yearbook Calderonian
The yearbook Calderoniano (ACAL) is a journal dedicated monographically to the study of the life and work of Pedro Calderón de la Barca. Founded in 2008, its aim is to gather annually a selection of critical contributions that contribute to a better understanding of the multiple faces of the playwright.
It is one of the publications of the group de research Siglo de Oro (GRISO) of the University of Navarra, in partnership with the group de research Calderón (GIC) of the University of Santiago de Compostela and with the sponsorship of the TC/12 Patrimonio teatral clásico español, in the framework of the Programme "Consolider-Ingenio 2010 ".
This is a business open to all scholars without exclusion of critical schools or limitation of perspectives or approaches. It will be guided only by the scientific rigour of the works it contains, and seeks to serve as a place of meeting for Calderonists of all origins, who will find in its pages a forum in which to discover the direction of the paths of the Calderonian research .
The news, bibliography and critical reviews sections aim to give a full account of the most recent contributions of the programs of study calderonians on an international level.
This journal has the guarantee of scientific quality provided by the backing of its committee advisor and the management publishing house carried out by the publishing house Iberoamericana/Vervuert, plus the best will of the members of the committee of essay.
In this blog you will find updated information on events related to Calderón (congresses, seminars...), regular instalments of the annotated bibliography and, whenever possible, a pdf version of previous issues for your convenience enquiry.
The digital dump of the Calderonian yearbook has been carried out in the framework of the project Consolider TC/12 continued in the project network del Patrimonio Teatral Clásico Español (FFI2015-71441-REDC).
Of interest
yearbook Calderoniano is indexed in Clarivate Analytics-Web of Science / Arts and Humanities Citation Index. It is also included in ERIH PLUS, Latindex, ISOC (CSIC), DIALNET, DICE, RESH, CIRC, Romanische Bibliographie Online Datenbank, Modern Language Association (MLA) Directory of Periodicals, ANVUR-Italia, MIAR and DULCINEA.
yearbook Calderonian has been selected for inclusion in SCOPUS and EBSCO.
yearbook Calderoniano has been awarded the FECYT quality seal by the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities.
Mariela Insua
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ISSN: 1888-8046
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Inclusive language
yearbookCalderonian adheres to the United Nations goalto "to express oneself orally and in writing without discriminating against any particular sex, social gender or gender identity and without perpetuating gender stereotypes.". This goalmust be compatible with "other discursive or pragmatic postulates, such as equivalence, adequacy, appropriateness, convenience, aesthetics and, in particular, the principle of Economics"( RAEPosition of 16 January 2020, § 8.1), and also with respect for the linguistic system. It is recommended to take into account the guidelines of the aforementioned United Nations website and of reportand other publications of the Real Academia Española.
The issue 17 of the yearbook Calderoniano corresponding to the year 2024 opens with an obituary, "Enrique Rull, teacher and friend", written by Ignacio Arellano .
The articles section follows, which includes 17 contributions:
► Fausta Antonucci, "Laughter and weeping in Calderón's comic dramaturgy: some coves."
► Enrica Cancelliere, "Satire and subversion in theater from Torres Naharro to Calderón."
► Paula Casariego Castiñeira, "The late textual tradition of Las armas de la hermosura: its loose printings without data editorials from the late seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries."
► M.ª Teresa García-Abad García, "Carlos Saura rehearses Calderón: The great theater of the world".
► José Elías Gutiérrez Meza, "Polymetry and dramatic structure in Las cadenas del Demonio."
► Henrry A. Ibáñez Mogrovejo, "Death as dramatic fabric: inclination to die and death threats in Las cadenas del Demonio."
► Luis Iglesias Feijoo, "Calderón's autographs and their ecdotic treatment".
► A. Robert Lauer, "Metrical structure, model actancial and literary genre of Pedro Calderón de la Barca's El sitio de Bredá: an encomium to peace."
► Felipe B. Pedraza Jiménez, Milagros Rodríguez Cáceres, "Calderón, Rojas y Coello y las comedias de varios ingenios (1634-1636)."
► Fernando Rodríguez Mansilla, "The dramatic function of polymetry in Mañana será otro día."
► Victoriano Roncero López, "The metatheatrical function in Hombre pobre todo es trazas".
► Adrián J. Sáez, ""Ambassador of Myself": variations of a diplomatic motif in Calderón."
► Vidmantas Silyunas, "El ingenioso don Pedro Calderón de la Barca, director de teatro, creador de espectáculos lúdicos."
► Ana Suárez Miramón, "Universal dualism in Echo and Narcissus".
► Marcella Trambaioli, "Paternal-filial relationships in Calderón's theater: some coves".
► Alejandra Ulla Lorenzo, Candela Iglesias Balsa, "Editar el teatro cortesano de Calderón: avances y retos futuros."
► Marc Vitse, "On También hay duelo en las damas de Pedro Calderón de la Barca."
The issue includes four reviews and the usual "bibliography calderoniana" (corresponding to the year 2023).
The issue 16 of the yearbook Calderonian for the year 2023 has been coordinated by Paula Baldwin Lind.
The Issue, under the degree scroll of "La escena en el teatro áureo y en el teatro isabelino", gathers a total of eleven articles:
► Paula Baldwin Lind, "The Scene in the Golden Age and Elizabethan Theatre. presentation ".
► Tiffany Stern, "Spaces of Performance: Shakespeare's Playhouse Inside Out."
► Paula Baldwin Lind, "Women in aurisecular and Elizabethan theater: effects of their presence on the audience."
► Jéssica Castro Rivas, "El espacio privado en la comedia palatina de Lope de Vega."
► Amparo Fernández Richards, "The presence of Fortune in Mira de Amescua and Shakespeare: the case of La adversa Fortuna de don Álvaro de Luna and El rey Lear."
► Ignacio Arellano, "El alcalde de Zalamea: la crítica alienada o la demolición de una obra maestra".
► Braulio Fernández Biggs, ""I'll speak a prophecy ere I go", "according to my astrological science": the privileged access to the truth of a jester and a joker (Fool and Pasquín), and dramatic suspense".
► Carolina Brncić, "Syncretic Images in Shakespeare's Antony and Cleopatra and Racine's Phèdre ."
► David García Hernán, "El Nuevo Mundo: su visión en los dramaturgos áureos madrileños y en Inglaterra."
► Joaquín Zuleta Carrandi, ""De este engaño desciendes": las crónicas de los incas y La aurora en Copacabana by Calderón".
► Alejandro González Puche, "El abismo del actor contemporáneo frente a Shakespeare y el repertorio áureo".
► Ma Zhenghong, "Madness in Shakespeare's tragedy and comedy: a purpose of some adaptations in China."
The "Varia calderoniana" section includes another eight articles:
► Dann Cazés Gryj, "Echoes of the cavern myth in the dramatization of the saint's life in The Exaltation of the Cross."
► Jorge Ferreira Barrocal, "An adaptation of the loa for the Calderonian auto from El divino Orfeo in manuscript B2617 of the Hispanic Society of America."
► Rafael García Pérez, "Adapting metaphor: an example from Calderón's La vida es sueño ."
► Celsa Carmen García Valdés, "Loa sacramental alegórica de La rifa. Unpublished and attributed to Calderón".
► Ya Li, "The dream life: a comparative study between Calderonian drama and Tang Xianzu's drama."
► Francisco Sáez Raposo, ""El alcalde en la arena". Rivas Cherif and the reception of Calderón de la Barca's theater during the II Republic: the staging of El alcalde de Zalamea at Las Ventas".
► María José Tobar Quintanar, "A romantic and modern Calderón: the defense of love marriage in the Palatine comedy Agradecer y no amar."
► Tian Xia, "Again on the literary genre of two classical works: comparative study between Xi Xiang Ji and La Celestina."
The issue includes four reviews, one news item and the usual section of "bibliography calderonian" (corresponding to the year 2022).
The issue 15 of the yearbook Calderoniano corresponding to the year 2022 has been coordinated by Juan Ramón Muñoz Sánchez, Eduardo Torres Corominas et al.
The Issue, under the degree scroll of "La internship escénica cortesana en la España del siglo XVII", gathers a total of fourteen articles:
► Ignacio Arellano, "Emblematic visuality in the court comedies from Lope to Calderón."
► Héctor Brioso Santos, " "Entre soberbia y mancilla...". The other courtesanship of the Golden Age: the noble pretender and poor in the theater of Guillén de Castro".
► María Victoria Curto Hernández, "Resonancias tenebristas en la zarzuela calderoniana Ni Amor se libra de amor: una reflexión textual, escénica y musical."
► Florence d'Artois, "Lope de Vega, the courtly party and the ages of dance."
► Juan Manuel Escudero Baztán, "Fuentes literarias y estrategias "sensoristas" en el model áulico calderoniano de las "comedias novelescas"."
► Teresa Ferrer Valls, "La Fábula de Dafne de Lupercio Leonardo de Argensola: educating women from theatrical fiction."
► María Asunción Flórez Asensio, ""Las tonadas grandes del Retiro": transmission and reuse of theatrical music in the Madrid court of the late Hapsburgs".
► Alejandro García-Reidy, "Cosas de amores o guerras: los particulares de palacio en tiempos de Lope de Vega."
► Ignacio López Alemany, "The staging of peace: opera and diplomacy in the Peace of the Pyrenees."
► José Martínez Millán, "Las transformaciones de la cultura áulica: la corte de la Monarquía Católica como corte del Barroco".
► Sebastian Neumeister, "Calderón and the Theatricality of the Baroque."
► Antonio Sánchez Jiménez, "Between the court and Flanders: the Roman comedies of Lope de Vega."
► Carmen Sanz Ayán, "Teatro y diplomacia cortesana. The III Marquis of Los Balbases or the instrumentalization of taste (1664-1679)".
► Alejandra Ulla Lorenzo, "Calderón vuelve a la Corte: estreno y fortuna escénica de El segundo Escipión".
The "Varia calderoniana" section includes four other articles:
► José Elías Gutiérrez Meza, Henrry Ibáñez Mogrovejo, "The date of composition of Calderón's Las cadenas del Demonio ."
► Carmela Mattza, "Understanding Transatlantic Cultural Mobility: For a Cross-reading of Fitón in Calderón de la Barca's El laurel de Apolo and Alonso de Ercilla's La Araucana."
► Clara Monzó Ribes, "On the date of the first known performance of La hija del aire: una revisión crítica."
► Irene Pacheco, "Romance and assonance in the German Calderón ."
The issue includes four reviews and the usual "bibliography calderoniana" section (corresponding to the year 2021).
The issue 14 of the Calderonianyearbook for the year 2021 has been coordinated by Jéssica Castro Rivas.
The Issue, under the degree scroll of "Calderón y la comedia palatina: antecedentes y proyecciones", gathers a total of twelve articles:
► Jéssica Castro Rivas, "On the origins of palatine comedy: the Tragicomedy Don Duardos by Gil Vicente."
► Josefa Badía Herrera, "El tempo en las comedias palatinas: Calderón vs. Lope."
► María Angélica Solar, "Distanciamiento y comicidad en El vergonzoso en palacio de Tirso de Molina."
► Fausta Antonucci, "Modalities of palatine comedy in Calderón's dramaturgy: some coves."
► Javier Rubiera, "Consideraciones sobre la comedia palatina en relación con la "Primera" y con la "Segunda Parte" de comedias de Calderón."
► Amparo Fernández Richards, "Concealment, entanglement and comedy in Calderón's El galán fantasma."
► Verónica Casais Vila, "The interpretation of gender in Palatine comedy: transvestism in Las manos blancas no ofenden."
► Ariel Núñez Sepúlveda, "The metatheatrical construction of Calderón's Las manos blancas no ofenden ."
► Delia Gavela García, "The treatment of friendship and power in Calderón's Amigo, amante y leal, versus other Palatine comedies."
► Alberto Gutiérrez Gil, "The palatine comedy conquers the Calderonian generation: the case of Antonio Enríquez Gómez."
► Elena Martínez Carro, "Hacia un corpus lingüístico del gracioso moretiano en las comedias palatinas."
► Blanca Oteiza, "Strategies of amorous communication in the palatine comedy of Tirso, Calderón and Bances."
The "Varia calderoniana" section contains another five articles:
► Juan Manuel Escudero Baztán, "Adelardo López de Ayala y su versión de El alcalde de Zalamea de Calderón de la Barca."
► Agustín Gómez Gómez, "A film adaptation when cinema did not speak: Adrià Gual's El alcalde de Zalamea ( 1914)".
► Rafael González Cañal, "Difusión y fortuna escénica de El escondido y la tapada de Calderón de la Barca".
► Eszter Katona, "Calderón de la Barca in Hungary from the late 18th century to the present day."
► Alfonso de Vicente Delgado,""Otro cualquiera siendo de los de Calderón". Autos y comedias en Ávila en el siglo XVIII".
In addition, the "Notes" section contains a further contribution:
Ignacio Arellano,""Wooden Monster": clarification of a passage from Calderón's El príncipe constante".
The issue includes two reviews and the usual "bibliography calderonian"(corresponding to the year 2020).
issue 13 of the Calderonianyearbook for the year 2020 has been coordinated by Tatiana Alvarado Teodorika and Theodora Grigoriadou.
The Issue, under the degree scroll de "Calderón and the Hellenic imprint in the theater of the Golden Age."The book brings together a total of nine articles:
► Juan Bris García, "Hellenic legends and myths in the interpolationofthe Tragicomedy of Calisto and Melibea."
► Ysla Campbell, "The Myth of Theseus in The Labyrinth of Crete and Lope de Vega's Women Without Men."
► Roberta Alviti, "Rojas Zorrilla between classicism and originality: the case of Los encantos de Medea."
► Luis González Fernández, "Sátiros y otros seres velludos en el teatro áureo: La casa de los celos by Cervantes, Las Batuecas del Duque de Alba by Lope de Vega and El nuevo mundo descubierto en Castilla by Matos Fragoso."
► Alberto Gutiérrez Gil, "Greek philosophers in the dramaturgy of Fernando de Zárate".
► Santiago Fernández Mosquera, "Power and theater in Calderón's mythological comedies: the poet's strategy."
► María J. Ortega Máñez, "Platonic Echoes in Calderón's Aesthetics."
► Irene M. Weiss, "Hercules in the Garden of the Hesperides: recreating the myth in Fieras afemina amor."
► Erik Coenen, "Álvaro Ibáñez Chacón and Francisco José Sánchez's edition of the comedy El Polifemo, or Polyphemus and Circe."
The "Varia calderoniana" section contains another seven articles:
► Frederick de Armas, "Echoes and rewritings of Calderón in Ana Caro's El conde Partinuplés: La gran Cenobia, La dama duende and La vida es sueño."
► Marta place Velasco, "Calderón in Lithuania. Life is a dream of the stage director Gintaras Varnas."
► Davinia Rodríguez Ortega, "The autograph manuscript of Calderón's auto sacramental El divino cazador."
► Antonio Sánchez Jiménez, "Metrical peculiarities of Calderón's non-dramatic poetry: accentual displacements."
► Tim Vergeer, "Recasting a comedia by Pedro Calderón de la Barca. Parallel Adaptations of El mayor encanto, amor in Brussels and Amsterdam, c. 1670."
► Marc Vitse, "Juan de Mendoza y Leonor de Silva: a vueltas con la ubicación taxonómica de No hay cosa como callar de Calderón."
► Rafael Zafra, "La verdadera efigie de don Pedro Calderón de la Barca"(The true effigy of don Pedro Calderón de la Barca).
The issue includes the usual "bibliography calderonian"(for the year 2019), plus a news item and six reviews.
Index | Abstracts | bibliography calderoniana
issue 12 of yearbook Calderoniano for the year 2019 has been coordinated by Ignacio Arellano.
The Issue, under the degree scroll of "Calderón y el auto sacramental", gathers a total of eleven articles:
►Ignacio Arellano, "Mythologies and mythical spaces in Calderón's autos."
►Enrica Cancelliere, "Calderón'snew palace of the Retiro : the Baroque as analysis situs of the cosmos."
►Françoise Gilbert, "Heavenly Jerusalem and eschatological realm in Calderón's play El nuevo palacio del Retiro (1634): the aftermath of the messianic civil service examination ."
►A. Robert Lauer, "The use of the syllable in 18 of Calderón's autos sacramentales: three modalities."
►Valentina Nider, "La comicidad en los autos de Calderón: algunas reflexiones."
►Fernando Plata Parga, "The car La vida es sueño on stage: 1673-2019."
►Victoriano Roncero, "El valido "encubierto": don Luis de Haro y Calderón".
►Enrique Rull, "La despedida del barco en los autos de Calderón."
►Christoph Strosetzki, "The senses in Calderón's autos sacramentales."
►Ana Suárez Miramón, "La voz de la Inocencia en el design del mundo" (The voice of innocence in the of the world).
►Manfred Tietz, "A reflection from cultural history: the auto sacramental bridge between two cultures?"
Plus the Varia calderoniana section:
►Paula Casariego Castiñeira, "Study of the autograph manuscript of Muerte, juicio, infierno y gloria. Del infierno. speech tercero, by Calderón de la Barca."
►Erik Coenen, "Five problems with the text of Life is a Dream."
►Simon Kroll, "The poetic construction of the Calderonian character: on assonance in ó-o in Calderón."
It also includes the usual section on bibliography calderoniana.
Index | Abstracts | bibliography calderoniana
The issue 11 of yearbook Calderoniano corresponding to the year 2018 has been coordinated by Juan Manuel Escudero Baztán.
The Issue, under the degree scroll of "Calderón and the projection of his poetics", gathers a total of twelve articles:
►Sergio Adillo Rufo, "The influence of Grotowski's The Constant Prince on the staging of Calderón in Spain."
►María Carbajo Lago, "Amado y aborrecido: la edición de Juan de Vera Tassis y su modus operandi."
►Francisco Domínguez Matito, "Scenography for La hidalga del valle: un auto a la sazón".
►Deborah Forteza, "Beasts, Harpies and Medeas: Tudor Representations in Lope and Calderón."
►Víctor García Ruiz, "From the Great Theater of Spain: Calderón, the history of theater and the nationalist utopia in 1940."
►David Hildner, "Calderonian grammars: at the intersection of language and entanglement."
►Rebeca Lázaro Niso, "For the theatrical billboard of Calderón's autos sacramentales in the 18th century."
►Carlos Mackenzie Rebollo, "Las silvas como medio expresivo en pasajes marítimos de los autos de Calderón de la Barca."
►María Josefa Martínez López, "A minor goddess of violence in Calderón: Circe in El mayor encanto, amor."
►Olivia Nieto Yusta, "José Manuel Castanheira and the scenic space as microgeography in El alcalde de Zalamea ( 2000), a staging by the Compañía Nacional de Teatro Clásico."
►Oleksandr Pronkevich, "Calderón de la Barca in the Ukrainian reception".
►Javier Rodríguez Molina, "Alcañomías y buxetas de perro: observaciones léxicas a un verso de Calderón (Amar después de la muerte)."
In addition, the usual sections of Reviews and bibliography calderoniana are added.
The Issue Extra 2 of the yearbook Calderoniano corresponding to the year 2017 has been coordinated by Alberto Romero Ferrer and Juan Manuel Escudero Baztán.
The monograph, under the title "La querella calderoniana", degree scroll , brings together a total of five articles plus a section on "Varia calderoniana" and "Reseñas".
The "Calderonian quarrel".
►Marieta Cantos Casenave, "Presencia del teatro calderoniano en la escena gaditana (1803-1813)."
►Laura Hernández González, "A disfigured genius: Calderón de la Barca during Franco's regime".
►Carlos Mata Induráin, "Calderón, romantic dramatic character: Don Pedro Calderón (1867) by Patricio de la Escosura."
►María José Rodríguez Sánchez de León, "Calderón's canonical readings in the first half of the 19th century."
►Alberto Romero Ferrer, "Observations on the reception of Calderón's theater in Marchena's criticism: the antithesis of the "querella calderoniana"?"
Varia calderoniana
►Jéssica Castro Rivas, ""Responderá aquel que tiene / el más perfecto color": las disputationes de colores en el teatro de Calderón de la Barca" (He who has / the most perfect color will respond: the disputations of colors in Calderón de la Barca's theater)."
►Juan Manuel Escudero Baztán, "De tiranas y reinas. Some models of female violence of power in Calderón."
►Enrique García Santo-Tomás, "Luis Pérez el gallego: historia, sátira, biopolítica".
►José Elías Gutiérrez Meza, "La leyenda de santo Tomás el Apóstol en La aurora en Copacabana y sus fuentes."
►Victoriano Roncero López, ""Al hombre, que es su valido / y que su privado es": el privado en los autos sacramentales de Lope y Calderón" (To the man, who is his valido / and that his private is: the private in the autos sacramentales of Lope and Calderón)."
►Alejandra Ulla Lorenzo, "La Loa del juego de la pelota en el contexto de los autos sacramentales calderonianos: historia textual y fortuna escénica."
Indexes | Abstracts | bibliography calderoniana
The 2017 edition of issue 10 of the Calderonian yearbook was coordinated by Wolfram Aichinger, Simon Kroll and Wolfram Nitsch.
The Issue, under the degree scroll of "La comedia cómica de Calderón", gathers a total of fifteen articles:
►WolframAichinger, ""True and Feigned Roles" in "Night Farces. Calderón's most Calderonian moments."
►FaustaAntonucci, "Brothers and sisters in contention in Calderón's comic comedies (with a look towards Lope)."
►IsaacBenabu, "Observations on the dramatic genre: the closing and the opening of The Devotion of the Cross."
►ErikCoenen, "External Functions in Calderonian Comedies of Entanglement."
►RobertFolger, "Calderón and the 'comic mind' of his time: the example of The Pretended Astrologer."
►SimonKroll, "The ambiguous games of acaso in Worse is that it was and Better is that it was."
►RebecaLázaro Niso, "La comicidad de un enredo: Con quien vengo, vengo, de Calderón de la Barca."
►WolframNitsch, "La cueva de Madrid. Magic and stage machinery in La dama duende."
►RominaIrene Palacios Espinoza, "Spatial strategies of comedy in the comedy of cape and sword of Calderon."
►FelipeB. Pedraza Jiménez, "The tragic and the comic mixed in Calderón's amatory pieces."
►MaríaJ. Ortega Máñez, "En torno a la idea de juego a partir de dos escenas de Calderón."
►FernandoRodríguez-Gallego, "La tentación de lo serio: a purpose de El astrólogo fingido."
►AdriánJ. Sáez, "Game of thrones: power disputes in Calderón's comedy".
►AntonioSánchez Jiménez, "La mina que revienta en la comedia cómica de Calderón: el caso de Primero soy yo."
►GermánVega García-Luengos, ""Yo seré de romance y diré 'Escucha'". Metatheatrical comments on 'relationships' in Calderón."
In addition, the usual sections of Reviews and bibliography calderoniana are added.
Indexes | Abstracts | bibliography calderoniana
The issue 9 of the yearbook Calderoniano corresponding to the year 2016 has been coordinated by Oleksandr Pronkevich and Juan Manuel Escudero Baztán. The Issue brings together a total of 11 articles distributed in two sections. The first section of articles groups, under the degree scroll of "Calderón in contemporary visual arts", six works:
►HoracioAcevedo González, "La vida es sueño en televisión o de un auto sacramental sin sacramento."
►ConxitaDomènech, "The reinvention of La dama duende: from Spanish comedy to Argentine exile film".
►JorgeLatorre and Oleksandr Pronkevich, "Audiovisual Neobaroque. A hermeneutics of report of appearances: Raúl Ruiz's La vida es sueño."
►EmmanuelMarigno, "Calderón's great theater of the world, in the illustrations of Andrés Barajas (1986)."
The Issue also has five other works in the Articles section:
►MaríaJ. Caamaño Rojo, "In Calderón's writing workshop: the BNE manuscript Res-79."
►JuanManuel Escudero Baztán, "Fuego de Dios en el querer bien: de Calderón a Bretón de los Herreros."
►MaríaIsabel Rodríguez Romera, "Jardines duplicados en las comedias mitológicas de Calderón."
►VictorianoRoncero, "Female conflicts of power: rival ladies in three comedies of cloak and sword by Calderón."
►CatarinaValdés Pozueco, "Commutative justice in Calderón and his solution to adultery: uxoricide or pardon."
In addition, the usual sections of Reviews and bibliography calderoniana are added.
Indexes | Abstracts | bibliography calderoniana
The issue 8 of the Calderonian yearbook for the year 2015 has been coordinated by Wolfram Aichinger and Simon Kroll. The Issue brings together a total of 19 articles distributed in two sections.
The first section of articles groups together eleven works under degree scroll "Calderón en su laboratory". The issue is completed with a "Varia calderoniana" which brings together eight more works.
In addition, the usual sections of Reviews and bibliography calderoniana are added.
Wolfram Aichinger
"Thought dressed as madman. Writing and Inspiration in the Works of Calderón".
Paula Casariego Castiñeira
"Processes of composition in the autograph folios of Cada uno para sí".
Erik Coenen
"The process of revision in Calderón, seen through his autograph comedies".
Margaret R. Greer
"Calderón on his laboratory: the evidence of annotated shortcuts and repartee".
María Luisa Tobar
"The manuscripts of Hado y divisa de Leonido y de Marfisa de Calderón".
Varia calderoniana
Indexes | abstracts | bibliography calderoniana
issue 7 of yearbook Calderoniano corresponding to the year 2014 has been coordinated by Juan Manuel Escudero. Under the title degree scroll "Calderón: textos, mitos y representaciones" it brings together the following articles:
The extraordinary issue of Acal that is presented here brings together a series of articles that function as an updated state of the art on the Calderonian fiestas, as well as incorporating the main lines of research that are being carried out in this field of the theatrical programs of study of the Golden Age.
The contributions offered here are some of those presented at the congress Fiestas calderonianas y comedias de espectáculo en el Siglo de Oro, organised by the group de research Calderón and the GRISO, which took place at the University of Santiago de Compostela on 27, 28 and 29 September 2012. The Compostela academic meeting , which brought together the most significant international specialists in the field of the study of courtly festivals, was born with the goal to create, for three days, a place of discussion around various issues related to the festivals and comedies of spectacle of Calderón de la Barca, with special attention to the mythological genre, forgotten by critics until the eighties of the twentieth century. Its recovery for the field of Calderón's programs of study came at the hands of authors of the stature of John H. Elliott, Margaret R. Greer and Frederick de Armas, whom we had the honour of listening to during a roundtable focused on the meaning of Calderón's festivals. The recording of the interesting and fruitful discussion that took place in this session at congress, which was also attended by Marcella Trambaioli, Maria Grazia Profeti and Santiago Fernández Mosquera, is now offered to the reader on the CD that accompanies and complements the articles reviewed.
programs of study
Indexes | abstracts | bibliography calderoniana
The issue de Acal presented here brings together a series of articles devoted to the cloak-and-sword genre. Among others, the contributions establish direct relations between the cloak-and-sword comedy and the mythological festival (Fernández Mosquera), study the "perfect mathematics" applied by the golden dramatist in the construction of the genre (Iglesias Feijoo and Hernando Morata) or analyse the presence of elements of the cloak-and-sword comedy in Calderón's hagiographic comedies (Rubiera).
The job index of Issue is as follows:
programs of study
261 |
267 |
275 |
279 |
283 |
289 |
293 |
299 |
309 |
321 |
Indexes | abstracts | bibliography calderoniana
The Issue presents a new approach of research calderonian: the application of virtual reality concepts to the work of the golden playwright. The basic idea that unites the various contributions is that some central paradigms of 17th century Baroque culture (life as a dream, the complexity and interrelation of sociocultural life, etc.) reappear, albeit in a modified form, in the information society of the 21st century. Within this general framework , specific contributions stand out that, among others, develop their own theory of Calderonian virtuality (Juan Luis Suárez, "Para una teoría de la realidad virtual en Calderón") or unify the cultural perceptions of both epochs by ideas from cognitive science (Margaret Greer, "Mirror, Neurons, Theatrical Mirrors and the Honor Code").
programs of study
265 |
269 |
275 |
281 |
285 |
289 |
295 |
301 |
307 |
315 |
319 |
355 |
Indexes | abstracts | bibliography calderoniana
The present Issue of the yearbook Calderoniano, coordinated by Ignacio Arellano and Juan Manuel Escudero, gathers works of very different origin. Most of them are critical contributions on two well-differentiated Calderonian areas.
The first is closely related to his autos sacramentales. And different contributions discussed at the International congress , held in Pamplona on 16 and 17 December 2010, are published in this issue : "Ingenio, teología y drama en los autos de Calderón", organised by the GRISO of the University of Navarra in the framework of the project of autos sacramentales financed by the Subdirección General de Proyectos de research (FFI2008-02319/FILO), co-financed by the FEDER, and which also had the sponsorship of TC-12, Programa Consolider-Ingenio 2010, CSD2009-00033, del Plan Nacional de research Científica, development e Innovación Tecnológica.
The second area is that other, more profane world of Calderon: that of his comedies and tragedies. Here are collected part of the interventions that the most renowned specialists in the Hispanic field were able to contribute in the seminar Calderonian organized by the GIC (group de research Calderoniana) of the University of Santiago de Compostela under the direction of Luis Iglesias Feijoo and Santiago Fernández Mosquera, which was held in mid-June 2010.
The issue 3 of the yearbook Calderoniano is the result of a new partnership between the GRISO of the University of Navarra and the School of Letters of the University of Milan. On this occasion, the Issue condenses the most significant contributions that were presented at the colloquium Another Calderón (Milan, February 3-5, 2010).
This yearbookcoordinated by Alessandro Cassol and Juan Manuel Escudero, was also conceived as a tribute to Maria Teresa Cattaneo.
This issue 2 of the yearbook Calderoniano brings together a total of thirteen works by some of the best specialists on Pedro Calderón de la Barca: Ignacio Arellano, Antonio Carreño Rodríguez, Frederick A. de Armas, Manuel Delgado Morales, Brent W. Devos, Juan Manuel Escudero, Judith Farré, Víctor García Ruiz, Margaret R. Greer, Ana Lorena Leija, Francisco Javier López-Martín, Enrique Rull and Robert D. Worley, Jr.
The issue also includes a section of reviews.
Promoted by the GRISO of the University of Navarra, in conjunction with the group Calderón de la Barca of the University of Santiago de Compostela and with the sponsorship of the Centro para la Edición de los Clásicos Españoles (CECE), the yearbook Calderoniano is born with the guarantee and scientific backing provided by the members of its committee advisor and has the management publishing house carried out by the publishing house Iberoamericana/Vervuert.
This is a business open to all scholars, without exclusion of critical schools or limitation of perspectives or approaches. It will be guided only by the rigour of the works it contains and seeks to serve as a place of meeting for Calderonists of all origins, who will find in its pages a forum in which to discover where the paths of the Calderonian research are leading.
That is our wish, that is our hope, that is our commitment.
Ignacio Arellano, GRISO-University of Navarra, Spain
Luis Iglesias Feijoo, University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain
Deputy Director
Santiago Fernández Mosquera, University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain
coordinatorpublishing house
Carlos Mata Induráin, GRISO-University of Navarra, Spain
administrative assistantgeneral
Mariela Insúa Cereceda, GRISO-University of Navarra, Spain
committee publishing house
Kim Choon Jin, Korea University, Korea
Ann L. Mackenzie, University of Glasgow, UK
Susana Hernández Araico, California State Polytechnic International University, USA
Alan K. G. Paterson, University of St. Andrews, United Kingdom
Evangelina Rodríguez Cuadros, University of Valencia, Spain
José María Ruano de la Haza, University of Ottawa, Canada
Lygia Rodrigues Vianna Peres, Universidade Federal Fluminense-UFF, Brazil
Vidas Siliunas, high schoolMoscow Art Theory, Russian Federation
International Advisory Board
Wolfram Aichinger, University of Vienna, Austria
Fausta Antonucci, University of Rome, 3, Italy
Ignacio D. Arellano-Torres, State University of New York at Stony Brook, USA
Ursula Aszyck, University of Warsaw, Poland
Beata Baczynska, University of Wroclaw, Poland
Cerstin Bauer-Funke, University of Münster, Germany
Bernard Bentley, University of St. Andrews, UK
Esther Borrego, Complutense University of Madrid, Spain
María Caamaño, University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain
Enrica Cancelliere, University of Palermo, Italy
Jéssica Castro, University of Chile, Chile
Erik Coenen, Complutense University of Madrid, Spain
Antonio Cortijo, University of Santa Barbara, USA
Christophe Couderc, University of Paris-Ouest Nanterre La Défense, France
Frederick de Armas, University of Chicago
Manuel Delgado, Bucknell University, USA
José María Díez Borque, Complutense University of Madrid, Spain
Aurora Egido, University of Zaragoza, Spain
Juan Manuel Escudero Baztán, University of La Rioja, Spain
Teresa Ferrer, University of Valencia, Spain
Edward H. Friedman, Vanderbilt University, USA
Luciano García Lorenzo, CSIC, Madrid, Spain
Alejandro Garcia-Reidy, Syracuse University, USA
Celsa Carmen García Valdés, University of Navarra-GRISO, Spain
Françoise Gilbert, University of Toulouse-Le Mirail, France
Rafael González Cañal, University of Castilla-La Mancha, Spain
Aurelio González, El high school de México, México
Agustín de la Granja, University of Granada, Spain
Margaret Greer, Duke University, USA
Arnulfo Herrera, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico
Simon Kroll, University of Vienna, Austria
A. Robert Lauer, University of Oklahoma, USA
María Luisa Lobato, University of Burgos, Spain
Jesús G. Maestro, University of Vigo, Spain
Vibha Maurya, University of Delhi, India
José Montero Reguera, University of Vigo, Spain
Ciriaco Morón Arroyo, Cornell University, USA
Sebastian Neumeister, Free University of Berlin, Germany
Valentina Nider, Università degli Studi di Trento, Italy
Yolanda Novo Villaverde, University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain
Thomas A. O'Connor, Binghamton University, USA
Joan Oleza, University of Valencia, Spain
Blanca Oteiza, University of Navarra, Spain
Enrico Di Pastena, Università di Pisa
Felipe Pedraza, University of Castilla-La Mancha, Spain
Gerhard Poppenberg, University of Heidelberg, Germany
framework Presotto, Ca'Foscari University of Venice, Italy
Maria Grazia Profeti, University of Florence, Italy
Eva Reichenberger, publishing house Reichenberger, Germany
Robin Ann Rice, Universidad Popular Autónoma del Estado de Puebla, Mexico
Francisco Rico, Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain
Fernando Rodríguez-Gallego, Universitat de les Illes Balears, Spain
Victoriano Roncero López, SUNY at Stony Brook, USA
Javier Rubiera, University of Montréal, Canada
Enrique Rull, UNED-Madrid, Spain
Kazimierz Sabik, University of Warsaw, Poland
Guillermo Serés, Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain
Antonio Serrano, conference de Teatro, Almería, Spain
Christoph Strosetzki, University of Münster, Germany
Juan Luis Suárez, University of Western Ontario, Canada
Henry Sullivan, Tulane University, USA
Jonathan Thacker, University of Oxford, United Kingdom
Manfred Tietz, University of Bochum, Germany
Marcella Trambaioli, Università degli Studi del Piemonte Orientale, Italy
Alejandra Ulla Lorenzo, University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain
Miren Usunáriz Iribertegui, University of Navarra, Spain
Germán Vega García-Luengos, University of Valladolid, Spain
Martina Vinatea, Universidad del Pacífico, Peru
Marc Vitse, University of Toulouse-Le Mirail, France
Lillian von der Walde Moheno, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Iztapalapa, Mexico
Bibliographic section
Isabel Hernando Morata, Università di Verona, Italy
Lavinia Barone, University of Palermo, Italy