Ruta de navegación



Student participation in the governance of the School takes place through the Course committee , which is elected by vote at the beginning of each year academic year.

Functions of committee:

  • Act as an interlocutor between the students, the coordinator of the course and the board School's Board of Directors

  • Organising of Cultural Activities Office, academic and sporting events.

  • Representing students.

Students interested in making a proposal, complaint or suggestion, can send it by e-mail:


Representatives 24-25

Aplicaciones anidadas


Architecture Representatives

Delegate: Cedric González Garrido

Deputy Delegate: Pedro José Vélez Puerta

Board Members: Pablo Vázquez Santa María, Rodrigo Armesto Núñez, Javier Eugenio Marfil León, Lucía Aranda López

Delegate: Nicolás Marcos Riego

Subdelegate: Martina Abaitua Bajo

Board Members: Jorge Martínez Rivera, Blanca Pérez Alonso, Álvaro Osorio de Rebellón Moreno, Pablo García Santos, Fernando González Castañeda

Delegate: Calista Blanca Vizcay Chapero

Subdelegate: Alessia Mantilla

Board Members: Diego González Zetina, Clara Lucini Piazza, Gonzalo García De la Garza, Teresa Achaerandio Ezquerra, Elena María Schmidt

Delegate: Amaya Acarregui Padilla

Subdelegate: Uxue Huarte Jiménez

Board Members: Nerea Arenaz Menchón, Sidney Voit de la Piedra, Natalia López Calzado, Pablo Arenas Palancares, María Fernández Sangil, Michelle Paulet Delgado

Delegate: Juan Rueda

Deputy: Fátima Bosch

Board Members: Sofía Díaz Castillero, Nerea Rogel Portugal, Ane Monasterio Urdániz


Representatives of design

Delegate: Pablo Aguilar Torres

Subdelegate: Sebastián Cosío Mendoza

Board Members: Carlota Hernández Pérez, Francisco Javier Herráez, Franco Zogbi Gutiérrez

Delegate: Marian Cots Corrales

Subdelegate: Tomás Vera Urdaneta

Board Members: Candela Paredes Méndez, Carmen Trancho Villegas, Maria Fernández González, Maria Guitart Godino

Delegate: Ana Margarita Ucero

Subdelegate: Alexia Iraizoz Sabalza

Board members: Bibiana Morales Guillemot, Marcela Fernanda Novoa Carpio, María de los Ángeles Ventura Vargas

Delegate: Andrew Cavanagh

Deputy Delegate: Cristina Herrero Arteaga

Board Members: Inés Alonso de Velasco Palou, Martha Lamadrid, June Delgado Apellániz, Lourdes Guerra Carrillo