Library Services Indiana
The GRISO constituted the Centro de programs of studyIndianos (CEI) as an organ of researchdedicated to literature, history and culture in all its dimensions related to Ibero-America. Since 2014, we have had an American counterpart, the project programs of study Indians (PEI) of the University of the Pacific (Peru). Its objectives are the publication and critical study of Indian texts from the findingto the Baroque period and the developmentof works on the period and the culture of its field with an interdisciplinary approach.
The Library Services Indiana is the collection that brings together the publications of the Centro de programs of studyIndianos/projectprograms of study Indianos.
Directors: Ignacio Arellano, Celsa Carmen García Valdés and Martina Vinatea
Coordinator: Mariela Insúa
Trinidad Barrera (University of Seville)
Miguel Donoso (Universidad de los Andes, Santiago de Chile)
Andrés Eichmann (Universidad Mayor de San Andrés, La Paz, Bolivia and Academia Boliviana de la language)
Paul Firbas (Stony Brook University, USA)
Pedro Lasarte (Boston University, USA)
Raúl Marrero-Fente (University of Minnesota, United States)
Alfredo Matus (Universidad de Chile and Academia Chilena de la language)
Rosa Perelmuter (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, United States)
Sara Poot-Herrera (University of Santa Barbara, USA)
José Antonio Rodríguez Garrido (Pontifical Catholic University of Peru)
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Of sword and heroic verse: Hispanic epic poetry of the 16th century.
Raúl Marrero-Fente
Madrid/Frankfurt am Main, Iberoamericana/Vervuert, 2024.
ISBN: 978-84-9192-400-5
This book studies epic poems of different themes such as Obra nuevamente compuesta .... (1571) by Bartolomé de Flores, an account of events that celebrates the victory of Spanish arms over the French Huguenots in Florida; La Austríada ( 1584) by Juan Rufo, dedicated to Mediterranean war scenarios and the confrontation between Christianity and Islam; Arauco domado (1596) by Pedro de Oña and the famous trial this author faced before the Audiencia of Lima; Quarta y Quinta parte de La Araucana ( 1597) by Diego Santisteban Osorio, a tribute to the victory of a Spanish armada against Richard Hawkins' English pirates off the coast of Peru; and El peregrino indiano (1599) by Antonio Saavedra Guzmán, on the conquest of Mexico. This corpus is intrinsically connected to the geopolitical framework of the Spanish Empire and is one of the common characteristics of the cultural production of the period.
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Radiance and gloom: frontiers of viceregal writing.
Carlos Brito Díaz and Antonio Cano Ginés (eds.)
Madrid/Frankfurt am Main, Iberoamericana/Vervuert, 2022.
ISBN: 978-84-9192-328-2
This set of interpretations revisits the period of the American viceroyalties and the limits of their writing through thirteen critical contributions on a wide range of topics. Research is provided on the documentary sources, the archival and history of the Spanish of America, the American chronicles in relation to the Canary Islands, the libraries, relations and novo-Hispanic inventories, the imaginary cartography of Caracas, the pedagogical models of the colony managed by women, the colonization of the valley of Caracas by communities of Canary Islanders, the consideration of signs of Creole agency in the reception of bishops and relics from the Canary Islands and New Spain, in the objectual symbolism of the Golden Age theater and in the neo-Gongorism of the Luso-Brazilian poets, the vulcanism in the chronicles, the iconographic syncretism of the Marian advocations and hagiographic celebrations and, finally, the projection of the Malinche, woman-continent, in contemporary fiction.
Library Services Indiana, 53
Pedro de Peralta Barnuevo, Júbilos de Lima.
Study, edition and notes by Ignacio Arellano.
Madrid/Frankfurt am Main, Iberoamericana/Vervuert, 2022.
ISBN: 978-84-9192-288-9
Doctor Océano", as Peralta was called due to the breadth of his knowledge and intellectual appetites, was born in Lima in 1664, and died in that city in 1743. Father Feijoo wrote about Peralta that he was a "subject of whom one cannot speak without admiration, because hardly (not even hardly) a man of superior talents and erudition will be found in all of Europe". Among his works, these Júbilos de Lima describe the "royal festivities held by this most noble and loyal city, capital and emporium of southern America, in celebration of the august marriages of the Most Serene Lord Don Luis Fernando, Prince of the Asturias, our Lord, with the Most Serene Lady Princess of Orleans, and of the Most Christian King Luis Décimo Quinto with the Most Serene Lady Doña María Ana Victoria, Infanta of Spain", integrating a brief history of Peru, with the series of its Incas, the praises to the Crown and the evocation of the festive acts (parades, bulls, symbolic chariots, fireworks, comedies and triumphal pomp), in a text that explores a synthesis of classic erudition, admiration for the pre-Columbian history and devotion for the Crown and the Hispanic culture, fused in the city of Lima, which he assimilates to a Rome or Athens of the Indies.
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José de la Riva-Agüero, Paisajes peruanos.
Study, edition and notes by Jorge Wiesse Rebagliati.
Madrid/Frankfurt am Main, Iberoamericana/Vervuert, 2022.
ISBN: 978-84-9192-262-9
In 1955, appeared posthumously, under the care publishing house of Raúl Porras Barrenechea, probably the book by José de la Riva-Agüero (Lima, 1885-1944) most loved by his readers: Paisajes peruanos. Eight editions, between 1955 and 2012, all based on Porras' prínceps, attest to this. Riva-Agüero wrote Paisajes between 1916 and 1917 from the notebooks with which he recorded his impressions of a trip he made through the Peruvian Sierra in 1912. Like Porras's, the present edition is based on the typewritten and corrected originals that Riva-Agüero gathered in 1931, after his long European self-exile. Unlike Porras' edition, the critical apparatus includes all the variants found both in the manuscript and in the periodicals with which Riva-Agüero collaborated between 1916 and 1952. The notes seek to facilitate the understanding of the interested reader and the introductory study, to give account of the textual dimension of a polyphonic travel story that aspires to discover the character of Peru in its geography and from it, in its history, as it is proved both by the chronotope of the road -true organizing artifice of the book- and by the lively essays.
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Reading the book from its paratexts censorship, criticism and legitimization in the novo-Hispanic literature (XVI-XVIII centuries).
Andrea M. Pérez González
Madrid/Frankfurt am Main, Iberoamericana/Vervuert, 2022.
ISBN: 978-84-9192-258-2
Through the review of a wide issue of books printed during the XVI-XVIII centuries on both sides of the Atlantic, the relationship between paratexts and the literary texts of the most important authors of New Spain is studied. The present study focuses on the analysis of the literary paratexts that formed part of the preliminary space of the printed book and that were structured around certain rhetorical resources and topics. The approbation, the prologue, the dedication and the laudatory poems are seen in relation to the literary text they precede -and to which they refer- as powerful generators of discourses, and allow us to understand the intricate relationship between the literary circles and the institutions that held power in New Spain. Studied first in isolation and then as a whole in the preliminaries to the works of Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz, the literary paratexts provide an account of the processes of censorship, literary criticism and social legitimization that determined the creation and dissemination of written literature in New Spain.
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Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz, El cetro de Josef, ed. Ignacio Arellano and Robin Ann Rice.
Madrid/Frankfurt am Main, Iberoamericana/Vervuert, 2020.
ISBN: 978-84-9192-144-8
El cetro de Josef is one of the three autos sacramentales written by Sister Juana Inés de la Cruz and perhaps the one that best represents the allegorical and symbolic technique, which in this case is based on the story of Joseph narrated in the Bible, and which Calderón had already explored in Sueños hay que verdad son. The culmination of every auto sacramental is to achieve some situational metamorphosis that gives rise to the Eucharist, and Sor Juana achieves here an unusual transformation. Based, according to Méndez Plancarte, on Maimonides or more likely on a medieval-Renaissance midrash , the Book of Jaser, the final mutation occurs when Josef goes with a scepter to bid farewell to his dying father Jacob. The great patriarch kisses the scepter of his favorite son, which would have "a cake of bread on its tip." Josef becomes a Christological figure and Jacob manages to save himself because he declares "that dying in faith, I worshipped fastidiousness".
Sor Juana sticks to a series of episodes from Genesis that alternates with the comments of Lucero (the Demon) and his companions (Envy, Intelligence, Science, Conjecture), in an arrangement of numerous brief dramatic and narrative moments, in which sacred history, symbol, theatrical visuality and didactic dimension merge in a piece that exhibits the characteristic multiplicity of intellectual and poetic interests of the Novo-Hispanic nun.
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Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz, El mártir del Sacramento, San Hermenegildo, ed. Ignacio Arellano and Robin Ann Rice.
Madrid/Frankfurt am Main, Iberoamericana/Vervuert 2019.
ISBN: 978-84-9192-052-6
El mártir del Sacramento is one of the three autos sacramentales by Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz, along with El divino Narciso and El cetro de José. In it, Sister Juana adapts the figure of Saint Hermenegild, whom she constructs with complete dramatic freedom with respect to the historical sources - often opposed in her evaluationof the Visigothic prince - and turns him into a religious hero at the centre of a complex set of ideas and feelings that brings together motifs of martyrdom, vanitas, reflection on the fleeting nature of worldly glories, political and family conflicts with King Leovigild, disillusionment and resignation to divine designs.
The present edition offers the most reliable text to date, accompanied by a complete apparatus of notes and a preliminary study that attempts to situate the auto in its generic frameworkand to facilitate the understanding of modern readers, avoiding the frequent critical fantasies that have often diverted the reading of this play.
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The Inca Garcilaso in his Golden AgeFernandoRodríguez Mansilla
Madrid/Frankfurt am Main, Iberoamericana/Vervuert
ISBN: 978-84-9192-052-6
Contrary to the usual colonial programs of study, El Inca Garcilaso en su Siglo de Oro analyses the figure and work of the historian from Cuzco in the context of the culture and historiographical tradition of sixteenth- and seventeenth-century Spain. In this way, this study illuminates neglected aspects of Garcilaso's texts, qualifies conventional assertions and proposes, in short, a reading of Garcilaso de la Vega as an intellectual integrated into the trends and debates that were taking place in the Aurisecular period. Subjects such as Neoplatonism, comicality, pauperism, Gothic myth, genealogy and the constitution of an intellectual degree programare examined in a new light as part of Inca Garcilaso's writing. Through a philological perspective, which incorporates neo-historicist and sociological features, El Inca Garcilaso en su Siglo de Oro dialogues with the contemporary Garcilasian critical tradition and revises some of its postulates to propose a reading closer to the reception that the texts of the Inca Garcilaso deserved in his time.
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The Indian Catholic Symbol (1598) by Luis Jerónimo de Oré. Colonial knowledge and the problems of evangelisation in the Andean region
Catalina Andrango-Walker
Madrid/Frankfurt am Main, Iberoamericana/Vervuert
ISBN: 978-84-16922-90-1
This Issue on the Símbolo católico indiano ( 1598) by the Franciscan Creole Luis Jerónimo de Oré (Huamanga, 1554-La Concepción, 1630) raises the need to study this work not only as a text that fostered the expansion of Catholicism in the Andean region, but also as an early questioning of the imperial constructions of American otherness linked to the scientific and philosophical knowledge of the 16th century, thus laying the groundwork for instructions of the Creole speech that would take shape in the following decades.
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Encounters and disagreements with the imperial frontier.
The church of the Society of Jesus in Quito and the mission statementin the Amazon (17th century).
Edited by Carmen Fernández-Salvador
Madrid/Frankfurt am Main, Iberoamericana/Vervuert
ISBN: 978-84-16922-61-1
In the light of local hagiography (sacred oratory, missionary narratives and the histories of religious provinces), this book analyses the early iconographic programme of the church of the Society of Jesus in Quito, executed in the second half of the seventeenth century, in relation to the Jesuit missionary projectin the Amazon. In it, in constructing its genealogy, the still young order appealed to the authority of biblical figures to legitimise its apostolic antiquity. The reliefs with scenes from the life of Samson and Joseph, which are located in the spandrels of the arches in the central nave, and the canvases of the prophets that adorn its pillars, form a coherent iconographic programme based on the concordance between the Old and New Testaments, or between the past and the present, based on the relationship between prophecy and its fulfilment. The images exalt the virtuous figures of the Old Testament, heroes and martyrs who proclaim the life of Jesus Christ and his disciples, as well as the apostolic zeal of the religious of the Society of Jesus. In the case of the canvases of the prophets, the secondary scenes showing them as preachers and martyrs were in dialogue with stories and sermons extolling the unique virtue of the missionaries at Mainas, and with images of their martyrdom adorning the corridors of high school. In its relationship with the hagiography of Quito, the iconographic programme of the church of the Society of Jesus contributed to the construction of a local patriotism. The decoration of the Quiteño church was also related to missionary narratives and images of martyrdom that circulated on an international scale, arousing comparisons between the experience in the Amazon and that of other religious in places as remote and foreign as China and Japan.
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Colonial epic poetry of the 16th century. History, theory and internship
Edited by Raúl Marrero-Fente
Madrid/Frankfurt am Main, Iberoamericana/Vervuert
ISBN: 978-84-16922-34-5
This book offers the most extensive study of sixteenth-century colonial epic poetry published to date. This poetic genre of medieval tradition is renewed during the conquest with a repertoire of tropes and rhetorical motifs that assimilate the new American reality to the European poetic tradition, along with the inclusion of vocabulary from the indigenous American languages. The poems also offer an imperial vision, in keeping with colonial expansion, and sing of events in other regions of the Spanish empire, in Africa, Asia and Europe, alongside those that took place in the New World.
The work investigates the ontological status of the epic within the critical speechfrom a approachthat submits to revision the preconceived ideas on the question in the theoretical developmentof the colonial programs of study.
Raúl Marrero-Fente is Full Professor of Hispanic Literatures and Law at the University of Minnesota, and associate member of the group de research Siglo de Oro (GRISO) of the University of Navarra and of the Centro de programs of study de la América Colonial (CEAC) of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. He is the author, publisher or co-editor of fourteen books and sixty articles on Spanish and Latin American literature, especially of the Golden Age and the colonial period.
Library ServicesIndiana, 44
Palafoxian and Puebla Miscellany
Edited by Ricardo Fernández Gracia
Madrid/Frankfurt am Main, Iberoamericana/Vervuert
ISBN: 978-84-8489-977-8
Nine programs of study make up the Issue whose protagonist is the bishop-viceroy Don Juan de Palafox, in his activity as a man of State and Church, and which is in tune with the artistic, cultural and religious promotion of the great men of his time. With the exception of the first article, which presents us with the young and experienced counselor of the Indies explaining to the king, in a rich report, his opinion regarding the conflict with France, the rest of this miscellany refers to aspects related to his beloved Raquel, the diocese of Puebla de los Ángeles, both in concrete actions in favor of culture and the arts, as well as in his facet of government in New Spain. In this last aspect it emphasizes the correspondence with people particularly informed of what was happening in New Spain and more distant places, like the Philippines. His networks of information, as unpublished documents become known, attract the most powerful attention and highlight his figure in this subject of skill.
Ricardo Fernández Gracia is Senior Associate Professor of History of Art at the University of Navarra and corresponding member of the Royal Academy of History.
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The passage of the Buenamuerte through Lima. The rise and fall of a religious sugar order in the 18th and 19th centuries.
Edited by Pablo F. Luna
Madrid/Frankfurt am Main, Iberoamericana/Vervuert
ISBN: 978-84- 8489-949- 5
El tránsito de la Buenamuerte por Lima examines the evolution of the Order of St. Camillus in the Peruvian capital between the 18th and 19th centuries. After locating its initial establishment in Barrios Altos, the author studies the agricultural establishment of the order and its sugar plantations in Cañete, its success and expansion, but also its internal crisis and subsequent decline. At the beginning of the Republic, the institution of the cruciferous fathers was twice suppressed and twice re-established, in the context of the State's unstable policy towards the Peruvian clergy and the Peruvian Church. This is an original historical research, based on archival documentation, which suggests comparative approaches and calls for similar work on other institutions.
Thanks to previous surveys and especially with the availability of new documentary masses for researchers, it is possible to think that the convents, monasteries and parishes of Peru contain a wealth of archives of the first order, the systematic exploitation of which by historians would shed light on Peruvian society from the end of the Ancien Régime. It can be deduced from this the existence of documentary deposits and historical sources which, in the image of the presence of the Catholic Church in Peru, would have a wide scope, i.e. societal, economic, financial, institutional and religious.
Pablo F. Luna is a historian, professor at the Université Paris-Sorbonne and researcherat the Centre de Recherches Historiques (CRH-EHESS- CNRS, UMR 8558, Paris). His research topics at researchfocus on property, Economicsand exchanges in the rural world (17th-19th centuries). He has published several works in Europe and America on these issues.
Library ServicesIndiana, 42
Reflections on courtly writing
Edited by Beatriz Aracil Varón
Madrid/Frankfurt am Main, Iberoamericana/Vervuert
ISBN: 978-84-8489-956-3
This book offers a comprehensive study of courtly writing in order to shed light on the process of construction of the self that Hernán Cortés carries out throughout his own speech. Without avoiding dialogue with other texts of the period, but focusing on the corpus of courtly documents, the study covers a whole range of relationships that delimit the narrative subject, such as the link between the self and the writing itself, the author's position with respect to History, his problematic relationship with the Emperor Charles V, his perception of the indigenous people and his link to the new territory. The aim is to highlight the peculiar way in which this controversial figure, who throughout his life manifested a real obsession with the written word, sought to portray himself.
These pages summarise a global reflection on texts such as the Letters of Relation to Charles V, which allowed Captain Hernán Cortés to enter history, thanks to his particular characterisation of both himself and his conquest project. With these courtly writings, the Western reader had, for the first time, news of a great American civilisation, and this news came to him at first hand, written by the man who was the protagonist of the exceptional feat of findingand the future conquest of the "marvellous" Aztec empire.
Beatriz Aracil Varón holds a PhD in PhilologyHispánica. Professor of Spanish-American Literature at the University of Alicante.
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Joaquín Bolaños, La portentosa Vida de la Muerte(Joaquín Bolaños, The Portentous Life of Death)
Edited by Trinidad Barrera with the partnershipby Jaime J. Martínez
ISBN: 9788484899358
The portentous Life of the Death of the Franciscan Joaquín de Bolaños first appeared in Mexico in 1792. Since then it was not published again until 1983, in a facsimile edition, also in Mexico. This work has an openly declared didactic-doctrinal purpose, as it deals with the story of Death, whose life trajectory is recounted from his cradle to his end, including his testament, as if he were any mortal. However, this is a character whose actions are so many and so extensive that it is impossible to cover them in the dimensions of the book, which is why she is portrayed partially, choosing specific moments of her actions and composure from Antiquity to the century of essayof the work.
Death is queen and mistress of the work: death foreseen, Petrarchan death, sovereign death, memento mori, vision of tombs and catafalques... In short, death full of nuances that are collected in this text and that drags a whole symbolism that goes back to the Age averageand reaches the moment in which Bolaños writes his moralising notice. One more piece in the enthronement and importance of the topicof death for the Mexican people.
This careful edition, profusely annotated, is preceded by an extensive introductory study by Trinidad Barrera, Professor of Spanish-American Literature at the University of Seville, in partnershipwith Dr. Jaime J. Martínez, of the UNED.
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Pedro Sarmiento de Gamboa Sumaria relación
study and edition by Joaquín Zuleta Carrandi
Madrid/Frankfurt am Main, Iberoamericana/Vervuert
ISBN: 9788484898894
In 1581, the Crown of Spain set out on one of the most ambitious defensive projects of its time: the fortification of the Strait of Magellan. To this end, Philip II ordered the preparation, in the ports of Seville and Cadiz, of a fleet of 23 ships and almost 2,000 people at positionunder General Diego Flores de Valdés. The Sumaria relación is the reportwritten by the governor of the Strait of Magellan, Pedro Sarmiento de Gamboa, about this unhappy expedition, whose survivors founded the Ciudad del rey don Felipe on the shores of the strait, a town that would go down in history as Puerto del Hambre (Port of Hunger). Sarmiento alleges that the failure of the defensive projectwas not due to bad fortune or the hostility of the southern seas, but to the negligence and greed of General Diego Flores de Valdés and his officers.
In this edition, Joaquín Zuleta Carrandi makes a complete and detailed preliminary study in which he includes a biographical notice of Sarmiento de Gamboa from his arrival to the Indies until the appearance of Francis Drake in the coasts of Peru, one of the reasons that led to the attempt of fortification of the strait. A general historical introduction and a textual study of the Relación follow, framing the edition, which is accompanied by an extensive critical apparatus with a profusion of notes. The Issue closes with practical indexes and glossaries of characters cited in the text, toponyms and notes; the Catalog of ships of the expedition and a chronology.
Joaquín Zuleta Carrandi, graduatein Literature from the University of Chile and PhD in Literature from the University of Navarra, is currently Professor of Colonial Spanish-American Literature at the Universidad de los Andes (Santiago, Chile).
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A theatrical festival in 17th century New Granada
Edited by Hugo Hernán Ramírez
Madrid/Frankfurt am Main, Iberoamericana/Vervuert
ISBN: 978-84-8489-827-6
Seventeenth-century theatre in Spain and Latin America, as a spectacle, could consist of a festive stage ensemble made up of several parts not written by the same author. This book brings together a representation of the baptism of Christ, two songs, two romances, a gypsy dance, the texts of a poetic competition, a "famous auto" and some comments from the audience who attended a performance that may have been held in 1636 near the city of Villa de Leyva, in present-day Colombia. All in all, a complete golden festive programme, testimony to the way in which the logic of Hispanic theatre of the golden period developed in a territory to which theatre critics and historians do not usually pay attention.
Hugo Hernán Ramírez is a professor at the Universidad de los Andes (Colombia), member of the groupof research"programs of studyInterdisciplinarios sobre Renacimiento y Barroco", and director of the departmentof Humanitiesand Literature at the same university.
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Miranda, Luis de, Romance
Edited by Silvia Tieffemberg
ISBN: 978-84-8489-832-0
The so-called Romance or Romance elegiac, composed around 1540 by member of the clergyLuis de Miranda, is in fact a composition of 136 broken-foot octosyllabic verses, organised in quatrains of consonant chained rhyme. Miranda arrived in the Río de la Plata in 1536 in the armada of Pedro de Mendoza and his poem, considered the first River Plate literary composition, describes the hardship, hunger, anthropophagy and death of that first unfortunate settlement in the region. We do not possess the original of the Romance, which is preserved copied at the end of a mid-16th century document, and although it has received eighteen editions since the end of the 18th century, the present edition is the first critical edition of it, together with the complete text of the documents sent by Francisco Ortiz de Vergara to committeede Indias, at the end of one of which it is included. This edition also includes, as a documentary appendix, the letter sent by Miranda himself to the king in 1545, giving an account of the events that took place a year earlier when the clashes between loyalists and commoners put an end to the authority of Alvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca.
Silvia Tieffemberg, professor, BA and PhD in Literature from the University of Buenos Aires, is a professor at the same university and a researcher at the committeeNacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. She has recently published Literatura latinoamericana colonial. Hacia las totalidades contradictorias (2010), El "Romance" de Luis de Miranda (2012), and Argentina. Historia del findingy conquista del Río de la Plata escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán (2012).
Library ServicesIndiana, 37
Bramón, Francisco, Los Sirgueros de la Virgen sin original pecado (The Servants of the Virgin without Original Sin)
Edited by Trinidad Barrera
Madrid/Frankfurt am Main, Iberoamericana/Vervuert
ISBN: 978-84-8489-780-4
When Francisco Bramón published the pastoral novel Los Sirgueros de la Virgen sin original pecado ( Mexico, 1620), New Spain already had another illustrious precedent in the genre: Siglo de Oro en las selvas de Erífile ( 1608) by Bernardo de Balbuena.
However, the intentionality of the two works is very different, since it would not be wrong to say that Bramón's novel is the only divinised pastoral novel in Novo-Hispanic literature; at least none other is known to date. In Bramón's case, the shepherds who roam the "Mexican gardens" are devout defenders of the "immaculate conception" of Mary, and the whole novel, which takes place in the days leading up to the celebration of the Immaculate Conception, revolves around this theme, which was highly topical at the time. This is the first time that the novel has been published in its entirety.
Trinidad Barrera is Professor of Spanish-American Literature at the University of Seville. She has been president of the associationEspañola de programs of studyLiterarios Hispanoamericanos. A specialist in colonial literature, she is the author of two editions of Naufragios and Brevísima relación de la destrucción de las Indias, as well as the book, Asedios a la literatura colonial(2008).
Library ServicesIndiana, 36
Global Trajectories: programs of studyColonials in the Hispanic World
Edited by Raúl Marrero-Fente
ISBN: 978-84-8489-731-6
This book proposes a revision of the study of the origins of the Spanish empire in the 16th century from a global perspective. The central thesis of this researchis that in order to understand the colonial history of Spanish America in all its complexity, it is necessary to examine in detail the process of trans-oceanic and global exchangebetween different geographical regions of the world that took place in the 16th century. The Spanish empire was global in its extension and scope because it inaugurated routes of contact, exchangeand communication between distant areas of the globe: Europe, Africa, America and Asia.
Raúl Marrero-Fente is Senior Associate Professor of Latin American Literature and Law at the University of Minnesota. He is the author and publisher of numerous books devoted to Transatlantic and Global programs of study , Colonial Literature and Law.
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Space and time of festivities in New Spain (1665-1760)
Edited by Judith Farré
Madrid/Frankfurt am Main, Iberoamericana/Vervuert
ISBN: 978-84-8489-728-6
The book presents an analysis of the fiesta in New Spain, in the final years of the Baroque, as a form of theatricalisation of urban space, extraordinary and ephemeral by definition. The time frame frameworkruns from the reign of Charles II to 1760, the year in which Agustín de Ahumada y Villalón, Marquis of Las Amarillas and the last of the viceroys appointed by Philip V, left position. It was a time marked by Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz and other stellar figures such as Carlos de Sigüenza y Góngora. These were also crucial years in the configuration and developmentof a literary culture already fully marked by the rise of the creole consciousness. It was a period, moreover, in which the pomp and circumstance responded to the spectacular nature of the Baroque, which imbued everything with an overflowing theatricality. From this convention of the festive, the book focuses on the relationship between theatre and power in New Spain and includes a critical edition of several allusive texts.
Judith Farré Vidal, PhD from the University of Lleida, has been a lecturer at the high schoolTecnológico de Monterrey, Mexico, and a member of Conacyt's National System of Researchers (2003-2008). She has directed several researchprojects on theatre and power in New Spain and is currently a Ramón y Cajal researcher at the CSIC (CCHS, Madrid).
Romance Notes, 55 (Special Issue), pp. 157-159[see review].
Mexican Studies/programs of studyMexicanos, 31, 1, 2015, pp. 193-195[see review].
Philologyand Linguistics, 40, 2, 2014, pp. 227-230[see review].
Library ServicesIndiana, 34
Juan del Valle y Cabiedes, Physical wars, medicinal prowess, feats of ignorance
Edited by Carlos F. Cabanillas Cárdenas
Madrid/Frankfurt am Main, Iberoamericana/Vervuert
ISBN: 978-84-8489-717-0
This is the first critical and exhaustively annotated edition of the poetry against the doctors of Lima by the colonial Baroque poet Juan del Valle y Caviedes (1645-1698). This edition takes into account all the manuscripts known to date, explains and arranges their transmission, and proposes a textual fixation based, above all, on the annotation of the poems.
Carlos F. Cabanillas Cárdenas is Professor at departmentof Culture and Literature at the University of Tromsø, Norway. He holds a PhD in PhilologyHispánica from the University of Navarra and has specialised mainly in Spanish Baroque and Spanish-American colonial literature.
Revista de Indias, LXXIV, 260, 2013, pp. 336-339[see review].
Library ServicesIndiana, 33
Pedro Salmerón, Life of the Venerable Mother Isabel de la Encarnación
Edited by Robin Ann Rice
Madrid/Frankfurt am Main, Iberoamericana/Vervuert
ISBN: 978-84-8489-702-6
The Life of the Venerable Mother Isabel de la Encarnación, written by the graduateand presbyter Pedro Salmerón, combines the last paroxysms of medieval imagery and Spanish mysticism in one of the first female hagiographies of the New World. Born in Puebla de los Ángeles in 1594, when she died in 1633, her funeral gathered "one of the largest and most lucid audiences ever seen in this land".
Robin Ann Rice, editor of this book, is Professor and researcher at departmentof Arts and Humanitiesat the Universidad Popular Autónoma del Estado de Puebla (Mexico). She has written articles and books on Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz, Catarina de San Juan, Feliciana Enríquez de Guzmán, Mariana de Carvajal and María de Zayas, among other women writers.
Library ServicesIndiana, 32
Emilio Ricardo Báez Rivera, The Words of the Silence of Saint Rose of Lima or the Visual Poetry of the Ineffable
Edited by Robin Ann Rice
ISBN: 978-84-8489-650-0
A study of the thought and mysticism of Saint Rose of Lima in the light of the protocols of beatification and canonisation, as well as her holographs, in which she expressed a typology of 15 extraordinary experiences with the divine person of Christ at different moments in her human chronology. The Rosarian holographs are commented on from different cultural traditions (the art of the report, Renaissance emblematic art, collage, the lyrical ideogram and the Sacred Heart of Jesus, among others), in order to deepen the significance of their mystical-Christian symbolism.
Emilio Ricardo Báez Rivera is Full Professor assistant of the department of programs of study Hispánicos of the University of Puerto Rico, where he obtained the high school diploma and master's degree in programs of study Hispánicos. He received his doctorate in colonial Spanish-American Philology from the University of Seville.
The Catholic Historical Review, 99.2, 2013, pp. 398-399[see review].
Library ServicesIndiana, 31
Colonial discourses: text and power in Hispanic America
Edited by Pilar Latasa
ISBN: 978-84-8489-613-5
Most of the papers presented at the international congressOld World and New World in the Chronicles of the Indies, which took place in Providence, Rhode Island, on 10-11 June 2010, sponsored by the John Carter Brown Library, the Department of Hispanic Studies of Brown University and the GRISO (groupde researchSiglo de Oro) of the University of Navarra, are published in this work.
The various contributions collected here have in common the analysis of the forging of a dominant speechin colonial Spanish America. In this way, the authors of the different works approach, from the texts themselves, the webs of colonial power. The contributions are interdisciplinary in nature and aim to shed new light on topic.
Contributors: Rolena Adorno, Luis Alburquerque, Gabriel Arellano, Ángel Delgado Gómez, Pilar Latasa, Raúl Marrero-Fente, José Antonio Mazzotti, Fermín del Pino-Díaz, Fernando Rodríguez Mansilla and Jesús María Usunáriz.
Bulletin of Spanish Studies, 91-4, 2014, pp. 646-649.[see review].
Revista de Indias, 2012, 72, 256, pp. 866-869.[see review].
Hispania, 96.2, 2013, pp. 417-418.[see review].
Revista Complutense de Historia de América, 38, 2012, pp. 232-235.[see review].
Iberoamericana, 51, 2013, pp. 248-250.[see review].
Library ServicesIndiana, 30
Joaquín Barruchi y Arana, Relación del festejo que a los Marqueses de las Amarillas les hicieron a las Señoras Religiosas del Convento de San Jerónimo (Mexico, 1756).
Edition by F. Luciani
ISBN: 978-84-8489-583-1
In August 1756, the nuns of the convent of San Jerónimo in Mexico City celebrated the viceroys of New Spain, the Marqueses de las Amarillas, with plays, music and dance. This edition includes the full text of the festejo, carefully annotated, with an introduction offering contextualisation and analysis. The festejo opens up new perspectives on the theatrical and musical culture of the New Spain convents, and on the complex relationships between the convents and the viceregal court.
Revista de Literatura, LXXV.149, 2013, pp. 363-365.[see review].
Colonial Latin American Review, 21.3, 2012, pp. 464-466.[see review].
New World New Worlds, 2012.[see review].
Library ServicesIndiana, 29
The preacher's tales. Stories and fictions for the reform of customs in New Spain.
Edited by Manuel Pérez
ISBN: 978-84-8489-580-0
Complete analysis of "Luz de verdades católicas", a book of great diffusion in New Spain. The study of its exemplary stories is followed by a rhetorical analysis that also addresses its role as a culture-creating instrument.
Luz de verdades católicas is a book of "talks" which, although it is now fairly unknown, is one of the most widely read religious works from the end of the 17th century to the beginning of the 19th century. In fact, in the Historia de la provincia de la Compañía [...], by Francisco Javier Alegre, it is said to have had more editions than any other Mexican book.
For the study of the exemplary stories used in this collection of talks, a rigorous rhetorical analysis has been followed, which has allowed not only their reading in a persuasive context but also their consideration as instruments forging culture and citizenship. A complete study of exemplary argumentation implies, in addition to the consideration of the instruments for the illustration of doctrine, the formulation of hypotheses about their articulation to fulfil diverse social, cultural and even political functions, in the sense in which the pieces of humble oratory tend to function.
Bulletin of Spanish Studies, 91, 2014, pp. 481-482.[see review]
Revista Complutense de Historia de América, 38, 2012, pp. 229-232.[see review].
New World New Worlds, 2012.[see review].
Library ServicesIndiana, 28
Diego de Aguilar y Córdoba, El Marañón
Edited by J. Díez Torres
ISBN: 978-84-8489-568-8
Based on Francisco Vázquez's account, Aguilar wrote one of the most complete chronicles of Pedro de Ursúa's famous expedition in search of Eldorado, which ended with Lope de Aguirre's rebellion.
Written in Peru between 1578 and 1596, El Marañón is one of the most complete works on the expedition of Pedro de Ursúa and Lope de Aguirre in search of El Dorado (1560-1561).
The text is based on several testimonies, especially the account of Francisco Vázquez, whom Aguilar met in Peru years after the events. Aguilar carried out a rewriting of his main sourcein which he integrated the events of the expedition into Peruvian history, while giving the plot a rhetorical and tragic slant.
Hispanophila, 168, 2013, pp. 168-170[see review].
New World New Worlds, 2011[see review].
Revista de Indias, 72/254, 2012, pp. 241-243[see review].
Library ServicesIndiana, 27
Captivity in New World literature
Edited by Donoso, M., M. Insúa and C. Mata
ISBN: 978-84-8489-561-9
Several programs of studyanalyse the presence of the theme of captivity in the chronicles of the Indies, with special attention to such a representative work as the "Cautiverio feliz" by Núñez de Pineda y Bascuñán.
Crítica Bibliográphica, vol. D, July 2012, pp.1-12[see review].
Library ServicesIndiana, 26
Gonzalo Fernández de Oviedo, Sumario de la Natural Historia de las Indias (Summary of the Natural History of the Indies)
Edited by Á. Baraibar
ISBN: 978-84-8489-554-1
This book presents the first critical edition of a work as interesting as the Sumario de Gonzalo Fernández de Oviedo, the first chronicler of the Indies. The work sampleshows us the novelty that American nature represented for the first Spanish explorers and how and with what tools they approached the rich task of describing it.
The present text is a careful edition of the Sumario based on the princeps edition of 1526, taking into account the textual transmission up to that time. The work is accompanied by a detailed annotation, as well as illustrations by the author himself and of the period that accompany a text core topicin the history of 16th-century culture and science.
Bulletin of Spanish Studies, 90, 6, 2013.[see review]
The Sixteenth Century Journal. The Journal of Early Modern Studies, 43.3, Fall 2012 (USA). [see review]
Atenea (Chile), 504, 2011, pp. 221-223[see review].
Revista Chilena de Literatura , 80, 2011, pp. 282-286[see review].
Reviewed in the Cervantes mailing list, coord. by Robert Lauer, CERVANTES-L@LISTS.OU.EDU
Library ServicesIndiana, 25
A mixed-race renaissance: 400 years of the Royal Commentaries
Edited by José Antonio Mazzotti
ISBN: 978-84-8489-529-9
Four hundred years after the appearance in Lisbon of the First Part of the "Comentarios Reales", twenty articles analyse the Inca's influence on Hispanic literature and his role in the culture of the continent.
Reviewed in the Cervantes mailing list, coord. by Robert Lauer, CERVANTES-L@LISTS.OU.EDU.
Library ServicesIndiana, 24
Alonso de Góngora Marmolejo, Historia de todas las cosas que han acaecido en el reino de Chile y de los que lo han gobernado (History of all the things that have happened in the kingdom of Chile and of those who have governed it).
Edited by M. Donoso Rodríguez
ISBN: 978-84-8489-508-4
This is the first critical edition of the original manuscript text of this early chronicle of the conquest of Chile, which constitutes a fundamental milestone in the scarce literature of that country during the 16th century. Alonso de Góngora Marmolejo was a privileged witness to the most important events that took place between the Spaniards and the Indians during the founding years of the Kingdom of Chile, from the arrival of Pedro de Valdivia in 1541 until 1575. The text is accompanied by numerous notes that explain its various aspects and also includes a complete glossary of the characters involved in the events described in the chronicle and two useful indexes that allow us to trace all the words and indigenous expressions noted throughout its pages.
History, 45, 1, 2012, pp. 264-266.[see review].
Library ServicesIndiana, 23
Berg, H. van den, With the Yuracarees (Bolivia). Missionary Chronicles (1765-1825)
Edited by A. Eichmann
ISBN: 978-84-8489-528-2
This book presents the experience of the "meeting" of two worlds, the indigenous and the western, in a concrete space (the Yuracarees Mountains) and in a limited period of time: from the first formal contactof the two until the year in which Bolivia began to bear that name to initiate its republican period. Drawing on a vast mass of documents from European and American archives, the author deals with all the "re-constructions of the history of the evangelisation of the Yuracarées" that took place from the 18th century to very recent years. He analyses numerous and varied texts written by civil servants, ecclesiastics of the time, naturalists of the late 18th and 19th centuries, and historians and ethnologists of the 19th and 20th centuries, offering in each case keys to the interpretation of these "re-constructions" and correcting them if necessary.
Library ServicesIndiana, 22
In the footsteps of the cult of Guadalupe. The travelogue of Fray Diego de Ocaña, 1599-1605
Edited by López de Mariscal, B. and A. Madroñal
ISBN: 978-84-8489-505-3
This is the first edition of the complete text of the account that Fray Diego de Ocaña wrote between 1599 and 1605 in South America.
This book has been awarded the award Rómulo Garza 2011.
Bulletin of Spanish Studies, 89, 1, 2012, pp. 153-154.[see review].
Bibliographical Review, February 2011.[see review].
Library ServicesIndiana, 21
Parnassus of Two Worlds. On Spanish and Latin American Literature in the Golden Age
Edition by Ferri Coll, J. M. and J. C. Rovira
ISBN: 978-84-8489-507-7
Parnassus of Two Worlds is a collection of works on the literature of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, taking into account the new cultural, political, social and economic context that the finding had been weaving. The work of American writers has been studied; or writers of Spanish origin who had developed their literary activity in the new territories of the Monarchy; or on the contrary: those who, having seen the light of day in America, had become fond of literature in Spain. All of them shared a new reality that had little to do with the one existing before 1492. In this sense, works and authors, aesthetic currents and ideological principles are analysed in the light of the idea that the findingof what is foreign also represents the revision of what is one's own and at the same time its enrichment.
Taken as a whole, the programs of studypages in this book aim to provide a picture of the cultural and literary relations between America and Spain during the 16th and 17th centuries, a time when the synthesis of pre-Columbian, Creole and European elements that took place in the New World was the foundation of a literature that increasingly took on a breath of its own.
Library ServicesIndiana, 20
Monsters and prodigies in Hispanic literature
Edited by Insúa, M. and L. Rodrigues Vianna Peres.
ISBN: 978-84-8489-475-9
It brings together a series of articles that analyse, from different perspectives and methodologies, the presence of the marvellous in Spanish and Latin American literature. The works collected here aim to show the current state of the influence of the prodigious phenomenon and the monstrous in the literature of both sides of the Atlantic, and to offer the reader a repertoire of extraordinary and portentous cases.
Revista Chilena de Literatura, 77, 2010, pp. 270-274[see review].
yearbookof programs of studyAmericans, 67.1, 2010, pp. 315-327[see review].
Library ServicesIndiana, 19
Castillo, F. J. de, Vida de San Francisca Josefa de Castillo (Life of Saint Francisca Josefa de Castillo)
Edited by B. Ferrús Antón and N. Girona Fibia
ISBN: 978-84-8489-423-0
Critical edition of the life of the Colombian nun (Bogotá, 1671-1741), one of the most outstanding examples of the mystical literature of Viceroyal America.
The Catholic Historical Review, 97.2, 2011, pp. 403-404.[see review].
Temas americanistas, 16, 2011, pp. 121-124[see review].
Library ServicesIndiana, 18
Satirical and burlesque poetry in colonial Latin America
Edited by Arellano, I. and A. Lorente Medina
ISBN: 978-84-8489-455-1
A detailed study of a literary sub-genre that is as important as it is poorly known due to its special conditions of circulation, mostly handwritten, anonymous and clandestine.
Renaissance Quarterly, 63, 4, 2010, pp. 1294-1296[see review].
Philologyand Linguistics, 36, 1, 2010, pp. 285-288[see review].
Bulletin of Spanish Studies, 886, 2011, pp. 919-920[see review].
languageand Literature, 6, 1, 2011[see review]
Colonial Latin American Review, 20.3, 2012, pp. 425-426[see review].
Library ServicesIndiana, 17
Marian songbook of Charcas
Edited by Eichmann Oehrli, A.
ISBN: 978-84-8489-454-4
Critical and annotated edition of the 230 poems of topicmariano that are kept in the filede Bibliotecas Nacionales de Bolivia.
Histórica (Peru, PUCP), 33-2, 2009, pp. 167-169[see review].
Criticón, 108, 2010, pp. 182-186. "We find ourselves, then, before a high quality work, which offers the added merit of combining philological and musical knowledge, especially necessary to understand and edit texts such as those in this Cancionero. May other similar corpora &endash;to begin with, those that Eichmann himself has announced&endash; deserve in the near future such a very careful edition".[see review]
Iberoamericana, 12, 47, 2012, pp. 258-260.[see review]
Library ServicesIndiana, 16
Cristóbal de Acuña, Nuevo findingdel Gran río de las Amazonas (New of the Great River of the Amazons)
Edited by I. Arellano, J. M. Díez Borque and G. Santonja.
ISBN: 978-84-8489-445-2
Complete critical edition of the work of the Jesuit from Burgos (1597-Lima, 1675), a meticulous and accurate chronicler of the Amazon and its Hispanic finding, from the expedition of Orellana to that of Pedro Tejeira and Acuña himself.
Revista Chilena de Literatura, 76, 2010, pp. 292-294.[see review].
Revista Complutense de Historia de América, 36, 2010, pp. 323-327.[see review].
The Sixteenth Century Journal, 52.1, 2011, pp. 220-221.[see review].
Library ServicesIndiana, 15
Epistle of Amaryllis to Belardo
Edition by Vinatea Recoba, M.
ISBN: 978-84-8489-401-8
An annotated edition that gives an account of the literary quality of this epistle, preceded by a preliminary study that situates the text within a historical frameworkand a specific literary form.
Renaissance Quarterly, 64.1, 2011, pp. 295-296.[see review].
Lexis, 35.1, 2011, pp. 200-205.[see review]
Library ServicesIndiana, 14
Spain's Cultural Heritage in America. 17th and 18th centuries
Edited by Barrera, T.
ISBN: 978-84-8489-376-9
Compilation of texts that form part of a projectof researchon Andalusian poets and chroniclers in the New World, which includes authors such as Valle Caviedes, Diego de Rocha, Andrés Pérez and Ortiz de Zúñiga.
Revista de Indias, 70, 248, 2010, pp. 261-263.
yearbookof programs of studyAmericans, 67.1, 2010, pp. 309-311[see review].
Revista Complutense de Historia de América, 36, 2010, pp. 327-329.[see review].
Bulletin of Spanish Studies, 88, 2011, pp. 145-146.[see review]
Library ServicesIndiana, 13
Doctrine and entertainment in Spanish and Novo-Hispanic culture
Edited by Arellano, I. and R. A. Rice
ISBN: 978-84-8489-402-5
Compilation of texts that deal with different aspects of the interweaving of doctrinal preaching in festivities such as hagiographic celebrations, dance, theatrical performances and literature from New Spain and the Golden Age.
Portal of Hispanism
Catholic Historical Review, 96, 2, 2010, pp. 399-400.[see review]
eHumanist, 16, 2010, pp. 469-473.[see review]
Library ServicesIndiana, 12
Rebels and adventurers. From the Old World to the New
Edited by Cortés, H. R., Godoy, E. and Insúa, M.
ISBN: 978-84-8489-390-5
The work focuses on the process of finding, conquest and colonisation of the New World, based on letters, chronicles, autobiographies, accounts of European explorers and travellers and the literature that recreates this period.
-, núm. 67.
Revista Complutense de Historia de América, 35, 2009, pp. 297-300[see review].
yearbookof programs of studyAmericans, 67, 1, 2010, pp. 325-327[see review].
Revista de Literatura Latinoamericana, 39, 2010, pp. 169-171[see review].
Library ServicesIndiana, 11
Sigüenza y Góngora, C. de, Oriental planeta evangélico
Edited by A. Lorente Medina
ISBN: 978-84-8489-347-9
Critical edition of the work of Sigüenza y Góngora, undoubtedly the most outstanding intellectual figure of Hispanic America in the colonial centuries. Includes an extensive introduction, analysis of the poem and bibliography.
Caravelle-Cahiers du monde hispanique et luso-bresilien, 91, 2008, pp. 259-260.[see review]
programs of studyde Historia Novohispana (EHN), 2009, pp. 199-202. "We are faced with the rigorous recovery of a brilliant and almost unknown work by one of the most recognised names in Mexican colonial culture, which in itself recommends it academically. More efforts of this nature are needed.[see review]
Anales de Literatura Hispanoamericana, 2008, 37, pp. 345-366.[see review]
New World New Worlds (2009)[see review].
yearbookof programs of studyAmericans, 67.1, 2010, pp. 358-361[see review].
-, núm. 68.
Library ServicesIndiana, 10
Theatre in colonial Spanish America
Edited by Arellano, I. and J. A. Rodríguez Garrido
ISBN: 978-84-8489-326-4
Beyond the usual panoramic approach, it focuses on a thematic analysis: from theatre as an instrument of evangelisation or doctrinal entrenchment, to that which served as an expression of local identities.
-, núm. 66.
New World New Worlds, 2009. [see review]
Iberoamericana, Iusepe Bellini, 2009, 36, pp. 209-210.[see review]
Revista Chilena de Literatura, 2009, 75, pp. 331-334. "We are, therefore, faced with a valuable contribution to the study of colonial literature and theatre in Spanish America, as well as to the history and many other aspects of the period".[see review].
yearbookof programs of studyAmericans, 2009, 66.2, pp. 285-289[see review].
Bulletin of the Comediantes, 2009, 61.2, p. 156[see review].
Anagnórisis, 2, 2010[see review].
Bulletin of Spanish Studies, 87, 7, 2010, pp. 998-999[see review].
Caravelle, 95, 2010, pp. 230-231.[see review]
yearbookof programs of studyBolivianos, 16, 2010, pp. 757-758[see review].
Library ServicesIndiana, 9
Epistolary of Sister Dolores Peña de Lillo (Chile, 1763-1769)
Edited by Kordic, R.
ISBN: 978-84-8489-328-8
Edition of the epistolary, hitherto unknown, and unique, both for its size and for the fact that it is preserved in its entirety. One of the few surviving of the many that the nuns are supposed to have written by order of their confessors.
Anales de Literatura Chilena, 10, 2008, pp. 213-216.[see review]
Onomázein, 18, 2, 2008, pp. 175-179.[see review]
Frontiers of History, vol. 14-2, 2009, pp. 393-395. "The documentary value of Kordic's edition is enormous and stems from several years of work".[see review]
History, 42, 1, pp. 255-258.[see review]
yearbookof programs of studyAmericans, 67.1, 2010, pp. 342-345[see review].
-, núm. 63.
Library ServicesIndiana, 8
Theatre and power in the time of Charles II. Festivals around kings and viceroys
Edited by Farré Vidal, J.
ISBN: 978-84-8489-295-3
It analyses the image of power in the viceregal court of New Spain during the reign of the last Spanish king of the House of Austria (1675-1700) from different points of view centred on festivity and theatre.
New World New Worlds (2008). "A text that is interesting to read and that breaks with the limitations that are placed on a congress. A text that makes clear its objectives and that is well documented in terms of sources and with its own bibliographyin each text that gives greater weight to the arguments presented by the programs of study" ".[see review]
Crítica Bibliográfica, publishing houseAcademia del Hispanismo, 2008.[see review]
Histórica, 32, 1, 2008, pp. 176-180[see review].
- no. 6.
Bulletin of the Comediantes, 61, 2, 2009, p. 157[see review].
Cuadernos de Historia Moderna, 34, 2009, pp. 257-259[see review].
yearbookof programs of studyAmericans, 66.2, 2009, pp. 307-312[see review].
Bulletin of Spanish Studies, 67, 5, 2010, pp. 681-683[see review].
Caravelle, 94, 2010, pp. 309-310[see review].
Library ServicesIndiana, 7
St Francis Xavier between two continents
Edited by Arellano, I., González Acosta, A. and Herrera, A.
ISBN: 978-84-8489-290-8
On the occasion of the V Centenary of the birth of San Francisco Xavier, essays are brought together that review his transcendence in the culture of the Hispanic world: in the letters and arts of Spain and viceregal America.
Caravelle-Cahiers du Monde Hispanique et Luso-Bresilien, 91, 2008, pp. 257-259.[see review]
Catholic Historical Review, 95, 3, Jul. 2009, p. 619.[see review]
bulletinHistory of Theology, 1500-1800, n. **, pp. 300-301.
- núm. 53.
The Americas, 67, 1, 2010, pp. 115-116.[see review]
Library ServicesIndiana, 6
Letters from the Kingdom of Chile
Edition by Goic, C.
ISBN: 978-84-8489-254-0
The articles collected here were written between 1970 and 2005 and refer mainly to the letters of Pedro de Valdivia and the particular analysis of two of them; to various rhetorical and political aspects of Alonso de Ercilla's La Araucana, including the discussion of the poem's unity, and to the transtextual relationship between the great works of Ercilla and Cervantes; to Cautiverio feliz, its recent edition and the manuscript of the Suma and Epilogue of the same book by Francisco Núñez de Pineda y Bascuñan and to the study and compilation of his original poems, translations and poems by other authors, taken from the book; and, finally, to the Chilean wills of the 16th and 17th centuries.
Anales de Literatura Chilena, 10, 2008, pp. 211-212. Dr. Cedomil Goic configures a rigorous interpretative analysis that involves a journey through the letters of the kingdom of Chile during three fundamental centuries in the history of the country, shaping a view of the kingdom whose image emerges from creation, of the record and of the reflection on the continuous struggle to consolidate the hispanisation of a new society and to dominate the violent neighbourhood and the constant rebellions of an indomitable people in the south of the country, which marks what was called from the beginning "the wars of Chile" and which undoubtedly shapes our cultural imaginary"[see review].
Histórica, 32, 1, 2008, pp. 180-183[see review].
The Americas, 66-4, 2010, pp. 582-583.
Bulletin of Spanish Studies, 87, 1, 2010, pp. 135-137[see review].
Library ServicesIndiana, 5
Chilean colonial wills
Edition by Kordic, R. and C. Goic, preliminary study by Cedomil Goic
ISBN: 84-8489-227-1
The Issue gathers more than 60 testamentary documents dated between 1593 and 1697, preserved in various books of the Santiago Notary Protocols, which constitute a foundational testimony of Chilean culture.
New World New Worlds (2008)
Library ServicesIndiana, 4
Entremeses, loas y coloquios de Potosí. Collection of the convent of Santa Teresa
Edited by Arellano, I. and A. Eichmann.
ISBN: 84-8489-204-2
Critical edition of a corpus of plays composed for the celebration of the Carmelite festivities between the 17th and 19th centuries.
Nueva Revista de PhilologyHispánica, 54-2, pp. 649-652. This collection "can already be considered an essential sourcefor the approach to Spanish-American viceregal theatre, while the creation of the Centro de programs of studyIndianos, in which the rigorous workedition of Arellano and Eichmann is inscribed, reaffirms the valuable contribution that, for years and in partnershipwith important American institutions, the GRISO (groupde researchSiglo de Oro de la Universidad de Navarra) has been making in the field of programs of studyon golden age literature in Spain and America".[see review]
History and Culture, XXI, 2006.[see review]
Library ServicesIndiana, 3
Don Quixote must not and cannot die (cervantine pages)
Edition by Darío, R., introductory study by Jorge Arellano.
ISBN: 84-8489-207-7
The Issue brings together several texts by the Nicaraguan writer about Cervantes' work: two poems, a short story, a essay and two chronicles, as well as a portrait of Cervantes himself.
reviewby Alberto Acereda in Nuevo Diario (Managua), 09/05/08.
Library ServicesIndiana, 2
Human and divine letters from the very noble City of La Plata (Bolivia)
Edited by Eichmann Oehrli, A.
ISBN: 84-8489-175-5
Critical and annotated edition of the collection of lyrics of polyphonic musical works in Spanishfrom the colonial manuscripts preserved in the music collection of fileand Library ServicesNacionales de Bolivia.
Library ServicesIndiana, 1
Themes of the Hispanic Baroque
Edited by Arellano, I. and E. Godoy
ISBN: 84-8489-158-5
Over the course of 19 articles, as many specialists analyse the baroque culture of the Hispanic world through the most representative literary productions of the period.