Complete Autos sacramentales by Lope de Vega
Edition, study and literary-historical context
FFI2013-45388-P | Ministry of Economics, Industry and Competitiveness
Spanish aurisecular theatre is one of the most important literary corpuses of Western culture.
Since the mid-twentieth century, the birth and consolidation of different teams at national and international level has meant a qualitative leap in the knowledgeand the dissemination of this corpus through programs of studyand critical editions, and the holding of different scientific meetings that have been designing a much more solvent critical panorama.
A large part of these programs of studyhave focused on the two most representative and emblematic figures of Spanish theatre in this century: Pedro Calderón de la Barca and Lope de Vega. On the former, the GRISO, groupof researchSiglo de Oro of the University of Navarra has been studying and critically publishing his autos sacramentales, while the groupof researchon Calderón (GIC) of the University of Santiago de Compostela, has been doing the same with his comedies and dramas.
The work being carried out by groupProlope of Barcelona on the comedies of the Spanish playwright is recognised throughout the academic world of Hispanism. However, the Lopean corpus of autos sacramentales, comprising a total of 40 autos sacramentales, hardly studied, hardly published and whose knowledgeis essential to understand the evolution of a genre which, from the second half of the 17th century onwards, became the maximum expression of Baroque theatrical aesthetics, has yet to be dealt with.
The study and publication of this corpus represents an advance in the knowledgeof the literary and cultural techniques of dramatic expression from its beginnings in the early nineties until the 1720s, when the Baroque aesthetic disintegrated. As a whole, it is a corpus that has been very little studied and systematically ignored by historians and critics, among other reasons because Lope never took care of the publication of these texts in a decisive manner and because, given their secondary nature, false attributions and misappropriations of authorship abound. There is only one more or less exhaustive edition of texts, by Menéndez y Pelayo for the Library Servicesde Autores Españoles in the 19th century. Therefore, in absolute terms, it is not possible to read it, unless one turns to manuscripts and printed texts prior to the 18th century, which are scattered in different libraries in Europe and America.
The lack of accessible texts, even for scholars, leads to a lack of literary knowledge and of evaluationwhich means that today Lope's autos sacramentales are an unknown terrain. This projectaims to establish the instructionsfor a comprehensive knowledgeof this literary facet of Lope de Vega, within the perspective of the critical edition of Lope de Vega's complete theatre.
Juan Manuel Escudero Baztán |
José Enrique Duarte |
Amparo Domingo Izquierdo |
Vicente Balaguer
Daniele Crivellari |
Elena Marcello |
Víctor Roncero López |
Fernando Rodríguez Gallego |
Félix Lope de Vega |
Félix Lope de Vega |
Duarte, J. Enrique (coord.), El auto sacramental de Lope a Calderón, monographic section of Hipogrifo. Revista de literatura y cultura del Siglo de Oro, 5.2, 2017. |
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Félix Lope de Vega |
J. Enrique Duarte |
Félix Lope de Vega |
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Félix Lope de Vega |
Félix Lope de Vega |
Félix Lope de Vega |
Publications in the press
Digital versions of cars |
Magazine articles
Chapters in Books
Documentalia/ Testimonies
For the critical edition of the first four autos sacramentales of the series(El viaje del Alma, Las bodas entre el Alma y el Amor divino, La Maya and El hijo pródigo) the following testimonies of El peregrino en su patria by Lope de Vega have been taken into account. We have placed the links corresponding to the editions that are digitised and offered to the public, basically in two repertoires: La Library Services digital hispánica and the Library Serviceshistórica de Madrid.
P1- The pilgrim in his homeland, Seville, Clemente Hidalgo, 1604. Library Services National of Spain. call number: R/ 7724. [download]
P2- The pilgrim in his homeland, Barcelona, Sebastián de Cormellas, 1604. Library Services Spanish National. call number: R / 33966.
P3- El peregrino en su patria, Barcelona, S. de Cormellas for Juan de Bonilla, 1604. New York, NY (USA), Hispanic Society.
P4- El peregrino en su patria, Barcelona, Sebastián Cormellas, 1605. Library ServicesHistórica de Madrid. [download]
P5- The Pilgrim in his homeland, Brussels, house of Roger Velpius, 1608. Library ServicesHistórica de Madrid. [download]
P6- El peregrino en su patria, Madrid, Viuda de Alonso Martín, 1618. Library ServicesHistórica de Madrid. [download]
P7- El peregrino en su patria, Madrid, Francisco Martínez Abad, 1733. Library ServicesHistórica de Madrid. [download]
S- El peregrino en su patria, in Colección de las obras sueltas, así en prosa, como en verso, t. 5, Madrid, Antonio Sancha, 1776. Library Servicesdigital hispánica. [download]
MP- Works by Lope de Vega. 6, Autos y Coloquios I, ed. Marcelino Menéndez Pelayo, Madrid, Atlas, 1963.
LG- Novels. II, The pilgrim in his homeland. Unhappiness for the sake of honour. La prudente venganza. Guzmán el bravo, ed. Luis Guarner, Madrid, bookshopBergua, 1935.
gradeThe edition of El peregrino en su patria by Francisco J. Garriga has been consulted, but this edition omits the autos sacramentales.
PEY- The Pilgrim in his Homeland, ed. Myron A. Peyton, Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, D.L., 1971.
AVA- El peregrino en su patria, ed. Juan Bautista Avalle Arce, Madrid, Castalia, 1973.
McG- Prose. I. Arcadia. El peregrino en su patria, ed. Donald McGrady, Madrid, Fundación José Antonio Castro, 1997.
PAR- Vega Carpio, Félix Lope de, El peregrino en su patria, Dueñas (Palencia), Simancas, 2007, 2 vols. (Library ServicesNacional de España, call numbers: AHMO/287448 V.1 and AHMO/287449 V.2).
The deprivation of man
La privanza del hombre: auto sacramental, Manuscrito de la Library Services Nacional de España, call number, MSS/17017 [download]
From the songs
De los cantares, Manuscrito de la Library Services Nacional de España. call number, MSS/ 15228 [download]
Collections of Auto Sacramentals
Vega, Lope de, Fiestas del Santísimo Sacramento, repartidas en doce autos sacramentales, con sus loas y entremeses, compuestas por el Fénix de España Frey Lope Félix de Vega Carpio, del Hábito de San Juan. Recogidas por el graduateJoseph Ortiz de Villena, y dedicados al túmulo y fama inmortal suyo, ed. Joseph Ortiz de Villena, Pedro Verges, Zaragoza, 1644 [download]
Lope de Vega, Colección de las obras sueltas assi en prosa, como en verso, de D. Frey Lope de Vega Carpio, del hábito de San Juan, Antonio Sancha, Madrid, 1778, vol.]
congressInternational "El auto sacramental: de Lope a Calderón", organised by the project"Autos sacramentales de Lope de Vega. Edition, study and historical-literary context" (FFI2013-45388-P) of GRISO-University of Navarra, Corella (Navarra), Hospedería Nuestra Señora del Villar, 14-15 December 2015.[Programme][Poster] [Poster