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Obras completas de Tirso de Molina

Complete works of Tirso de Molina



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Obras completas de Tirso de Molina tex

Complete works of Tirso de Molina

The high school de programs of study Tirsianos (IET), founded in 1997, has the aim of goal to promote the development of the research on the life and work of the Mercian Tirso de Molina by holding international conferences and the critical edition of his texts. goal Since its creation, the IET has developed an ambitious project edition of Tirso de Molina's complete plays, with the aim of improving and deepening the panorama of Tirso de Molina's texts.

The IET, directed by Ignacio Arellano and whose administrative assistant is Blanca Oteiza, has prepared numerous critical and annotated editions, result of a detailed enquiry of all the existing testimonies of Tirso's works, which include a section with all the variants resulting from the collation and an apparatus of explanatory notes.

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banner Edición crítica del teatro completo de Tirso de Molina

project Critical edition of the complete theatre of Tirso de Molina

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Tirso de Molina 's theatre includes the comedias and autos contained in the five parts of his comedias (each part has 12 comedias, exceptionally the fifth has 11), in his two miscellanies(Deleitar aprovechando and Cigarrales de Toledo) and other loose comedias, which in these more than ten years are distributed in the project in two phases:

In the thirteen years of existence of high school of programs of study Tirsianos, different activities have been developed in two phases:

First phase (1997 - 2010)

The aim is to publish the five parts of the comedies, published during the author's lifetime, with the inclusion of his legal and literary preliminaries (author's prologues), which are anticipated in loose format for practical reasons. The order of publication (beginning with the Fourth and not the First Part) is justified by subject and research, as it depends on the process of obtaining the textual materials and the contributions of various members of the work team. On the other hand, the chronology of the writing of the comedies does not coincide with that of their aurisecular publication, sometimes "arbitrary", and, furthermore, there are parts of Tirso's comedies that pose complex problems and require thoughtful solutions that would have further delayed the appearance of these critical editions.

- Editions prepared: in this first phase, the EIT has published the Fourth Part and the complete autos sacramentales, as well as some comedies that are published in loose format, although they are contained in some of their parts. In total, 29 plays have been published (23 comedies and 6 autos sacramentales), the text of which can be consulted on this website and at Library Services Virtual Miguel de Cervantes.

Second phase (2010 - )

The aims of publication of Tirso's theatre have changed. The "Library Services Áurea Hispánica" (Madrid, Iberoamericana/Vervuet) now begins a new series of Tirso's complete theatre, which will follow the order of the parts in volumes of three comedies. The first volume of Part One (Doce comedias nuevas del maestro Tirso de Molina) includes, together with the corresponding preliminaries, the comedies Palabras y plumas, El pretendiente al revés El árbol del mejor fruto; it will be followed by the second volume withLa villana de Vallecas, El melancólico and El mayor desengaño; The third volume will include El castigo del penseque, Segunda parte del penseque (Quien calla otorga) and La gallega Mari Hernández, and the fourth, Tanto es lo de más como lo de menos, La celosa de sí misma and Amar por razón de estado.

This new series will thus continue the publication of his complete works, owed to the high school de programs of study Tirsianos of the University of Navarre. The EIT's publication series will include the programs of study, conference proceedings, etc. and individual editions.


The criteria for the project edition of the high school of programs of study Tirsianos are those applied by GRISO and are listed in several places:

  • I. Arellano, "Edición crítica y anotación filológica en textos del Siglo de Oro. Notas muy sueltas", in Crítica textual y anotación filológica en obras del Siglo de Oro, Madrid, Castalia, 1991, pp. 563-87.

  • I. Arellano and J. Cañedo, "Observaciones provisionales sobre la edición y anotación de textos del Siglo de Oro", in Edición y anotación de textos del Siglo de Oro, Pamplona, Eunsa, 1987, pp. 339-55.

  • Prologue by I. Arellano and Á. Cilveti to the critical edition of Calderón's El divino Jasón, Pamplona-Kassel, University of Navarra-Reichenberger, 1992, where the graphic modernisation or dispositio of the texts is justified at greater length.

  • I. Arellano, Editar a Calderón, Madrid, Iberoamericana, 2007.

These are the institutional projects obtained by the GRISO in public calls in the framework of the project edition of the complete works of Tirso de Molina:

  • "Edición crítica del teatro completo de Tirso de Molina. Fourth phase". researcher principal: Blanca Oteiza. Start date - end date: January 2014-June 2017. Funding entity: Ministry of Economics, Industry and Competitiveness (FFI2013-48549-P).

  • "Patrimonio teatral clásico español. Texts and instruments from research (TECE-TEI)". researcher main team GRISO: Ignacio Arellano. coordinator of the global project : Joan Oleza. Start date - end date: 1 January 2010 - 1 January 2015. Funding entity: CONSOLIDER Programme, Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation. project TECE-TEI, CSD 2009-00033.

  • "Edición crítica del teatro completo de Tirso de Molina. Third phase". researcher principal: Blanca Oteiza. Start date - end date: 2011 - 2013. Funding entity: Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (FFI2010-18619).

  • "Edición crítica del teatro completo de Tirso de Molina. Second phase". researcher principal: Blanca Oteiza. Start date - end date: 2006 - 2009. Funding entity: Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (HUM2006-04363).

  • "Edición crítica del teatro de Tirso de Molina". researcher principal: Blanca Oteiza. Start date - end date: 2002 - 2005. Funding entity: Ministry of Science and Technology (BFF2002-01305).

  • congress International "La Santa Juana y el mundo de lo sagrado en el teatro", co-organised by the high school de programs of study Tirsianos del GRISO of the University of Navarra, and the high school Spanish y Leonés de la language, El Burgo de Osma (Soria), 4 and 5 August 2016. [Poster] [Programme].

  • congress International "Tirso de Molina: prosas y versos", co-organised by the high school de programs of study Tirsianos del GRISO of the University of Navarra, the Laboratoire de l'Arc Atlantique LLCAA (EA 1925) of the Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour and the high school de programs of study Auriseculares (IDEA), Corella (Navarra, Spain), 4 and 5 September 2014. [poster] [programme] [programme

  • congress International "Great inventor of chimeras. Los mundos dramáticos de Tirso de Molina", organised by the high school de programs of study Tirsianos del GRISO-Universidad de Navarra, the Foundation high school Spanish y Leonés de la language and the Chair Internacional Alfonso VIII, Almazán - Soria, 4 - 6 October 2006. conference proceedings Great inventor of chimeras. Los mundos dramáticos de Tirso de Molina, Burgos, high school Spanish y Leonés de la language, 2008.

  • congress International "Tirso de Molina, his time and influences", organised by the GRISO - University of Navarra and the Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk of the University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, 10 - 11 May 2006. conference proceedings Tirso, escuela de discreción, ed. E. Galar and B. Oteiza. Oteiza, Madrid-Pamplona, high school de programs of study Tirsianos, 2007.

  • "Tirso de Molina", directed by Ignacio Arellano and organised by the GRISO, the Fundación high school de la language castellana y leonesa and the Universidad Internacional Alfonso VIII - Diputación de Soria, Soria, 11 - 13 February 2004. conference proceedings Ramillete de los gustos: burlas y veras en Tirso de Molina (conference proceedings del congress Internacional "Tirso de Molina", Soria, 11 - 13 February 2004), ed. I. Arellano, Burgos, high school Spanish y Leonés de la language, 2005.

  • "La comedia palatina de Tirso", directed by Blanca Oteiza and held at the Monasterio de la Merced in Poyo (Pontevedra) from 4 to 5 June 2003. conference proceedings The sustenance of the discreet. La dramaturgia áulica de Tirso de Molina, ed. E. Galar and B. Oteiza. Oteiza, Madrid-Pamplona, high school de programs of study Tirsianos, 2003.

  • "Tirso de Molina. Texts and Intertexts", organised by the Dipartimento di Lingue e Letterature Straniere of the University of Parma and the GRISO - University of Parma, co-directed by Laura Dolfi and Blanca Oteiza, University of Parma. conference proceedings Tirso de Molina: textos e Intertextos, ed. L. Dolfi and E. Galar, Madrid-Pamplona, high school de programs of study Tirsianos, 2001.

  • "Tirso de Molina y El burlador de Sevilla", organised by the GRISO - University of Navarra and the Centro para la Edición de Clásicos Españoles, co-directed by Ignacio Arellano and Francisco Rico. conference proceedings Varia lección de Tirso de Molina, ed. I. Arellano and B. Oteiza. Oteiza, Madrid-Pamplona, high school de programs of study Tirsianos, 1999.

  • congress El ingenio cómico de Tirso de Molina", Pamplona, University of Navarra, 27-29 April 1998. 

  • "Tirso de Molina: del Siglo de Oro al siglo XX". conference proceedings Tirso de Molina: del Siglo del Oro al Siglo XX, ed. I. Arellano, B. Oteiza, M. C. Pinillos and M. Zugasti, Madrid, Revista programs of study, 1995.