study specialised in American and European art and culture of the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries.

We hope that this publication, which brings together all the works of research presented at meeting, will be a further contribution to the dissemination of this subject that enriches the history of art.




presentation by rule Campos, director of the meeting


presentation by Bernardino Osio, University Secretary of Unión Latina


presentation by Ronald Muyzert, Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands


presentation by Ignacio Arellano, director del Centro de programs of study Indianos/GRISO (Universidad de Navarra)


Margarita Vila da Vila
Mannerism and its ways


Jorge Alberto Manrique
Americanised" mannerism; engraving and its influence on painting


Antonio Palesati
American iconographic prototypes in Italy between Mannerism and the Baroque period


Nicoletta Lepri
Pendulum mode and circular mode in the codification of time in art


Rafael Ramos Sosa
Contribution to the work of the sculptor Gaspar de la Cueva in Bolivia (1629-c.1640)


Teodoro Hampe Martínez
On the image of death: the portrait of Saint Rose of Lima by Angelino Medoro


Emanuele Amodio
The Divine Monster. Heterodox Representations of the Trinity in the Latin American Baroque


Elizabeth Kuon Arce
From Mannerism to Baroque in Cuzco murals: Luis de Riaño


Janeth Rodríguez Nóbrega
Echoes of Mannerism in Venezuelan Colonial Painting? Reflections on an absence


Fernando Cajías de la Vega
Private collections of works of art in Oruro in the 18th century


Gabriela Siracusano
To copy the "good paintings". Guild problems in a mid-seventeenth-century case study in Lima


Teresa Villegas de Aneiva
Viceregal furniture. A Mannerist example


Bernardo Gantier Zelada
Location of two unknown Mannerist works of art in Bolivia


Romolo Trebbi del Trevigiano
Some critical background on Mannerism and its contributions to architecture in Ibero-America during the 16th century


Marta Penhos
Of categories and other ways of explanation: a historiographical reading of the Anales de Buenos Aires (1948-1971)


Víctor Hugo Limpias Ortiz
Mannerist space in viceregal Bolivian architecture. Notes on the interior spatiality of the temples of the Audencia de Charcas.


Mireya Muñoz
Influence of books on colonial architectural ornamentation


Roberto Samanez Argumedo
Mannerism and its transition to Baroque in 17th century Cusco architecture


José Correa and José de Mesa
Mannerism in Trujillo


Luis Javier Cuesta
The architect Claudio de Arciniega in New Spain (1524-1593): the greatest exponent of Mannerism in viceregal architecture?


Mina Ramírez Montes
From Mannerism to Baroque in Queretaro architecture


José Antonio Terán Bonilla
Mannerist aspects in the architecture of La Puebla de los Ángeles (Mexico)


Deise Cavalcanti Lustosa
The religious architecture of Ouro Preto


Ignacio Arellano
A rhetorical "Mannerism": sectorial languages in the literature of the Golden Age


Augusto Merino Medina
Glory and prose: reason and politics in the Baroque period


Alessandro Martinengo
Quevedo and the gentle bees of Urban VIII Barberini


Eduardo Godoy Gallardo
Lazarillo de Tormes, all problems


José A. Rodríguez Garrido
Diego Mexía Fernangil's eclogue El Dios Pan and evangelisation in the Andes at the beginning of the seventeenth century


Gonzalo Santonja Gómez-Agero
Antonio Enríquez or the uncertain life


Aurelio González
Classical tradition, Humanism and Baroque religiosity in the theatre of high school novohispano


Andrés Eichmann Oehrli
Notes on theatre in Charcas


Milena Cáceres Valderrama
Baroque theatre in Spain and its characteristics


Carlos Cordero Carrafa
Pedro Calderón de la Barca and the Indian Baroque comedy: "Los dos amantes del cielo" Alto Perú, 18th and 19th centuries


Tatiana Alvarado Teorodika
Reflections and notes on the work of Diego de Ocaña


Gaëlle Bruneau
The professional life of the musicians of La Plata Cathedral in the 18th century: a study of the social history of music


Leonardo Mattos
The portraits of Incas and kings painted in Rome in 1597, with some considerations about Gonzalo Ruiz y Pérez de Alesio



The party

report from the IV meeting Internacional sobre Barroco. La fiesta, Pamplona, Fundación Visión Cultural/Publishing Services of the University of Navarra, 2011 (digital edition from La Paz, Union Latina, 2007).
ISBN: 84-8081-080-7.

Between 11 and 14 April 2007, the IV meeting International Baroque Conference was held in the city of La Paz, with the topic La Fiesta, organised by the Unión Latina, with the support of the Griso-University of Navarra, the Royal Embassy of the Netherlands, the Municipal Government of La Paz, public and private Bolivian institutions and diplomatic representations.

Once again, a space has been created to share the most recent research work, to motivate common reflections and dialogues on "La Fiesta" and to achieve cultural integration. The topic of La Fiesta is an essential part of the intangible heritage, considered as a constant social internship , as a point of meeting where transformation, creations and recreations are manifested in its different fields that contribute to create an illusion of reality and to integrate societies.

The present report contains the papers of the experts invited to this fourth version of meeting, from Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Spain, France, Holland, Mexico, Nicaragua, Peru, Portugal and Venezuela, which covered topics related to anthropology, history, arts, architecture, literature and music from the 16th to the 18th centuries and their subsequent repercussions.




presentation by rule Campos, director of the meeting


presentation by Bernardino Osio, University Secretary of Unión Latina


presentation by Martin de la Bey, Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands


presentation by Ignacio Arellano, director del Centro de programs of study Indianos/GRISO (Universidad de Navarra)


Margarita Vila da Vila
Festive Manifestations in the Western Artistic Tradition


Teresa Gisbert
The party in time


Fernando Cajías de la Vega
Baroque festivities in Charcas


Janeth Rodríguez Nóbrega
Festive trousseau: luxury and profanity in baroque processional images


Olaya Sanfuentes
On the making of a symbolic figure: the head of the Inca in colonial representations


Luis Javier Cuesta Hernández
The other party: the funeral of the Habsburgs in the Viceroyalty of New Spain


Patricia Fogelman
A Feast in Heaven: Representations of the Virgin and the Glory on the Ceilings of Churches in Colonial Minas Gerais


Gabriela Siracusano
Notes to stop the "scandal": festivity and idolatry in the Viceroyalty of Peru


Nelly Sigaut
The feast of Corpus Christi and the training of visual systems


Teresa Villegas de Aneiva
God created the sun and the stars. Baroque monstrances


Fernando Guzmán
The altarpiece, framework for a festive liturgy


Lucía Querejazu Escobari
The allegorical emblematic programme in the entrance of Viceroy Morcillo to Potosí in 1716


Emanuele Amodio
The Baroque banquet. Feasting and sumptuary cuisine in Venezuela during the 18th century.


Augusto Merino Medina
Baroque, festive, sweet


Marta Penhos
Bodies of celebration: between parade and drunkenness in the testimony of the Jesuit Florian Paucke (1749-1767)


Elizabeth Kuon Arce
Cuzco: the crosses are dressed up for a party


Adalgisa Arantes
Ritual manifestations allusive to Holy Week in the Luso-Brazilian Baroque period


Alcides Parejas Moreno
"Santa Cruz was a party". The party in Eastern Bolivia


Trinidad Zaldívar
Republican civic festival


Guadalupe Ramos de Castro
The festive side of La Joya


Ignatius Arellano
Notes on America in hagiographic fasts of St. Ignatius and St. Francis Xavier


Celsa Carmen García Valdés
Feast and power in the American viceroyalties


María Cristina Osswald
Baroque ceremonial in the canonisation celebrations of Ignatius of Loyola and Francis Xavier


Arnulfo Herrera
The happy years of Charles II


Tatiana Alvarado Teodorika
Of the festivals that Fray Diego de Ocaña highlights in his account, the place is the epicentre of the celebration.


Roberto Samanez Argumedo
The fiesta as a factor in the sacralisation of urban spaces in Cuzco


Víctor Hugo Limpias Ortiz
The baroque balcony in the urban fiesta of the Audiencia of Charcas


José Antonio Terán Bonilla
The novo-Hispanic city and the baroque fiesta


Rosario Salazar Bravo
The swearing-in of Charles IV. A Baroque setting for 18th-century Caracas


Samuel Máynez
Baroque opera, a multidisciplinary festival


Jan Nuchelmans
Music for the wedding of Louis XIV of France and Maria Theresa of Austria (1660)


Andrés Eichmann Oehrli and Gaëlle Bruneau
Newborn in Judea and applauded in Chuquisaca: festivities for the Virgin of Guadalupe. A look at documents from 1723 and 1725.


Eduardo Godoy Gallardo
La Tirana and Andacollo: two exemplary Chilean festivals


Beatriz Rossells
Identity and report of the fiesta in Bolivia


Héctor Santiesteban
Etymological, symbolic and phenomenological notes on festivities



Between heaven and hell

report of V meeting International on Baroque. Entre cielos e infiernos, Pamplona, Fundación Visión Cultural/Publishing Services of the University of Navarra, 2011 (digital edition from La Paz, Fundación Visión Cultural, 2010).
ISBN: 84-8081-081-5.

With the holding of the V International meeting on the Baroque, which took place in 2009 in the city of La Paz - Bolivia, we believe that we have once again contributed to consolidating an important space for reflection and analysis of different topics related to the Baroque from the 16th to the 18th centuries with projections up to the present day, especially in the form and content with which it was developed in different territories of America and Europe.

The fecundity of the concepts that gave rise to this cultural and artistic movement, as well as the variety, richness and expression of values that bequest has given us as an invaluable heritage that lives and renews itself, place the Baroque among the most loaded with meanings in making and creating.
The topic of this V meeting, Between Heavens and Hells gave leading European and Latin American experts from 15 countries the opportunity to share their latest research with the public. The dialectic relationship between life and death, angels and demons, sin and holiness, heaven and hell, were analysed from the perspective of history, anthropology, art, architecture, literature, music and theatre, with emphasis on the specific features of these expressions in America in particular.





presentation by rule Campos, director of the meeting


Teresa Gisbert C. and Andrés de Mesa G.
Engravings, the "Last Judgement" and indigenous idolatry in the Andean world


Emanuele Amodio
Mundus subterraneus. The Representation of the American Underworld: from the Baroque to the Enlightenment.


Carlos D. Mesa Gisbert
History and identity. Construction of miscegenation and cultural-religious imaginaries.


Margarita Vila da Vila
Medieval origins of baroque representations of hell and paradise


Gabriela Siracusano
Can't you hear, can't you see? Interactions between word and image in the iconography of the late twentieth century


Víctor Mínguez
Heavenly images of the House of Austria


Diego F. Guerra and Gustavo Tudisco
José de Arellano and the iconographic programme of the Carabuco cross.


Leontina Etchelecu and Agustina Rodríguez Romero
Sensations before the underworld: Carabuco's preaching on the afterlife and hell


Paola Corti Badía, Fernando Guzmán Schiappacasse and Magdalena Pereira Campos
The Final Judgement of Parinacota


Paola Corti Badía, Fernando Guzmán Schiappacasse and Magdalena Pereira Campos
The mural painting of the church of Santiago de Curahuara de Carangas as iconographic patron saint of the church of the Nativity of Parinacota


Ricardo González
Between heaven and hell. Art, ideas and life in the colonial world


Nelly Sigaut
Celestial music in Mexico's cathedral


Jaime Humberto Borja Gómez
Purgatory and Mysticism in the New Kingdom of Granada


Patricia A. Fogelman
Representations of the Virgin Mary in Heaven. An approach to the colonial American Christian imaginary


Rafael García Mahíques
The hall of heaven and earth of the ducal palace of Gandía


Francisco Montes González
"O mors quam amara es report tua!". Episcopal funerals in the novo-Hispanic Church


María Isabel Álvarez Plata P.
Diversity of images in the 17th century: the case of Cohoni


Alcides Parejas Moreno
Heaven and Hell in the Chiquitos Missions. The sermons


Eckart Kühne
Houses of God and Gates of Heaven: The Missionary Churches of Chiquitos and the Temple of Jerusalem


Sieglinde Falkinger
The Archangel Michael in the Chiquitano world view


Marta Penhos
Between hell and paradise: the Chaco and its inhabitants in the "Jesuit writings".


Beatriz Rossells
The zarabanda and the chacona of Potosí. XVIIIth century


Fernando Cajías de la Vega
Angels and devils in the Oruro carnival


Veronica Cereceda
Demons, Baroque and textile designs


Lucía Querejazu Escobari
Heaven/Hell/Tentation. Death in Caquiaviri


Vicent Francesc Zuriaga Senent
Between earth and heaven: the iconographic subject of the guardian angel


Víctor Hugo Limpias Ortiz
The infernal, the earthly and the celestial at mission statement de Moxos


José Antonio Terán Bonilla
Christian temple vs. "temple" to the devil in New Spain


Silvio Mignano
The Flight of the Hippogriff: Fantastic Skies in Italian Literature and Art between Renaissance and Baroque


Fernando Plata
Of Tartars, Bows and Arrows: The Five Senses and Faith in a Baroque Loa by Calderón


Andrés Eichmann Oehrli
Celestial Evocations in the Marian Songbook of Charcas


Tatiana Alvarado Teodorika
A brief tour through some baroque literary grottoes. Peeping into the world of evil


María Eugenia Osorio
Mystical writing and love speech in Sister Francisca Josefa de Castillo


Graciela Balestrino
Eroticism, honour and honour in Lope de Vega's "Dómine Lucas".


Guillermo Calvo Ayaviri
Contributions to the history of the archbishop's palaces in the City of La Plata. Centuries XVI-XIX


Fernando Lopes
The music and the musical instruments revealed by the imaginary Baroque


Juan Carlos Soto Marín
Baroque music groups participating in the meeting



Image of power

VI meeting Internacional del Barroco: "Imagen del poder", Santa Cruz de la Sierra (Bolivia), 16-19 March 2011.

framework On the occasion of the 450th Anniversary of the Foundation of Santa Cruz de la Sierra, the Fundación Visión Cultural, the Municipal Government of Santa Cruz de la Sierra, the Unión Latina, the Griso-Universidad de Navarra, the UPSA Universidad Privada de Santa Cruz with the support of the Consulate General of Chile, the Embassy of Brazil, the Embassy of Spain, and IRD and the Santa Cruz Cultural Centre, organised the VI International Baroque meeting from 19 March 2011, with topic "Image of power", which reflected on and contributed to the valorisation of the wealth of tangible and intangible cultural heritage of the 17th and 18th centuries, with projections into the 21st century.

Specialists from Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Chile, Ecuador, Scotland, France, Spain, Italy, Mexico, Paraguay, Peru, Switzerland and Venezuela participated.

download programme (PDF)