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Students of the School of Architecture

The International Office of the School of Architecture promotes the agreements of exchange with universities abroad to facilitate the mobility of the students during their stay at the University. The exchange programs are semester programs with a duration of 4 to 6 months. 

The exchange experience allows the student to train professionally and personally to work in a global environment, meeting some of the best universities, immersing themselves in other cultures and improving their foreign language knowledge . The exchange is an opportunity for the students of the School. Therefore, there are general conditions to be eligible for this experience abroad.


  • Degree at programs of study of Architecture: 2nd semester of 4th year.

  • Degree at design: 2nd semester of 3rd year.

  1. Not to be enrolled in any subject of lower courses in the course of the application of the place of exchange.

  2. Accredit the level of language and grade average required, depending on the destination.

  3. Pass all the subjects of the current course during the application of exchange.

  4. attend to the informative meeting , held in October.

  5. Perform the application within the established period.

  6. Not having previously benefited from a financial aid for the same purpose on framework of the Erasmus + programme.

There is a destination for everyone student, not every destination is for everyone. It is therefore advisable to look carefully for the best destination that meets your interests. Keep in mind when choosing your preferred destinations:

  • The grade average required by the host university, if you don't have the grade look for another option.

  • The language necessary to study your programs of study abroad. Each university requires a certificate of language with a specific score . It is important that you have sufficient proficiency to be able to take your programs of study at that language.

The cost of a stay of programs of study abroad varies from many factors, which should be kept in mind when choosing the destination: 

  • Location: the cost of living in the country, whether it is a big or small city, the cost of flights, public transport...

  • accommodation: some accommodation options are cheaper than others.

  • Activities: participating in extracurricular activities or activities offered in the city is more affordable than travelling during free time. In addition, it enhances the knowledge of the local culture and makes more contacts in the university and city.

Regarding the financing of exchange, there is financial aid that depends on the destination and duration. Stays in European universities within the Erasmus+ programme have a financial aid known as scholarship Erasmus. The University informs and manages only the scholarship Erasmus

There are other aid options in banks, autonomous communities... that each student should be informed about. All those students who carry out stays outside Europe, will only be able to access this subject of complementary aids. 

A programs of study stay abroad does not imply any additional expense of enrollment. The enrollment is done at the University of Navarra, not at host university.

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