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Autos sacramentales completos de Calderón de la Barca tit+foto

Complete Sacramental Plays by Calderón de la Barca

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Autos sacramentales completos de Calderón de la Barca

Complete Sacramental Plays by Calderón de la BarcaIn the year 1992 the GREY started the project of edit the corpus sacramental calderonianumThe project is made up of some 80 works. Throughout these years this line of research has obtained numerous projects in public calls for proposals and has resulted in result in the publication of a high issue of publicationsamong editions of autos sacramentales, programs of study and monographs. Some twenty researchers linked to the GRISO have collaborated in this long-running project, as well as various calderonists from all over the world. 


The fundamental goal of this project consists of recovering Calderon's sacramental corpus, editing the approximately 80 plays by this playwright in which artistic, religious and scenographic elements, music, poetry, history, mythology, plastic arts (painting, sculpture, stage engineering), religious doctrine and political commitment are fused.

The more than 70 works rigorously edited to date by an international team of specialists are characterised by the provision of new textual material, including facsimiles of Calderonian autographs, the complete apparatus of variants, an exhaustive philological annotation, with abundant dramatic, theological and literary references. In addition, in certain cases, we have opted for the edition of double versions that allow us to examine the process of the Calderonian rewriting or the modifications in the subsequent reception, such as the corral performances. Other critical instruments have been added to the editions of the autos, such as bibliographical repertoires and dictionaries, as well as programs of study focusing on aspects such as music, memories of appearances or the concept of representation, etc.

These are the institutional projects obtained by the GRISO in public calls in the framework of the project edition of the complete autos sacramentales by Pedro Calderón de la Barca:

  • "Autos sacramentales completos de Calderón. Critical edition". Final phase. researcher principal: Ignacio Arellano. Start date - end date: 1 January 2012 - 31 December 2014 (three years). Funding entity: Ministry of Economics and Competitiveness, Government of Spain. General Administration of research and management of the National Plan of research and development+I. Sub-programme for Fundamental research Projects (FFI2011-26695).

  • FFI2010-10859. colloquium International Ingenuity, theology and drama in Calderón's autos, "Subprograma de Acciones Complementarias a proyectos de research fundamental no orientada" (Convocatoria 2010) of the Ministry of Science and Innovation.

  • "Patrimonio teatral clásico español. Texts and instruments from research (TECE-TEI) "researcher main team GRISO: Ignacio Arellano. coordinator of the global project : Joan Oleza. Start date - end date: 1 January 2010 - 1 January 2015. Funding entity: CONSOLIDER Programme, Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation. project TECE-TEI, CSD 2009-00033.

  • "Autos sacramentales completos de Calderón. Critical edition". Continuation. researcher principal: Ignacio Arellano. Start date - end date: 1 January 2009 - 1 January 2011. Funding entity: General Administration of research (FFI2008-02319), co-financed by the ERDF.

  • "Edición crítica de los autos sacramentales completos de Calderón". Continued. researcher principal: Ignacio Arellano. Start date - end date: 27 December 2005 - 27 December 2007. Funding entity: Government of Navarre. Projects of research of interest for Navarre, call for proposals 2005.

  • "Autos sacramentales completos de Calderón. Critical edition". Continued. researcher principal: Ignacio Arellano. Start date - end date: 6 August 2004 - 6 August 2007. Funding entity: General Administration de research (HUM2004-03648/FILO), co-funded by the ERDF.

  • "Edición crítica de los autos sacramentales completos de Calderón". Continued. researcher principal: Ignacio Arellano. Start date - end date: 27 December 2001- 27 December 2003. Funding entity: Government of Navarre. Projects of research of interest for Navarre, call for proposals 2001. Regional Order 294/2001.

  • "Critical edition of the complete autos sacramentales by Pedro Calderón de la Barca". Continued. researcher principal: Ignacio Arellano. Start date - end date: 19 December 2000 - 19 December 2003. Funding entity: General Administration de research. BFF 2000-0400.

  • "Critical edition of the complete autos sacramentales by Pedro Calderón de la Barca". Continued. researcher principal: Ignacio Arellano. Start date - end date: 1 October 1997 - 1 October 2000. Funding entity: Ministry of Education and Culture. DGI-CYT, PB96-1228.

  • "Critical edition of the complete autos sacramentales by Pedro Calderón de la Barca". Phase two. researcher principal: Ignacio Arellano. Start date - end date: 20 December 1996 - 20 December 1999. Funding entity: Government of Navarre. Basic research projects, 1996 call for proposals. Regional Order 557/1996. 

  • "Critical edition of the complete autos sacramentales by Pedro Calderón de la Barca". researcher principal: Ignacio Arellano. Start date - end date: December 1993 - December 1996. Funding entity: Government of Navarre. Basic research projects, 1993 call for applications.

  • "Critical edition of the complete autos sacramentales by Pedro Calderón de la Barca". First phase. researcher principal: Ignacio Arellano. Start date - end date: May 1993 - May 1996. Funding entity: Spanish Ministry of Education and Culture. DGICYT, PS92-0152.

  • Rodríguez, Davinia, Study and critical edition of the auto 'La semilla y la cizaña'. Director Dr. Ignacio Arellano. Date of reading: 8 August 2013.

  • Roig, Mónica, Study and critical edition of 'El pleito matrimonial'. Director Dr. Ignacio Arellano. Date of reading: 18 December 2009.

  • Illescas, Eva, Study and critical edition of the two versions of 'A tu prójimo como a ti'. Director Dr. Carmen Pinillos. Date of reading: 22 December 2006.

  • Pérez, Iñaki, Study and critical edition of 'El orden de Melquisedech'. Director Dr. Ignacio Arellano. Date of reading: 25 March 2004

  • Duarte, J. Enrique, Study and critical edition of the two versions of 'El divino Orfeo'. Director Dr. Ignacio Arellano. Date of reading: 23 May 1998.

  • Zafra, Rafael, Application of database for the study of the autos sacramentales by Calderón de la Barca. Director Dr. Ignacio Arellano. Date of reading: 3 July 1997.

  • Pinillos, Carmen, Divinas y humanas letras. Study and critical edition of 'El cordero de Isaías'. Director Dr. Ignacio Arellano. Date of reading: 14 June 1996.


congress International "El auto sacramental en el Siglo de Oro. El maestro Calderón", organised by GRISO-Universidad de Navarra, Pamplona (Spain), University of Navarra, 9-11 April 2018. 


congress International "Teatro y fiesta popular y religiosa", co-organised by GRISO-Universidad de Navarra, the Universidad del Pacífico and the high school de programs of study Auriseculares (IDEA), Cuzco (Peru), 4-7 June 2012.


congress Internacional "Ingenio, teología y drama en los autos de Calderón", organised by GRISO-Universidad de Navarra, Pamplona (Spain), University of Navarra, 16-17 December 2010.

congress International "Another Calderón", co-organised by GRISO-University of Navarra and the University of Milan, Milan (Italy), University of Milan, 3-5 February 2010.


congress Internacional "El mundo maravilloso de los autos sacramentales", organised by GRISO-Universidad de Navarra and Casa de Velázquez, Madrid (Spain), Casa de Velázquez, 21-22 November 2005.


congress Internacional "La dramaturgia de Calderón. Structures y mecanismos", organised by GRISO-Universidad de Navarra, Pamplona (Spain), University of Navarra, 13-16 December 2004.


congress International "Divinas y humanas letras. Doctrina y poesía en los autos de Calderón", organised by GRISO-University of Navarra, Pamplona.

Aplicaciones anidadas


yearbook Calderonian

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De interé

Of interest...

Arellano, I., Repertorio de motivos de los autos sacramentales de Calderón., Pamplona, Publishing Services of the University of Navarra, 2011 (BIADIG. Library Services Áurea Digital del GRISO).

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